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Everything posted by brandonbee48

  1. Perfect night for speedway. Good crowd too. Let's hope the racing is good as i dragged myself away from the women's world cup Hi everyone. Alan.
  2. Västervik - Vargarna tv meeting. Västervik 1.Sebastian Ulamek 2.Tomasz Jedrzejak 3.Chris Harris 4.Nikolai Klindt 5.Peter Ljungr 6.Pontus Aspgren 7.Rafal Okoniewski Vargarna 1.Nicki Pedersen 2.Lee Richardson 3.Adrian Miedzinski 4.Michal Szczepaniak 5.Krzysztof Kasprzak 6.Viktor Bergström 7.Kim Nilsson There you go ! Regards. Alan.
  3. Thanks for posting this. Always appreciate your's and Anders postings. Is Bjerre now added to the list of riders owed money by Lejonen? I know this is not the first time riders have not got paid, nor will it be the last, but stiffing anyone for work already done rankles me. But speedway riders are risking life and limb every time they go out on the track to entertain us. They can NEVER be paid enough and to let them go out and then not pay them verges on the criminal to me. Rant over! I look forward to joining you all later. Kindest regards. Alan.
  4. http://translate.googleusercontent.com/translate_c?hl=en&ie=UTF8&rurl=translate.google.com&sl=auto&tl=en&u=http://www.sportowefakty.pl/zuzel/&usg=ALkJrhjivh5AYCRQJTEv3t7mO-pDYwEx4w There. We'll get you sorted out eventually Regards. Alan.
  5. Sounds as though it MIGHT be your computer or server. The links from soccer-live all work most of the time, and i'm in the USA. What about Sweden on Tuedays? We usually post a direct link or two at the beginning of the meeting each week. Beyond that, my friend you might need a "techie" to look at your set-up. Good luck. Alan.
  6. Bye everyone. Got to get my Unoin Jack out to wave at the neighbours tomorrow Take care. Alan.
  7. He gets a bit of stick from time to time in England but i like Troy and the fans in Leszno seem to as well.
  8. Emil "the Bee" helps Bydgoszcz to a 39-51 triumph and scores a paid max and makes Mateusz happy Alan.
  9. Anders, You should know by now that the only time i am really serious is when i am toting up my bank account. Hope you are well. Alan.
  10. This is fine for me. Alan http://livemecz.com/transmisja.php?=soccer
  11. He is well known at Wimborne Rd for his reserve exploits Alan.
  12. Thanks my friend. 27-33. Getting a bit tight, but Emil will do the business
  13. With Emil "the Bee" at the helm? You are home and dry! ( Watch me get egg on my face with 4 5-1s in the last 4 heats :lol:Keep the faith. Alan.
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