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Everything posted by brandonbee48

  1. Thanks Mateusz. And by the celebration in the pits, i'm assuming that's it?
  2. In the UK yes, but in Sweden it's 8. Not sure here, but it's almost decided anyway.
  3. They all deserve a medal. How many heats for the result to stand?
  4. I have seen Bjerre accused of being a gating tart. Not on the evidence of heat 8 That took guts. Well done Kenneth.
  5. I'm amazed ( and happy) that noone has taken a tumble so far. May it continue, but awful conditions. What a shame.
  6. Well done Janowski. First genuine pass. Track (Pudding) settling down a little?
  7. Odd. Fine here in the USA. There is another one posted on page 1. Regards. Alan.
  8. And the odds on all 4 getting round the first two bends are???
  9. Anyone else have problems with Drhtv, which was always the best stream? Lately it freezes my computer. Just me or anyone else. The one i posted is fine, so no problems. 30 minutes looks optimistic to me. Is it still raining? Hard to tell. Alan.
  10. A light salad followed by the feast Good morning Pawel Hope you are well. Alan.
  11. Any of our Polish friends tell us what they are saying? Regards. Alan.
  12. Any other country have pompous windbag politicians like they do here?
  13. I see it held the Eurovision song contest in 2010. Perhaps we could get ABBA to reunite as the interval attraction Regards. Alan.
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