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Everything posted by brandonbee48

  1. 40-20. Good payday for Valsarna! Good job Walasek showed up or else it would be a total disaster. Enjoy, while i sip my wine in the sun Alan.
  2. Enjoy. I see it is 10-2 after 2 heats. I'm going to enjoy the last of the summer wine Best wishes. Alan.
  3. Not so far. Sopcast proving elusive. Alan.
  4. Hi all from a gloriously sunny Pennsylvania. Do da Sopcast man have today's winning numbers for us please? Regards. Alan.
  5. Thanks for the informed post. You realise you have set off a firestorm in the Elite League section because of the Piraterna line-up which has 2 Polish brothers set to ride who were "injured" yesterday and declined to turn out for Coventry in their two meetings v Peterborough? Swedish waters, medications and Swedish nurses can work overnight wonders! Regards. Alan.
  6. Result Klasyfikacja końcowa: 1. Maciej Janowski (Polska) - 12 (2,3,2,2,3) 2. Martin Vaculik (Słowacja) - 11+3 (2,2,3,3,1) 3. Dennis Andersson (Szwecja) - 11+2 (3,1,2,2,3) 4. Patryk Dudek (Polska) - 10 (3,2,3,2,0) 5. Michael Jepsen Jensen (Dania) - 10 (w,2,3,2,3) 6. Bartosz Zmarzlik (Polska) - 10 (3,1,1,3,2) 7. Przemysław Pawlicki (Polska) - 9 (3,3,1,0,2) 8. Darcy Ward (Australia) - 9 (w,3,2,3,1) 9. Simon Gustafsson (Szwecja) - 8 (2,3,0,1,2) 10. Aleksandr Łoktajew (Ukraina) - 8 (2,2,1,1,2) 11. Oskar Fajfer (Polska) - 6 (1,0,2,0,3) 12. Wadim Tarasienko (Rosja) - 4 (1,w,1,2,0) 13. Joe Haines (Wielka Brytania) - 2 (1,0,0,0,1) 14. Rene Bach (Dania) - 2 (0,1,0,d,1) 15. Dino Kovacic (Chorwacja) - 1 (0,0,0,1,0) 16. Piotr Pawlicki (Polska) - 0 (u,-,-,-) R1. Mikkel Michelsen (Dania) - 7 (1,3,3,0) R2. Jonas B. Andersen (Dania) - 0 (ns) Regards. Alan
  7. Rain at a big meeting in Denmark? How can this be? Best. Alan.
  8. There are way too many imponderables to ever confidently forecast a meeting. I always preface my (finger in the wind) forecasts with the line "I have the egg ready to apply to my face" . Today is proving no exception to the joys of confidently naming the winner in advance. Regards. Alan.
  9. I guess there's one somewhere. I'll never be rich because i don't buy them. Best. Alan.
  10. I'm English, not German Though i am a Martin Smolinski fan Shame we can't watch it, but there you go. May your favourite do well Regards. Alan.
  11. Try this. http://translate.googleusercontent.com/translate_c?hl=en&ie=UTF8&rurl=translate.google.com&sl=auto&tl=en&u=http://live.sportowefakty.pl/zuzel4.htm&usg=ALkJrhiW-s8cAbE1kSkQdLcyPgTHkQV3xA Alan
  12. From the existing thread. 2nd round is at Holsted-Denmark on Sunday 28th August at 14.00 hrs local time-1pm uk time. Updates http://live.sportowe...y.pl/zuzel4.htm This post has been edited by racers and royals: Today, 11:22 AM There is no TV, therefore no on line streaming. Regards. Alan.
  13. On the screen of sopcast transmission. Soccerlive i-forma.net soccer-live.com.pl That is how it appeared. "We shall overcome" Another terrific meeting. Take care all. Alan
  14. But you were both whining about something that you are stealing for free... I didn't see anyone whining at all and if you read the thread earlier you will see that Racers and Royals has a Sky subscription. Always better to engage the brain clutch before putting the mouth in gear Regards. Alan.
  15. Obviously they did! sensible. Gollob is a lucky boy to walk away from that.
  16. Carnage! And they can't award FIM races can they?
  17. How nice to see Rafael Dobrucki looking well again.
  18. How are they going to justify Harris being in next year? If on Brit for "commercial reasons" who? Alan.
  19. If you have sopcast, 56947 is a superb picture. Without sky links this is a fabulous substitute. Regards. Alan.
  20. Who are the only game in town. Superb picture too. Terrific racing. Ward and Emil-phew!
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