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Everything posted by brandonbee48

  1. Tennis Update. Andy Murray wins the first set 7-5 in a sunny New York-which is a shocker But the wagon did go round?
  2. Smederna plays the absolute best music anywhere. "At The Hop" indeed
  3. Are they watering the track? Do my eyes deceive me?
  4. I've just declared a state of emergency 'cos i can't get a stream As i type- there it is I'm on the weat side of PA. and while it is bad it isn't yet flooding. It is mainly the eastern and central north-eastern regions that are in real trouble.Shouldn't joke but half the homes in the USA are underwater (financially! ) I'm old -i remember "Let's Dance first time round! Chris Montez. Alan
  5. I'm not panicking yet, but i can't get the stream to load. Refresh and F5 don't help. Anyone else got it? Alan.
  6. See the arguments on the Elite league forums. They basically just do what they want. Swedish FINAL playoffs too, not regular league meetings. SIGH!
  7. Oh my! It is ABSOLUTELY pouring down here for the last 12 hours. Did you hear that Kenni Larsen announced this morning that he has been riding for the last 3 weeks with a broken wrist? Not yet verified-on the forum Eastbourne-Bees thread- page 4. Alan.
  8. Go ahead. Make my day! Even if they knew what speedway was, it would be rained off here today. Bucketing it down right now. Join you later. Regards. Alan.
  9. As to whether Eastbourne is a real speedway track i could not possibly comment. The reality is that no matter what team the Bees track on Monday, mini and maxi Pawlicki and Emil,or not, they won't win at Arlington. So i live in a land where the eagle is the national symbol and i was once stung by a bee, which means my sympathies are with....... The Blacksmiths The universe will unfold as it should. All the best. Alan.
  10. If the Bees lose on Monday at Eastbourne and i expect they will, then next Thursdays fixture with Kings Lynn becomes a "nothing" fixture and Kenni could ride for Smederna instead. Hope it can be sorted quickly. These multi-league riders! Alan.
  11. Cruel for the fans, but what can you do? At least they made a quick and correct decision. It may help Smederna with Thomas H. Guess we shall have to see tomorrow. Take care. I'm as disappointed as anyone but especially the fans who made the long trip. Kindest regards. Alan.
  12. Only sensible decision. Tomorrow now first leg at Eskilstuna?
  13. Bloody shame. What we have had here in the USA this week, though today is fine and Andy Murray is winning! Alan
  14. Got worse as the Smederna team went round for the parade. You are right.
  15. Stream on. Looks like there has been recent rain. On with the racing! Alan.
  16. http://translate.google.com/translate?sl=sv&tl=en&js=n&prev=_t&hl=en&ie=UTF-8&layout=2&eotf=1&u=http%3A%2F%2Fekuriren.se%2Fsport%2Fspeedway%2F1.1178034--thj-kor-inte-forsta-finalen&act=url If we can keep it to six or less (a big ask) and Thomas can ride tomorrow it can be done. Let's hope for good weather, good racing, no injuries and may the best team win. C'mon Smederna. Join you in 3 hours. Alan.
  17. Numbers of which most UK Elite league teams would be VERY glad to have. Regards. Alan.
  18. A bumper crop to be harvested over the next 7 days! Elite league tonight, Allsvenskan Finals on Thursday and Friday, GP on Saturday, the above on Sunday, Bees V Eastbourne next Monday and Elitserien playoffs next Tuesday. Phew Our cup runneth over, Regards. Alan.
  19. From his website- google translated. mas evening was anything but painless, he took on Sunday the decision to run this super important match. Något som kanske var lite förhastat. Something that maybe was a bit premature. Som Tomas själv sa i depån efter första heatet, där det blev ett stopp direkt efter start. As Thomas himself said in the pits after the first heat, where it became a stop immediately after starting. – Det funkar någorlunda att köra men det gör ordentligt ont när jag startar och slår av. - It works more or less to run but it does properly hurts when I turn on and turn off. Det blev tre heat för Tomas denna kväll som började med ett stopp direkt vid start. There were three heats for Thomas this evening that began with a stop directly at startup. Han följde upp med en etta och avlutade med en nolla. He followed up with a one and concluded with a zero. s, 1, 0. s, 1, 0. Han blev borttoppad i det fjärde och Tomas kväll var till ända! He was topped off in the fourth and Tomas evening was over! Jag pratade med Tomas efteråt och han sa: I talked to Tomas and afterwards he said: - ja det här sög hårt, jag trodde jag skulle känna mej bättre på cykeln än vad jag gjorde. - Yes this sucked hard, I thought I would know me better on the bike than I did. Tomas fortsätter. Thomas continues. – Jag började känna mej dum med tanke på att vi kunde missat slutspel och jag säger jag är fit for fight. - I began to feel myself stupid, given that we could miss playoff game and I say I am fit for fight. Efter två heat kunde jag knappt hålla i cykeln… Skönt att vi klarade i alla fall. After two heats, I could barely keep the bike ... glad we did anyhow. Tomas avlutar. Tomas spent liquor. – Nu blir det att försöka vila och sedan känna efter i slutet på veckan igen. - Now it's trying to rest and then feel after the end of the week again. So you are probably correct. We shall see. Alan.
  20. Was anything said last night on the broadcast? I came in late with the stream and missed his first ride when he retired. By the glimpses of him in the pits he didn't even look well let alone ride well. His crash was right up there with Peter Swiderski's as the worst of the season. Perhaps he would be better off getting himself fit and well again. But then he is a speedway rider! I'm sure you will keep us informed. All the best. Alan.
  21. Rospiggarna Lagledare: Mikael Teurnberg Nr Förare Lagkapten Gäst Född Utländsk Ing. snitt Löp. snitt Licens 1 Kauko Nieminen Ja 2,219 2,250 - 2 Kalle Katajisto Ja 1,110 1,125 - 3 Kim Nilsson 19900204 1,738 1,962 Junior 4 Jari Mäkinen Ja 0,500 1,104 - 5 Andreas Jonsson Ja Ja 19800903 3,454 2,804 Senior 6 Timo Lahti Ja 1,297 1,000 - 7 David Hillborg 19860430 0,840 1,040 Senior Ikaros Smederna Lagledare: Jimmy Jansson, Stefan Jarl Nr Förare Lagkapten Gäst Född Utländsk Ing. snitt Löp. snitt Licens 1 Thomas H Jonasson Ja 19881127 1,179 2,159 Senior 2 Henrik Karlsson 19900912 1,292 1,000 Junior 3 Magnus Zetterström Ja Ja 19711209 2,531 2,184 Senior 4 Linus Eklöf 19890303 1,558 1,611 Senior 5 Kenni Larsen Ja 2,334 1,932 - 6 Daniel Gunnestad Ja 1,087 0,879 - 7 Daniel Henderson I reckon we can win!!! Alan. Pres. Smederna USA Fan Club
  22. Forgive me but i don't follow Nascar, despite living in the heart of it. Yesterday was a national holiday and today is back to work. Was it rained off yesterday and held over today? Just curious. Regards. Alan.
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