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Everything posted by brandonbee48

  1. I guess that means "they are doing a Piraterna", judging by the score! Alan
  2. Yes, rats. Updates if anyone wants to follow. I'm guessing they will go over live and not show what we miss http://translate.googleusercontent.com/translate_c?hl=en&ie=UTF8&rurl=translate.google.com&sl=auto&tl=en&u=http://live.sportowefakty.pl/ekstraliga.htm&usg=ALkJrhjqtco4cWKGbaj2KsqwFPatN8Cpuw
  3. Blatant dive gets a penalty. Score you bugger, score and save us a penalty shootout
  4. No score showing on Sportowefakty, so we haven't missed anything yet. Dare not say "Bloody Football" or i'll get lynched Alan
  5. Doesn't look like there is a UK stream. The link Racers and Royals gave you above works fine.Krause or AS usually work fine. It hasn't started yet with the end of a football match. Regards. Alan
  6. As the rival fans stand side by side in glorious camaraderie, arms around each other in friendly rivalry
  7. Google translated ( well somewhat ) http://translate.google.com/translate?sl=sv&tl=en&js=n&prev=_t&hl=en&ie=UTF-8&layout=2&eotf=1&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.elitvetlanda.se%2Findex.php%3Fpage%3Dnews%26stage%3D1%26id%3D1978&act=url Regards. Alan
  8. Well there you go my friend. I'll stick with the Polish stream, even though i don't understand a word since they SOUND as though they know what they are talking about. On a serious note, any speedway coverage is terrific, but it surely wouldn't cost very much to get someone in to sit alongside him to clue him in.He doesn't seem to understand the very concept of team speedway, has no clue about tactical substitutes or even who is who in a race. Shame because it wouldn't take much to rectify. All the best. Alan.
  9. Ta very muchly. Sorry you will miss it. Who will i have to ramble on to? All the best. Alan.
  10. But very sad we can't have "Paddy's informed commentary. I will miss that! Regards. Alan.
  11. What can you say? Staggeringly inept from Vetlanda. All the best till tomorrow. Alan.
  12. I'm on sopcast. He drives me nuts Someone tell him it's Pavlitski, not "Powlicki"
  13. A total rollover and out. Can't recall one like it for a long time. Only Crumpie looks interested.
  14. We would be fascinated with your informed opinion of this performance by Vetlanda tonight. Regards. Alan.
  15. Unless Vetlanda "extractum digitum" this will be the surrender of the season.
  16. Plus he got Ago and Pawlicki Jnr mixed up in heat 2 after the race. Poles rule-okay!
  17. Much better picture on sopcast. Plus the commentators sound informed- though i understand not a word
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