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Everything posted by brandonbee48

  1. Brotherly love to finish off with. Thanks both of you for the very pleasant company. Sweden tomorrow and Denmark and UK on Wed. What a treat of a week! Take care. Alan.
  2. He didn't take a ride in 14/15 yesterday, and i put it down to the fact that they couldn't lose the meeting at that stage. I think he has a foot injury, but it sure isn't the Emil we know and love, going to the back in heat 13 without much of a fight. Puzzling but i'm still in his fan club' Heat 14 was a nice race and it's good to see Janus going well again this season.
  3. Four 1-5s and it's a tie!! MJJ a classic case of "up one day, down the next" Despite the score, i'm still enjoying it. And Serena got beat too. Passed them like they weren't there. Would love to see a 'Dream" race after the meeting with Artem and Darcy!
  4. Artem supreme Emil from the rear, fair and square. Augers well for the World Cup. I've had a soft spot for the Russians since Boris Samaradov and Igor Plechanov. Which shows you how old i am! But still a total fan of this fabulous sport.
  5. Totally agree. Should be a mighty contest. Got nothing against the Aussies at all, but like Pandorum i'm a fan of the Russkies Just wish our friend Gray could post a few more Thursday links for Mega Lada et al. I said this would be close! Brings it closer anyway.
  6. I read the comments, but being here in "Speedway Vacuum Land" aka USA I'll take anything, any language, whatever. Just eternally grateful to the streamers. Emil seems strangely out of sorts in this league. Making the gate as he did in heat 4 i would have expected him to romp away. Perhaps the brouha in Sweden with Indianera is affecting him. C'mon Emil, i luv ya style! My early forecast of a "close'un" is fast going down the pan.
  7. Hi all, Nice stream here. http://sports4u.cx/ On with the racing. Alan. Little Leon triumphs Got a feeling this could be a good one, after yesterday .Czestochowa are a good team..right now.
  8. Dobrucki deserves the Order Of Poland for juggling his resources to scrape a draw out of that one. Team Manager of The Month award for sure. Take care all and back again tomorrow. Alan.
  9. Thanks. Wonder who ZG will go after to replace him? You are an ace spotter. Even of the occasional start line girl.
  10. Money doesn't talk, it swears That's the problem with the Elite League- only one guy with cash to splash.
  11. I want to know what retainer Racers and Royals is on as Przedpelski's UK agent? Any word from Ghostwalker as to how long Andreas is going to be out ?
  12. Very sad to watch Davidsson trundling around. He needs a spell in 2nd tier leagues to get his confidence back.
  13. This would never happen at an English football match, Pawel. Track looks like an Arabian dust bowl, and it only 3 heats gone. I appreciate there have never been any previous issues with the surface in Leszno
  14. Anyone else prefer the old "green" suits of Zielona Gora? . The new white suits look a bit wishy washy to me. This ,of course, is a vitally important issue!
  15. Perhaps in his first 2 rides Emil was remembering Steve Brandon's "Enjoy a relaxing Sunday" in yesterday's interview. What a GP thriller it would have been had Darcy not gotten banged up. Still could be, I guess. But Emil looks set fair. Where is the so-aptly named by Pandorum "forum nutbag ? Always enjoyable when he/ she posts, however outrageous. A "gift" 5-1 to Gorzow in heat 14. With Laguta, Jepsen Jensen and Emil to pick from, there was benevolence there
  16. Anti-climax last 2 heats to follow, but still doesn't take away from an absorbing meeting.
  17. This is not "good" stuff, this is bloody GREAT stuff Fantastic by Jepsen Jensen and Zmarzlik there. Not "good" stuff. Bloody GREAT stuff.
  18. We have a serious meeting on here. Great stuff after 6 heats. Enjoying this one.
  19. Hi Pawel, Hope you are well. Great ride by Jepsen Jensen. Will have one of his fans doing cartwheels!
  20. Thank you for the very nice stream. Hope you are well. Just got in after the luxury of a breakfast out.
  21. Whatever one thinks of Ward's off-track antics, that was a superb victory. Join you all for Poland tomorrow. By the way, not so sure that Emil, as Steve Brandon said in the interview, will have a "relaxing" Sunday. Isn't he lining up tomorrow?
  22. 20 heats of incident-packed racing adds up to another really entertaining GP.
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