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Everything posted by brandonbee48

  1. You beat me to it. Mine went Kaput and all the links on soccer-live are frozen on the same image.
  2. I can see why Bydgoszcz have given up the ghost and "shed costs" but it 's a bit unfair on (a) their fans and ( the other teams when showing up with only half a team. By the way Pawel. The REALLY important question. What does a beer cost in Poland ? Alan.
  3. Pawel's home town team up next and the appearance of young Mr Sayfutdinov, which is fine by me. Going for a walk in the sunshine before it starts. Join you all then. Alan.
  4. http://dvbsport.net/stream2.html needs refreshing every 15 mins but nice quality and i've had it on for 2 hours. Alan.
  5. Glad you could join us. KK is just fine. Alan. Polish beer must be good (and cheap) by the number of beer bellies on display in the crowd. Alan.
  6. It's not going to affect the result, so i don't think it's that big a deal in the overall scheme of things. Gollob needs to up his game.
  7. Ward to go? Both wheels over the white line. Couldn't see that Iversen did anything wrong. Any other views?
  8. Mikec, This is one of those streams you have to refresh every 15 mins. F5. Alan. Please post under your real name, "Mr 10%' Oh my! One team is fired up for this one. And one aint!!
  9. Good morning/afternoon/evening all Nice stream here for anyone struggling. http://dvbsport.net/stream2.html Weather looks very nice. Gentlemen, start your engines. Alan.
  10. There are times when i think it would be fair to invoke "Referee's discretion. All 4 Back" but i can see how it could cause massive tumult. I would be an ultra benevolent ref and call that one First bend bunching. Just really glad Vaculik walked off. Could have been an extremely nasty.tumble. Regards. Alan.
  11. Great stuff from "Gadzooks" Puodzuks in heat 16, and Magic being a gentleman in not doing a Nicki on him. Heat 17. Russia v Poland. C'mon you Russkies World Champions in absentia!
  12. Good entertainment so far.Nice way to spend a rainy Saturday afternoon ( for me )
  13. The crowd has filled in nicely with the view during heat 2. 2/3rds to 3/4 i guess.
  14. Does look sparse right now, but as you say, could be from earlier. Weather is slightly drier than here Great line-up for heat 1.
  15. Hi everyone from a VERY wet USA. Let's hope it is a safe, exciting meeting. On a limb i'll go for Emil, Gollob and Tai to finish on the podium. Of course, that immediately dooms all three.
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