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Everything posted by brandonbee48

  1. YESSSSSSSSS!!! From a VERY wet USA. Join you later. Regards. Alan.
  2. Ur, well maybe, perhaps. I presume irony here ? BSI are on a loser with this one. Kerry Packer days are here again indeed. ::This one will run and run.... Regards. Alan.
  3. Thank you for the response. "Ghostwalker" also makes the point of his exit from Elitserien . With his foot injury and The World Cup brouhaha, he may be in need of a few extra meetings, unlike most riders at this stage of the season.!. I read the report of the meeting in Russia on Thursday. At least he got 2 rides in. Emil really is something special and would make a very worthy World Champion. He and Tai may become the Fundin and Briggs of this era. And if they get as many World titles between them as those two, they'll be doing alright. Keep those bikes fast for him.. Regards. Alan.
  4. Fitting that we get a Russian winner in this marvelous facility and tremendous crowd. Good stuff.
  5. Emil always seemed to have the fastest bikes. But not this season. Has he made any changes? Ashley Holloway still there?
  6. No complaining, but with the coverage we are missing the fantastic atmosphere that is generated in this stadium. Especially the centre green entertainment between each heat series. The girls are a consolation
  7. Freddie's good night's sleep pays off. There are those who will tell you that Lakeside is better. Legs up to the heavens. You want to see them in their white Mega Lada outfits -with adjustable zippers!!!
  8. "It's not just speedway that take for bloody ever to run a race " At least they didn't all tootle off back to the pits for a clutch adjustment and the hairdryer in the face.
  9. You could be right, since Artem is "the master" of Togliatti. ). Forecasting is fun, because none of us know! Belousov, Karpov and particularly 'Gadzooks" Puodzuks and Roman, could be real spoilers and make it an Eastern European sweep.( he dreams! ). As regards the entertainment, i hope UK promoters watch with keen interest whatever we get.Guarantee it will be spectacular. Join you later from a sunny USA. Alan..
  10. I know you are better at this stuff than this old fart. The virus protection is SOPHOS, not sure if you have it in the UK. Anyway, it can be too good, as it was Tuesday. The guy who came said it was "very aggressive at times"- just like Nicki Pedersen. . Anyway i now can switch it off, which really is only for the speedway, and then put it back on. Apropos of the most important issue facing Manchester: will the Wayner go or stay???.Moyes and the world awaits. All the best mate. Alan .
  11. Thanks for the card Paul. . With Tuesday's "virus protection " blip sorted, i can't wait for this, at my favourite venue. . I'll start the ball rolling by forecasting a Russian 1-2-3. Emil, Artem, Grigory. With my brilliant forecasting skills, that does for those 3, leaving the field wide open. A sell-out crowd and ,i'm sure, some fantastic in-field entertainment lined up, the Mega Lada babes somewhere in the mix this should be great stuff. Regards. Alan.
  12. Our friend Gray posted these pictures, presumably taken yesterday, of activity in the stadium. Roll on 6.15 UK ,1.15 US. Regards. Alan. Organizers informed that all tickets sold out
  13. I figured. Ah well. As a consolation, we get the amazing Togliatti venue tomorrow. Do you think it will be sold out? I really hope so and that it firmly puts Russian speedway on the map. As long as the Federation backs the top riders!! All the best. Alan.
  14. To our friend Gray, Is the Vladivostok v Salavat meeting being carried on Ufanet and if so at what time ? Fingers crossed. Regards. Alan.
  15. He's 18 and in his speedos and they are calling to him to rescue damsels in distress. And he gets paid for it!!
  16. Working as a lifeguard.. What chance have i got against babes in bikinis ?
  17. Thanks my friend, but this bloody virus software they put on-Saphos, is blocking it and i don't know how to disable it Guess which computer store is going to get a visit from an irate customer tomorrow? That was one of the ones i was trying. This won't even let me install Sopcasr. Grrr! It's like having an armed guard at door stopping Jennifer Aniston trying to get in to see me
  18. Hi all, Could some kind soul help me with a link please? The new virus protection they installed is blocking everything. Regards. Alan.
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