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Derwent last won the day on March 6 2013

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About Derwent

  • Birthday 12/26/1967

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    Finance Director

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    Workington / Newcastle Upon Tyne

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  1. He was knocked unconscious in his fall on Sunday. He has posted on social media that he has had bad concussion/headaches all week and has absolutely no memory of the meeting at all.
  2. I was at Odsal a couple of weeks ago watching rugby league and the place is in an absolutely terrible state. It is literally falling to pieces with the terracing badly cracked and crumbing. It would cost hundreds of thousands of pounds to bring it up to a condition where you could even think about holding a GP there.
  3. Nope, just the land right next door is. All of the fields to the south and west of the stadium are owned by Kurdi’s company KP Stadium Ltd.
  4. Someone should ask Semore Kurdi if he’s interested. Already owns 2 sports clubs in Newcastle Falcons RU and Newcastle Thunder RL. Owns Kingston Park stadium and 37 acres of land surrounding it so plenty of space for a speedway track.
  5. Matt Ford was on C4 yesterday afternoon doing up his chateau in France.
  6. Yeah I think Tatum was wrong. Although of course transponders don’t necessarily tell you who has finished ahead. It is theoretically possible for a rider to actually be beaten technically (ie his wheel doesn’t touch the line first) but have a quicker time than the other guy in a tight finish and be awarded the placing. It’s possible for someone to be finishing faster than someone else and although his wheel isn’t first to the line his transponder could cross the line first if he’s accelerating quicker.
  7. I was under the impression that they do have them. Isn’t that how they know whether a rider is on their A, B or C bike for the graphics before each heat ?
  8. If you have Sky you can order it through your Sky box. Go to the BT sport channel then click the red button on your remote and it brings up the option to add it to your Sky package.
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