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Everything posted by scotchopper

  1. Yes he will be Australian and British that's exactly what a dual passport means. I believe stormy did not have the dual passport at the start of the season and therefore needed a visa that is why Workington had to drop him. He then got the dual passport and no longer needs a visa and why he got a team place.
  2. Of course I didn't moan about Kurtz's average. Too many folk get excited about the smallest things, life is too short. If he gets a passport then he will be British and will be eligible for both leagues.
  3. It's completely relevant when people are using words like shame, of course I understand folk disagreeing with them and suggesting it is not in the spirit of the rule but it you fundamentally disagree with the rule the spirit of the rule is not really a consideration. Bottom line is they are not bending the rule or finding a loophole if he gets a passport he is eligible. The rule as usual is vague and was probably left that way to make sure every team got a rider
  4. You still fail to recognise that Edinburgh didn't agree with the rule and voted against it mainly because they know how difficult it is to find a 3 point rider who will travel and will do a decent job. Max clegg managed it last year but there is a longer list of riders who failled or turned it down. It was voted in so they have to above by the rule but as expected that is what happened so they found an option that works. Many of the number 7s will really struggle this year as they are not ready and for some it will do them more harm than good. Ironically because of this Mitchell will probably be a success.
  5. If he gets his passport as a British citizen he should be eligible for both leagues on 3.00. As others have posted above BWD is not a British citizen and comes in on patriality rules which are different, i.e. 5.00. I'd be very surprised if he didn't get a passport just a question of how long and if he gets it in time for the season.
  6. So your rule is that you must have raced NL before? So if someone new comes in he is not allowed to go straight into PL. Oh aye simple work around, he could race NL this season and be eligible for next season or even later this season. So if he can be eligible next season why make him ineligible for this season?
  7. except you cannot use that as criteria as it would rule out anyone else not born here; even if they had lived here all their days and if the criteria was lived here 3 years or more he has done that as well. The speedway authorities have no say on who is a citizen and would look silly if they did that. No idea who the rider was, it was reported in the local newspaper back in december. May just have been a slow news week although I would guess edinburgh wouldn't keep all their eggs in one basket and at least asked a couple of others so happy to believe it.
  8. The rule whilst it has good sentiment behind it is fundamentally flawed, Edinburgh were vehemently against it from the start for a number of reasons and voted against it so not exactly surprising that they are not fully behind it. They lost the vote so have to adhere to it. Without this new rule there is no way Mitchell would have been in the team but he is already an Edinburgh asset, lives locally, has experience, is already a vital part of the club behind the scenes and he qualifies in the rules if he gets his british passport. There was a rumour they approached someone else but the demands were astronimical. Therefore it is a complete no brainer for edinburgh and I think Mitch will score solidly against the other numbers 7s in the league and hope he can improve. There is no loophole in the rule, you can argue about spirit of the rule all you want but vitually any way you could think of changing the rule to make him ineligible would rule out at least one other rider signed by another team and the rules are the same for everyone. If we had brought someone over in order to get him a passport then I would maybe agree but Mitchell married a scottish lass before the rule was brought in and is as entitled to british citizenship as anyone else. Any rule that has to be changed every year and puts young riders into teams that are not yet ready is not good for the sport, I wish all the youngsters well for the season but don't come greeting when it doesn't work out and 2/3rds of them don't beat any opposition rider except the no7.
  9. I have no idea. Was really pleased to see so many glasgow fans at the 2nd leg of the grand final, it makes it a better occasion when both teams are well supported and the tracks are full. Which is why I said it is better if both clubs are up high in the league and doing well as no other team is likely to bring as many fans to either scottish track. Hopefully see that replicated in the league and league cup fixture next season. and in terms of the the spring trophy i would like to see it continue because it's another fixture I can get to see. A permier shield match against somerset would make more sense from a competition and something a bit different perspective but who is going to go to the away leg, nobody! It'll be the same if either team have a challenge against Belle Vue or any other elite track.
  10. Hardly. If you have made an informed decision not to go for whatever reason then fair enough that's fine. there are many perfectly good reasons for not going however I don't consider it informed if you are just doing it because someone has told you not to go. Maybe if you don't like a club you might not go there for meetings not involving your own team then fair enough I get that but why cut off your nose to spite your face, it's just bonkers! As I said before I go to follow my team and watch speedway, it really is that simple I have no interest in any politics or he said/she said rubbish. 4 guys on bikes racing for 4 laps and for me preferably with 2 of them in blue and gold race jackets.
  11. Yourself, george and a few others obviously need Glasgow vs Edinburgh for a life, what would you do with yourself if you weren't on here winding up the monarchs fans, how's the workington/berwick/newcastle banter? You are probably right that the teams can survive without each other but lets be honest it is a much better place with both teams thriving and last season was brilliant, the atmosphere at both cup finals was really good and it was pleasing to see a number of glasgow fans through at armadale for the cup finals. That wasn't the case at the start of the season so hopefully they continue to come through and support their team. On that note anyone who boycotts/avoids going to armadale or ashfield because someone told them to or because the other fans don't go to your home ground is an absolute idiot. As some on here have quite rightly said we go to watch speedway and follow our team so don't let the actions or words of others stop you. i attend every monarchs match at ashfield and nothing would stop me doing that, not even the pathetic letter handed out after the cup final. Once I got over the feeling of disbelief I just laughed at that. For what it's worth I know the Edinburgh promotion would never suggest to any fans to avoid a different venue, the exact opposite they would encourage supporters to follow their team.
  12. Oh no they're not Merry Christmas all. Will be another very interesting season as a Monarch. The progress of Jye, Erik, Max and the no7 will be good to watch. Pretty confident Sam and Kev will do at least as well as last season and I think Sam can kick on to be no1 in the PL. Then there is the Fish always exciting to watch and hopefully with the right equipment and level of support he can get to the where he was before. If he can do that then you never know.
  13. I have never paid to park at ashfield and (touch wood) the only problem I ever had was when i parked over the wall at apex of bends 3&4. Returned to find the car covered in shale I think £17 is too much I said last year when it was introduced at Armadale and say it again now, to jump from £15 to £17.50 is a big hike and £1 extra to sit in the stand is totally taking the mic. Now what Edinburgh did was have an advanced ticket discount bringing the price back to £15 which I think is the right price, hopefully that is still available. Will be very interesting to see what our prices are, only season tickets out so far. We had poorer than average crowds at the start of last season after having a brilliant season before and I suspect that was because of the price increase so hope they have learned. The new rule about home teams not paying away riders means successful teams will cost more so maybe it is protection against that. Another example of speedway promoters letting self interest get in the way of the good of the sport.
  14. Posted 15 November 2015 - 08:43 PM scotchopper, on 15 Nov 2015 - 7:29 PM, said: Yes but not as many as if he doubles up, hence why he needed an EL team. I expect him to have at least one more team in addition to Swindon, as I implied before any team in the PL would be lucky to have him shame it looks unlikely to be us.
  15. we would have him back at edinburgh in a heartbeat but respect his decision to go to Swindon as he needs to get more meetings, only doing PL wouldn't have been an option next year. Whilst it hasn't been ruled out a return to Edinburgh is unlikely as others have said he would miss too many meetings. A second visa for PL shouldn't be too much of an issue during the close season and i actually think he has a falsely low average given the fact that for many races the best he could hope for was 2nd place behind cookie and would be worth a shout. when sam masters was out injured sedgy was one of the guys that really stepped up a level. He is a far better rider today than 2 years ago and still has room for improvement. He has a big future and I wish him well Peterborough would be bonkers not to consider him and there are other tracks he has been phenomenal at.
  16. Belle Vue bought Max on a full transfer and I expect Cookie to be the same, based on valuations of other riders and sums that have been paid in the past I think £40,000 is a fair value. Although as others have said it is only fair if you find someone willing to pay it
  17. Or it could just be a statement of fact no one has stated an issue this was just a repost to the thought that Edinburgh were buying titles. No need to be so paranoid ;-)
  18. Nice one drosser that has to be down as the most ill informed post I have ever read on here and that is saying something. The basis of monarchs success over the last 10 years was the dale devils and it was a privilege to watch the lads in that team go from novices to champions! Unfortunately 2 teams were not sustainable and that source dried up and deek was the last of them to finish up. So we moved on to attracting potential THJ Craig Cook Kevin Wolbert Max Fricke Erik Riss Ryan Fisher Joszef Tabaka Kalle Katajisto Justin Sedgmen Stevie Worrall None of these guys were big hitters when they signed but all had potential and look what racing for Edinburgh has helped them achieve. The only rider we have signed in that period who you could describe as an established PL heat leader was Sam masters and the visa problem screwed that although big Claus did an honourable job in his place and we only fell just short that year. With Sam we might have won it although we wouldn't have had last year's dream team so I am happy with how it turned out. Then Edinburgh showed another fantastic trait, loyalty, we got Sam in the next year and boy has he rewarded us for that decision. Without even looking I know we are the only team to finish with the same 1-7 2 years in a row so they show belief in their riders and back them all the way. They don't get it right every time but they do a lot more often than not and that is one of the reasons the monarchs are at the right end of the table. Everyone on the forum loves having a pop at Edinburgh but like it or not that is a massive compliment and says all you need to know. It had been achievement after achievement over a sustained period of time and that is what I judge them on and I Look forward to seeing what the promotion produces for next year.
  19. not a clue, pure guess work. The challenge for both clubs (back to edinburgh for this thread though) is to get a 3 pointer to come north that can hold his own. Max and Rob were great signings last year, neither were amazing but held their own at home and came up with some big rides every now and then and allowed the big boys to do the business and bring home the gold. How often have we signed a 3 point rider who struggle to get close to a 3 point average, it does the rider or club no good at all and is the danger with the new rule. I understand the principle of helping youth speedway but there also has to be a level of earning your spot. Would like monarchs to get Liam as I think on the right track he can push on more than he managed at Berwick although you would think the bandits would have him wrapped up.
  20. Not really all i am saying is that the options for a big signing would be limited if they brought back summers and lawson, still think it will be a surprise and someone good but not an existing PL rider above 8.97 ;-)
  21. Nice try on the wind up there! Don't want or need him and he was pretty poor at the dale this season if cookie stays PL he will be at Edinburgh, i agree money talks but it would have to be crazy money to make that happen. Craig has on several occasions stated that the monarchs saved his career and potentially his life, he is a loyal person so cannot see him forcing the issue. Most likely is he goes EL and Poland but you never know. Others in the monarchs team are not edinburgh assets so it's not quite as cut and dried although I am sure all 7 would want to be back at armadale next year especially sam, sedgy and kevin. I have no doubt Glasgow will have a marquee signing for next year although after spending money on spud and lawson I struggle to see them being left out which does limit options for a new no1 a litle bit. Still reckon monarchs will be Sam Kevin Sedgy Erik 5pt foreigner, haertel would be the fantasy move or erik's brother Max Clegg 3pt brit
  22. I would be very surprisd if sedgy is not at edinburgh next season. yes he has the odd howler and he has to cut that out to ge t to next level but to have such a high average when he is in the same race as craig cook 3 times a meeting is brilliant. I have no doubt he can progress as a 3rd heat leader. on some tracks, e.g. peterborough he was like a number 1, both sam and cookie had a few moments where they looked vulnerable at no1 and sedgy pulled them through. When Sam was injured he stepped up his game massively and was a massive influence on the team. If cookie decides to move on I would have preferrred to keep the other 6 and replace him with a 5 pointer than make wholesale changes. Unfortunately looks like Rob will lose out due to the new rule about 3 pointers but I would still be happy to go down that route. Can cookie do PL and Poland and skip EL? not the conventional route but could work, a stable PL income while he takes the risks on the continent. I am not convinced that going full time EL will teach him a whole lot although he does a have a very attractive EL average. I suspect he will go and if he does he goes with all our blessings and hopefully a transfer fee as well.
  23. There would not have been an agreement as Edinburgh were never going to agree to it, only a very naive person would have thought that it. Whether you agree with them, thing they are being childish, genuinely think they are trying to hurt Glasgow (bonkers) or otherwise it shouldn't have been a surprise to anyone. The new Glasgow owners are not naive so as far as I am concerned this has been put out to try and bully and force the situation. I am sure Edinburgh will reply when they have something substantial and worthwhile to contribute and when the dust settles. Instead got on with celebrating the title, an unbelievable achievement of back to back titles (including the league cup) and their fifth in total. Given the average rules of British speedway this should be admired instead of all this rubbish. I am glad that they have taken the time to try to resolve the situation in the appropriate channels and not just become emboiled a bit in a twit for tat argument in the public domain. Which reminds me that is exactloy what I am doing so I will try to but out. Apologies to all for filling up the thread, I can ensure you it was a fantastic weekend of top Scottish speedway and I hope there are manhy more to come, with the same result!
  24. What I meant was it was not something new introduced recently or in the Harkess Chairman era, main point is that Edinburgh didn't make the rule. Be angry with the rule and try to change the rule would be a better way of approaching the situation than throw the toys out the pram. Actually given the world is a much smaller place these days (more cars on the road better public transport) it should be made a bigger distance ;-) (That was a joke btw) I fully understand why Glasgow want to change and will respect any decision that comes out the AGM if it is other clubs that vote on it, it is a democracy. Edinburgh wouldn't be doing their job right if they didn't try to protect their interest. I am glad to see there are a few tigers fans admitting that the letter was badly worded and incredibly badly timed. In terms of the question of whether running on the same night would make a big difference I don't know the answer but I certainly don't think it would have a positive effect on Edinburgh. The club have done a number of things to improve the situation they were in last year and I think they are in a much better position now. But the fight to ensure that continues for the next 50 years continues and losing 20+ (guess) Glasgow fans every week might not break the bank but it won't help.
  25. damosuzuki, on 19 Oct 2015 - 4:27 PM, said: Also Edinburgh is 46 miles from glasgow. It's surely absurd that we are adversely affected because they have moved their track to a location far nearer Glasgow. As I remember we've already been good enough to let them race on a Friday as they are renting these premises. Good luck to Edinburgh, but I hope the BSPA see sense and let us race on a Friday. Whilst I say again my main problem with the letter is the aggressive attitude and the push to boycott edinburgh, I think that is unnacceptable full stop and eide67 has hit the nail on the head. This is another part of the issue from an Edinburgh perspective, we atre not in edinburgh and have a much smaller catchment area than Glasgow. Despite being named Edinburgh it is very difficult to attract people from Edinburgh because of our location so our potential to increase supporters is more limited. Therefore (I am sure with regret) Monarchs are trying to protect what they do have as much as possible by objecting to this move as a small reduction will have a bigger impact on them at the moment. Not so long ago Tigers were really struggling with attendances and its great to see them turn it around, they are now at the stage of trying to keep that and build on it but don't step on your neighbours to do it. There is no need for Edinburgh and Glasgow to compete against each other when they can complement each other, e.g. Thursday/Friday or Friday/Saturday/Sunday with Berwick, there are already far too many other things for speedway to compete against these days. Glasgow own their own stadium and can race any night they like so why pick the same night as your nearest rival. Glasgow will also lose their priority and end up with a number of off race night meetings. They are not just competing for fans, but potentially guest riders, rerun dates, pit staff, mechanics, volunteers, medical staff, etc I know most of these are separate but it wouldn't be the first time someone has done the same role at both tracks, e.g. Michael Max filled in earlier in the season when Scott Wilson and John McGillvaray were missing and Rob McNeill spannered for both Sam and Dmitri earlier in the season. There is no apparently about it there is a Rule, Edinburgh didn't introduce it and it is not a new rule. I don't know what the process is but I guess it will ultimately come down to a vote from the other clubs in the division, Scunny moving to Sunday does work in the Tigers favour so it could go either way. Not sure if other teams will appreciate travelling to Scotland twice on a Friday and fans will not be happy losing the northern tour but you just never know. Edinburgh are already working hard off the track to try to improve the attendance and will continue to do so no matter the outcome of this, their promotion have 30 years experience and have had many challenges along the road but they continue to work really hard to make it work. It has been an amazing season and I am very happy to see them announced for next season today. At the end of the day, no one could compete with us on the track this season and that is all that should matter today. Come on the Monarchs!
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