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Everything posted by markyb

  1. Come on common sense ! treated rightly, this could be a massive promotion for the sport for Coventry. Just looking at the numbers who view and post messages on Speedway-forum show that WE are the most important team in the sport [positive and negative] I know I am a endless record that everyone hates - SATURDAY night racing again please !
  2. Sport at Brandon Stadium in 2017 is gonna happen - hopefully and properly without doubt, Mick (or is it his brother Colin in disguise) and his "trusted" sidekick ( hint here, Neil Watson on google - Renaissance Prroperty Management / bankrupt - FACT ) Jeremy Heaver writes about OUR property - (imo being that of Mr Sandbu). Last weekend when I heard of the happenings I wanted the worst for him (Sandhu) , but in hindsight, in the same situation as owner of the site and trying to be shafted, I would do exactly the same - so respect imo to Mr Sandhu. just look at the photos, everything has been removed BUT not destroyed - to put back in place should be as easy as removing them PLUS they get a service for 2017 In terms of speedway, Jim Lynch is the most excellent choice to provide Inspiration- with the team prepared with strength in depth. Last night I thought the end was nigh ! Reckon (hopefully) I was premature My last thought - Coventry Stadium can survive for years to come on SATURDAY night for both Stock car AND speedway ! PLEASE ! Await the negavity that speedway forum posts attract - but hey guys and gals, it is November and plenty of time to recover. keep the faith !
  3. Unusually, reckon I am in agreement with the team so far - the balance though could be make or break. In my opinion the following would be the 3 riders I would choose; Number 7 and our 2 point rider - Martin Knuckey - has progressed so much in the Storm and injury free will make a difference. Jason Garrity - the present day Gary Gugliemi who provides enough entertainment to warrant admission on his own - those who had the pleasure of seeing Gugliemi will know what I mean. Joonas (Ky.. whatever his name is) was shafted by Coventry for 2016 and then massively by Wolverhampton during the season). A campaigner who would oversee and look after the rest from the team and not over the hill !) I remember the days where we had Hancock, Hamill, Jonnson and Richardson in the same team all at the same time - seeing Jonnson going through the wooden safety fence at Peterborough and having to get the carpenter out to repair before racing continued. god bless air fences ! even more sad is my memories of East Midlands Bowl of March 1976 with Ole Olsen facing Ray Wilson of Leicester at Brandon with the stadium almost full to the rafters. The entertainment factor is what it is all about - 2017 could provide that once again - don't need "names" anymore. Saturday night racing back again would make all the difference too - no more greyhound racing - limited GP stars in British Speedway to affect team line-ups and only 1st Saturday in every month for Stock Car to take preference. I know it ain't gonna happen - but why not dream eh !
  4. In having (L) Bjerre and Bates in the team and both confirmed riding for Sheffield too, which team has priority when both are in action on same night ?
  5. To me, the sport of speedway is all about entertaining ME, and if your team can provide that and be successful too, well happy days! The Jim Lynch factor shows so much positivity. The respect shown to the guy from various riders (Rory Schlein twitter post for example) This hopefully leads to riders wanting big time to come along. My team (will be seen as negative in terms of the future, but hey, there is no continuity in any British Speedway anymore) Lets have a massive 2017 with strength in depth. Josh Bates - He is the future ! Jason Garrity - worth admission money alone to watch this guy perform. Scott Nicholls - legend ! Rory Schlein - a great asset to any side and a fans favourite. Troy Batchelor - a true massive talent in hiding once his injury bug leaves him Stuart Robson - 150% percent trier who can often be the match winner James Shanes - real prospect and ex Storm rider who impresses. My only other 'want' is for Speedway at Coventry to revert to Saturday night racing. No greyhounds anymore and with stock car only forcing the bees to miss the first Saturday in every month, should not be a problem. Let these nights be the ones that race a Leicester or Rye House ! GP riders in the British speedway leagues will be at an absolute minimum and am sure the domestic arrangement would not be affected (apart from Cardiff weekend)
  6. Agree totally to those 3 - Bates being the most important name on the team sheet for definate - something good there in the future ! King and Kaspersak too for me, which leaves to leaves one more (unsure who would for the bill and average)and the British 3 pointer. The Jim Lynch appointment shows already the desire of the Coventry Speedway promotion for the team to be the best in the land once again. Could be exciting times once again - just wish the speedway could revert to Saturday night racing - GP riders seem to have shunned British speedway so no reason why not to revert to where it belongs and as I remember it all those years ago!
  7. Jim Lynch announced as new Coventry Bees team manager. imo best news possible. Well done Mick Horton
  8. Hey guys - a Coventry based speedway supporter here who loved / loves the sport. We don't need the big names (riders) - just need to be provided the entertainment. Good luck Lakeside ! Ultimately Saturday night speedway is what I was brought up with and will always be the best imo ! Ok once a year there is a GP within the country, but for the REAL sport fan, this is just a distraction ( and an expensive one too)
  9. To me, as a fan, the most important thing is being entertained and seeing a rider trying his hardest to achieve something. Kyle deserves all the praise he is receiving for that fact alone. If he enjoying his speedway and life in general, then well done that man - would be welcomed at any club as reserve/draft throughout the Elite - only wish he was a Coventry rider !!!
  10. Yeah, but no great loss taking into account his showing in 2016 both in his team and individual performances. Can't see many clubs chasing his name, but could be a "good" coup for a team in premier league. Pretty sure Poland and Sweden won't be running around for him.
  11. Only hope is,that we have a non-biased person in charge who does the best to preserve Speedway in the uk !
  12. alas Bomber seems well passed his sell by date - or could it be that he couldn't give an 'excrement ' anymore about riding in a Coventry chest plate ? Has been an embarrassment in the GP series yet again in 2016 - So hopefully it's the former reason. At this moment in time, with Coventry having said they running in 2017 - time to say goodbye, fairwell, auf widersehen - but thanks for the good times you provided Chris. My timing is not good ! message written before knowledge of the crash. hope he recovers soonest
  13. Confused as to Woryna (or whatever his name is) being declared to ride for Coventry at Brandon on Friday night, but considered injured for the Saturday meeting at lakeside using an injury from LAST weekend. More manipulation of this ever increasing and far from credible "sport". Sad state of affairs. The rules may allow it, but in my book, it is cheating. Needs for a management committee to have some "balls" and put right the many wrongs in the sport. Alas, they happy taking the urine and more importantly the money and running.
  14. Bit embarrassing is a massive understatement. The 'team" ain't worthy of adopting the name of Coventry.
  15. Such a shame that a person (mr rising) for whom I regarded as a total "God" on the speedway front (speedway star magazines from late 1970's) is in fact just a nobody and will have no respect from me anymore in the future. Shame !!
  16. personal message to suzi Perry - get back home to France quick and lose your passport so we don't have to endure you anymore. to add to your crap, thought waking up to bbc radio 2 at 5.59 to Vanessa Feltz was bad enough but you you this week while she on holiday has been cringe worthy - only hope Vanessa ain't on a 2 week holiday !!!
  17. Any legitimate reasons given why Hancock not appearing or just cant be arsed - as for Wells no loss whatsoever - but hey will not be forgotten by speedway fans of the England. Ricky must be due a testimonial anytime soon - word of advice don't bother !!!! looks as though USA taking the urine - should be banned for 2017 unless they have valid reasons - shame on them otherwise !
  18. Bellago having a 4th ride ! - Havvy been on the 'pop' ?
  19. sure Plymouth will welcome their countryman Harris openly as their number 1 in 2017 - he ain't worthy of anything better than that.
  20. Nah - I was almost in the position to smell the egg - but yet again Harris let himself down ( and the Coventry fans more importantly )
  21. Admit egg on face for me - however have had the chance to watch Eastenders and Corro Street. still the re-run to watch . Could still go Pete Tong - so be it.
  22. I have an adult re-admission ticket from a couple of weeks ago - willing to give this away plus 2 quid in YOUR pocket.
  23. Unfortunately time for mr sarjeant to be looking for jobs at tesco filling customers bags - however if I saw him think I would decline.
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