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Everything posted by markyb

  1. I stand corrected and I apologise profusely to you Mick or are you Colin or you trusted (sic) sidekick Neil. As you refer to Mr Horton "borrowing" airfences to Peterborough speedway - did a certain Mr Sandhu know of this being the owner of the fixtures and fittings of Coventry Speedway ? Sounds like an act of theft and something which Mr Sandhu should investigate
  2. Interesting photographs on the Peterborough Speedway twitter feed of their press and practice even taking place right now. Especially the Yellow and Black air fence which looks very recognizable and definitely not in their team colours ! Wonder if they got some track shale on the cheap too ?
  3. Re Peterborough next Sunday - was 90 percent certain to go along - what would make it 100 % would for bomber to replace Bjerre as number 1 - am sure if available Chris would jump at the chance and show his loyalty to his Coventry fans - especially now that Kenneth had no alllegience to the Coventry body coat ! Sure that peterborough fans would also relish the chance to see such an icon back at the showground. MAKE IT HAPPEN Speedway promoter guys - me thinks would obviously swell the money pot for the likes to re-imburse James and Lewis - who reckon have spent money to re-invest in their futures. Regardless here is hoping for a cracking weather forecast and for Peterborough - a most amazing speedway circuit - to do good.
  4. Holy moly - Greg Hancock is Greg Hancock and gets away all sorts of excrement because of who he is. the sooner he retires the better - yet another yank (Trump as an example) the world don't need !!!
  5. The Coventry Observer piece apported to be from "bomber" Harris tells its own story - he appears to have real faith in Colin Pratt / Sandhu and at current times too !!! also indicating his riding days FOR Coventry may not be over. The issue obviously is with the Peterborough based duo of Horton and Watson (or even a third "individual" being the infamous brother Colin, if he really is a different person to Mick!) Had a bad day at work today as at lunchtime brought soup from the canteen - then happened to read the Speedwaygb.co.uk statement from Mick Horton. The soup was endless ! The tears of sadness or tears of laughter kept filling up my cup ? There was only one.
  6. Hats off to British Speedway Promoters Association - showing that this once great UK sporting spectacle has had enough of the antics of the few who think they can get away with murder. This could, IMO, either be the dawn of something good (or the start of the end) I am an old 'un now havin been going to Brandon since 1976, and encouraged by promotions who seem to care and make for a great spectacle and provide entertainment - Glasgow (the prime example !) Somerset, Wolverhampton, Poole - the new promotion setups at Peterborough, Belle Vue and Leicester - the efforts being made by Rye House and Sheffield too. Cardiff each year shows the level of support in the sport. So not a lost cause. If it does re-appear at Coventry in 2018 - needs the atmosphere recreated like a couple of year ago with the Simpson brothers on microphone and "decks" - Peter York passed his sell by date too many years ago Finally, going back to the Sheffield promotion - a meeting being offered to the general public with FREE admission to ALL - to raise the profile of the sport in the area - omg - amazing ! Here is hoping ( but sure it will) provides all that the rewards they deserve. As a Coventry resident & supporter of speedway - today is the blackest of blackest days ! However I ain't given up hope. Sandhu & Heaver - I know you want good to come of the situation - Stock Cars need you guys too !!!
  7. Well said that man/woman - Horton being Mick Colin, or Colin Mick - same person as have they ever been seen on the same room together !! Treated Mr Sandhu and more importantly the FANS with utter contempt when swanning off to Florida and burying head in sand thinking all would be rosy and no need to negotiate. If me in the same position as Mr Sandhu, I would have done exactly the same. Go forth and multiply Horton - you a disgrace,I pity your neighbours in Peterborough who have to put up with you and your "sidekick" Watson.
  8. Daft as it might sound, but any regulation as to WHERE a club can operate from. So the first 8 meeting at Leicester - but now as it appears a franchise is in operation, could the next 8 meetings operate from Poland ? nowhere in a million years want or think that this could happen, but so pi@/ed off that a club/city/town could potentially give up its intregrity to,a different location. Actually in hindsight would rather Coventry have finished several years ago - i.e. pre Horton / Watson / Sandhu - hope those 3 sleep well at night - although unfortunately reckon they do !!!
  9. So chuffed that Glyn Taylor now being recgonised for his abilities as a track curator. Hats off big time to the new Leicester promotion for seeing what the supporters see and want ! Sometimes the news ain't negative with regards British speedway
  10. I'm sure it just malicious rumours, but have heard on grapevine that Horton and Watson have contacted "Kirby" owners about possibility of being the new home for Coventry !
  11. Reckon DIGNITAS, that renowned Swiss based company could do no better than promoting the death IN THE CITY (local proximity) of Coventry for the "sport" of speedway. I aint into franchises, Wimbledon Football club/Milton Keynes "Dons" LONDON Wasps rugby football club / Wasps Rugby Football Club based in Coventry just 2 of many. can't believe the whoop, whoop hysteria just because the NAME of Coventry is going to exist for the time being at a "rivals" gaff So sad to think that people believe all will come good.
  12. Imagine that when the Speedway Star do issue their findings, it will be over several editions - even more money grabbing by those in the "sport". perhaps the online edition may even have the EASTENDERS dum-dums for added effect !!
  13. hey Philfromcov - great post - but you will be chastised big time for questioning such a thing.
  14. and the timeline is .......... ? Even an approximate to the nearest 4 weeks would be a start. the only time I might be watching my team Coventry at Beamont Park, will be in their AWAY fixture. So sorry for not feeling impressed with SGP being "pleased" to announce message. Absolute joke ! Collusion & back handers I wonder with Chapman / Horton and Sandhu ? Where is the progress ?????? Now have to question the integrity too of Rugby Councillor Mr Stokes - he spent far too much time on the subject where I am damn sure that more important matters need addressing in Rugby for the hard working folk of that area. Time will eventually show that he ain't gonna be the hero that he reckoned he would be. Good luck to the fella in the next local elections.
  15. Sandhu, Heaver, Watson, Horton(s) - well done ! You seem to have achieved what you all looked out to achieve. RIP all of 5 of you.
  16. Now one of the biggest tw*ts in all of this now (that an "a" by the way) is Mr Chapman - has proven Zero integrity by first announcing that the Coventry situation had a Friday deadline - it's now Sunday at almost 8 pm. and still nothing. Set his stall up for future announcements on anything Speedway and you know it's gonna be boll@@ks . well done muppet !!
  17. PSo that is gbp 1.60 quid more than the Mick / Colin bros, not forgetting their " Jocky Wilson " (google good at his point for the over 30's ) lookalike / friend / kemosabe. These past few months have had Coventry Speedway in the column inches of the local paper more than any time for years - if things do develop for the good, reckon a decent time to shout / promote what is available "down the road" . How about a meeting where A meeting is promoted to the hilt, where the entrance cost is silly money - just to make folk aware of the sport and get their "juices" flowing for more visits. The additional extra incidentals i.e. programmes, pasties, burgers, soft drinks and BEER helping to provide funding from the l missing gate receipts. Sounds too simplistic and appreciate easier said than done - with some massive hurdles to be encountered initially in terms of the stadium first no reason too why the STOX can't shout from the hill tops.(beforehand !) I live 2 miles from the stadium and only remember that the First Saturday in the month is stox when I hear the roar of the engines. I ain't got a clue as to publicity, but know and recognise that it AINT been around to promote newbies to be interested. Sad as it sounds, the current age demographic of speedway fans, I would suggest, in not so many years time, could be kicking up daisies or in residential/nursing homes. The "sport" needs to develop big time - the riders are youthful (mainly, sorry Greg) and why not let them be adored by kids like pop stars - my 11 year old daughter is mad on Ryan Terry Daley & James Sarjeant - see, they ain't got to be stars, but just have a presence. holy moly, just realised it's nearly half past midnight - too late for me now, but do remember a Pride Of The East Meeting in the early 80's where 'Red House Coaches" of Coventry ran a trip at the end of October - watched Ole win yet another meeting, but got back to Wyken at about 2.30 am ( was the weekend that the clocks changed !). Have had some many great times over the years-just want for reasonableness from people who should know better, to enable it to continue.
  18. many "thanks" to Mick Horton or is it Colin, as I'm sure both have never been seen in the same room together but both names intent on closing down speedway in the UK. Unfortunately was hood winked last Friday with his message giving a glimmer of hope - but alas should have realised that was just another piece of bull rubbishe. Hopefully sometime in life the Mr Horton(s) or is it just the one after all ? justice will prevail !!! Obviously the censors got involved and the word rubbishe was a phrase used to describe excrement and that in itself to modest a word to describe Horton(s) You need to realise that without Sandhu, Coventry speedway would have been dead and buried many years ago. I reckon without Horton there could still hope. Imo Sandhu and Heaver want Stox - as another poster has suggested Jim Lynch as promoter/manager plus being the messiah. this means as far as speedway/stox goes, job done. We ain't gotta start racing in March - mid April will do, as getting through to pay-offs / finals takes us to end Sept / early October so plenty of activity. (Trying to show some positivity here so please don't be too harsh in negative responses !!!) Happy Days (I hope !)
  19. At last some non-negative news - still up in the air, but at least the last five minutes of catching up on the various messages on the forum have been an absolute waste of my time. Thanks Mick for giving us some hope still !!
  20. what a f'ing mess this "sport" has become in Britain - sad for me personally to remember the days not so long ago going along to Peterborough on an Easter Monday ( won their supporters raffle prize of 100 hundred quid plus !!) where Cov had as their top four Hancock, Hamill, Jonnson and Richardson (#RICO - never forgotten !!!) Before that Shirra, Gugliemi, Molyneux, Busk, Harrhy, not forgetting Frank Smith,and of course the lengendery Olsen and Boocock and Tommy Nilsson.) Brandon on a Saturday night almost always very busy and having a drink in the many bars - before trying to cram into the laid on buses Into Coventry city centre to carry on the Saturday night experience. Unfortunately the sport is now looked after by people looking in making a quick "buck" and shafting the general public who have an absolute pleasure from being entertained. The top notch riders too imo take the urine - So so glad that BSPA have turned down the testimonial request for Tai Woffinden - turns his back on British Speedway and expects, expects, expects - his true colours have been exposed ! Perhaps he should try asking the Aussie confederation as it appears that is where his heart lies. No doubt he will be bleating for once again the British fans to get behind him come mid July - oppofunity me thinks for a tee shirt to be created for "anybody but Tai" As Del Boy often said "this time next year we could be millionaires" sizes and quantities welcomed !
  21. Alas, 1 month on and my positivity has now been lost big time. Too much vandalism and actions of two (?) guys who have proven they not able to conduct themselves with any decency and humanity. Sleep well at night Mr Sandhu and Mick/Colin (same people ?) Horton. - but unfortunately reckon you will !
  22. Fantastic top 5 - the best in the league by far for 2017 - alas the Branford signing ! - hope your 7th rider can make things better.
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