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Everything posted by markyb

  1. Inspired guest selection in Max Fricke ! However the rest doing the business - and as for Mr Garrity - give him a couple of more years and who knows what the future brings to him. the most exciting coventry rider since Garry Gugliemi - what a prospect !!!!!!
  2. So now we down to Harris, Anderson and Sargeant plus 4 guests or RR plus KL without PUK Makes Emmerdale on itv 1 look a viable alternative ! Stadium could be even more empty now than actually running on Friday - especially pathetic as the muppets at ccfc at this moment in time not allowing for more than 15,000 tickets to be released for a 32,500 seater football ground ! In hindsight, Friday was a more viable proposition !! What a mess. Happy days (not !)
  3. Having been the originator of this thread I now feel quite bad. Mr Horton and Mr Watson have reacted positively - just unfortunate about the consequences about missing riders etc. 5th Sept provides exceptional circumstances - the first football match at the Ricoh for too long and provides an exciting prospect for many in the city of coventry. Had there have been a clash of fixtures in "normal" times, then no reason not to compete between the 2 sports. Am hoping that this is just a glitch along the way and Coventry (deservedly) make the play offs and final. Mick and Neil - for the effort you put in this year, you deserve the benefits which come with the success. I have been so been so negative about you both in the past, but without your contribution, British speedway would be in far a worse mess than it is today. Find it difficult to understand why you put so much into it - but as a speedway supporter in general - thank you ! Happy days
  4. Where are Kenny Hansen loyalties or favourable contract ? His Danish team Slangerup race against Holsted in the same night. (Summers also unavailable as a decent guest) HD
  5. So the panic did set in ! Meeting moved to the night before now - on the Thursday. See coventry bees web-site. Happy days Must apologise profusely - 15 heats at say 63 seconds per race is under 16 minutes - thanks for pointing out that silly error ! Do not claim that football has 90 minutes of action - that is why the word pseudo was used. Happy days (again) And now back from your hols even earlier I guess !
  6. Nah! Don't think I will bother deleting the thread - I love a great wind up. Being serious though, it must be a concern to the promotion and Mick has been trying his best of late and well impressed with the efforts re the bus service and the 10 quid gesture following the recent rain-off. Not sure what else the guy can do. Where would Coventry be without him - in the gutter I reckon. I too only been to see coventry at the Ricoh twice since the move from highfield road and was a season ticket holder previously too. Currently lakeside 15, coventry 24 after 6 - looking good ! Happy days
  7. Mr mick Horton - panicking yet ? - don't order too many pies or programmes for Friday 5th September. Reckon you and mr Watson (hang on, order plenty of pies!) could be quite lonely at Brandon unless you come up with something radical ! The "mighty" sky blues are back in town on the same night and have come up with a 10 quid adult admission. Now, should I spend 17 quid and watch just over 16 minutes of pseudo entertainment or 10 quid on pseudo 90 minutes ! Not rocket science, even though it is live on sky sports. Probably best to develop an under ground water pipe burst right now and can't be fixed until September 6th ! Happy days !
  8. So why do Horton and his mate Watson do it ? Not because they get a buzz from it surely. do they really give a damn about speedway - not sure they do, if so, let them tell us how. Mr Watson is a regular contributor to the forum when all is good, but tends to lie in the wilderness when anybody tries to question them. Come on Watson/Horton what is your passion - the sport or the money ? From
  9. Same as every other year, but his seems worse this year Sick to death of 'RR' , guests and those due to dodgy sick notes etc, double points rides, manipulation of rules on fast track riders. The sport needs to sort itself out real soon. It would be great for a set of rules to in in place for the next season, before the existing season Is complete. Would like to know what happens to those fast track riders who have done exceedingly well this year for next year. The lesser ones will no doubt be eligible to ride as fast track - but what happens to the likes of Jason Garrity Deserves to be part of the set up in the Elite league based on his Coventry performances, but looking at those of premier league, he is just an ordinary rider. He thrives on the "big" meetings and well done to the kid for that (sometimes his performances and effort are worthy of admission money alone!) I'm just a 50 something supporter who started attending big time in '76 when Olsen joined Coventry. I know those times ain't gonna return, but keen for some kind of decency to come back. Too many "voices" and no real direction from the hierarchy. Was so impressed the other week of Rosco and Scotty on Eurosport ( World Cup race off meeting ) where they appeared to be challenging the BSPA on certain areas. Shows to me the people who should be running British speedway are those who ridden and have a passion, not the money men who keen on making a few bucks out of us, the supporters. I'm living in cloud cuckoo land I fear. Happy days !
  10. Sat down at 5.45 and had no intention of watching anything more than the first 4 heats. Almost 3 hours later got up from my seat. A tremendous speedway meeting - made even better with the likes of Rosco and Scott, plus the presenter on eurosport with some great no holds barred comments. Reckon Pearson and Tatum were on something dodgy too, like a comedy duo in their commentary. The only sour point was the decision of Mr Laurence. Took the edge of the meeting, although with the number of race wins, Sweden didn't deserve to go through. (How they missed the likes of Lindgren and Lindback though - SVEMO, well done ha ha ) If the final is half as good, then will be a fantastic evening. Too close to call 100%, but concerned for the Danes with Korneliussen as that is the rumour. Reckon. Poland 1st, followed by Australia, then Denmark followed by England (whoops sorry, Great Britain) Happy days !
  11. Coventry tonight - the first race started at 6.58 pm. The 29th and final race of the evening ended at roughly 10.40 Almost 3 and 3/4 hours - what an absolute joke. The final 30th race did not run due to the Coventry curfew. No incidents, no medical staff called upon, no starting gate malfunctions, no air fence issues. Just poor inept and blasé actions by the so called Coventry promotion team of Horton and Watson. A fantastic night weather wise - but probably the lowest crowd I seen for a Storm meeting ( and there were 2 tonight ) reckon 500 people tops and that being generous. Based on tonight, no way I gonna waste time and effort in attending in the future as the "muppets" don't appear to want to make the effort themselves. I wonder if we will get another Horton apology for tonight. however he has apologised so many times this season, these are now worthless and Mick (or are you Colin in disguise) you been taking the Mickey of us fans for too long ! I must end with one good point about tonight - Tony Atkin winning heat 15 - well done mate - it was a pleasure and hope you enjoyed the reception the hardy Coventry souls gave you. I could tell the win meant a lot to you from your reaction. happy days !
  12. 9.12 pm and still no second match started. Will Horton charge again if meeting runs into a 2nd day - the words brewery, pis$ up, couldn't, organise, a & in spring to mind.
  13. Gonna be a long night. 90 minutes in and only on race 11. 20 to go. Absolute dross at the moment too Wish I had gone to b&q instead and bought some paint to watch dry instead.
  14. Another world class score for Craig Cook - whoops sorry, should have said second class score from Craig Cook. Good job he ain't let loose in the World Cup - he would be right out of his depth there !
  15. Hey man- stop being so defensive for the prima donna. Last Monday, mr fast track Garrity beat the likes of Thorsell and Wells - a feat that Cook could not repeat. Just face it - unless Cooky faces premier league opposition or lower (as he did mainly in the British final) he is completely outclassed and makes himself look a right muppet. Rosco can see that too ! Happy days
  16. Will be interesting to see the revised EL table once the Brummies results are annulled. Happy days
  17. Mr blobby, what the hell you on ! You seem as comedic as you name suggests. Couldn't give a sh@te about mr self righteous Cook - more worried about British Speedway Tonight tells a tale. 9 plus 1 from 4. Or. 3 plus 1 from 4. - no brainer ! Okay, it ain't the way forward and we should be building for the future, but am staggered and didn't really appreciate how poor we are as nation to support the pseudo Aussie woffinden and the true Brit bomber. Feel so flat after being on such a high at Cardiff on Saturday ! Not gonna waste my time and effort going to Kings Lynn ( the cost factor is insignificant ) Rosco - i feel for you - hope i completely wrong and comes good for you ! Happy days
  18. whoops ! Time for Mr Cook to throw his teddy out of the pram again. However on his showing in the GP on Saturday am not surprised he has been left out of the team proper.
  19. Only decided to come attend as late yesterday afternoon and have come across to Cardiff this morning with my 8 year old daughter On the train from Coventry. Bought 2 tickets from the touts outside the stadium at about 11.45 - although no price on them as they 'bsi complimentary' but are 80 quid each. Row 8 on the upper level about 10 seats just left of the starting gate. paid 80 quid the pair. Now 4.10 and atmosphere building nicely. All I need now is for Smolinski to win ( silly 5 quid bet at 66/1 ) However routing for NKI Be good to see Garrity get one ride ! Enjoy all. !!!
  20. totally agree re the age demographic ! However I have an 8 year old daughter who is now into speedway - started 2 years ago when I took her to a Coventry Storm meeting and now she has a crush on Ryan Terry-Daley.
  21. Yet again a poor score from Craig Cook - seems to choke when it comes to Elite league or racing against anyone half decent.
  22. Had to laugh at the Brummies website with photos of the "faithful" at Belle Vue and the tag 'thanks from the riders' All 11 of the fans ! -( being generous here ) with what must be an average age of 60 +. Totally pathetic ! Will the collapse of an elite league club spell alarm bells at BSPA headquarters? Of course not ! They ain't savvy enough to realise it's another nail in the coffin. Happy days (not)
  23. Fantastic news ! Makes up for the ZERO and ZERO for their comedy replacements. At least I can say I could have done no worse myself. Happy days
  24. Shambles yet again ! 60+ score for KL without even trying I reckon. Sport is being over run by muppets. Sick to death of the number of times Horton has used the word apologise to the fans, for a multitude of reasons. If he had anything about him he would prevent things going 'pete tong' the first place and wouldn't need to do so. But hey, that is Mick Horton for you. (Once a Horton always a Horton) Happy days
  25. Of course he won't be bothered and anyway he will have plenty from his "boys" middlo and ford to make up for my missing one ! Happy days !
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