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Everything posted by Vince

  1. That is still different to establishing that people have a right to make noise for their entertainment. If you could establish that x amount of hours noise a week couldn't constitute nuisance in law the issue would be solved for ever. There are individual cases all over the country where tracks have been allowed to carry on, with or without restrictions, despite noise complaints. That is a different thing though and largely relies on local councils. One that I was involved with was granted 7 day 24 hour opening. That was solely because the local village had a couple of people going around getting everybody to sign their complaint every time the track was used. However when we noticed that there was a complaint for a day when nobody was on site every person who had signed lost the right to have their complaint heard, which was everybody who complained. By then being sensible about days and times of use there have never been any more complaints made. The typical thing there was that there were a couple of very vociferous people who took to the cause and the majority just went along with it because they didn't care much either way and couldn't be bothered to argue. What won't be very popular is that I also believe that motor sport should be seen to take all reasonable steps to keep noise to a minimum that is compatible with their sport and that will change with development in bikes and cars. To my way of thinking the new noise limit on Speedway is justified even if the way it has been achieved might not be.
  2. I have been saying for years and have probably done so on this forum that all motorsports need to band together and take a case like this to court but to establish the right to make some noise. It would cost a fortune but the body of people who want to make a noise in pursuit of entertainment is vast and would be an extremely powerful lobby if they worked together. If you could get pilots, gun owners, model car and plane owners and everybody else whose hobby is noisy on board as well no government could afford to ignore them. All these people have various authorities running their sports, it would take a huge effort but I can see no reason why it couldn't happen if the will was there.
  3. I have heard of all those things but that's not what his argument was in the post you quoted, in fact he made the point that taxation should cover essentials and therefore nobody is disputing any of the things you list. I would even argue that there absolutely should be a discount for disabled badge holders and a carer if they need one. You attributed something that wasn't there to two posts in short order yet profess to know the opinion of the majority with whom you have no contact, that's why it makes me laugh.
  4. Always makes me laugh when somebody insists the majority share their view - how could you possibly know that?
  5. Great news that Kawasaki join Honda and Suzuki in backing riders entering the British Flattrack Championships. http://www.dirttrackriders.co.uk/#!Team-Kawasaki-Dirt-Track/c9we/8952BB3F-FCF9-464C-9A47-6EEBA211AC3A
  6. Some years ago my lad attended a training school run by Nicki Pedersen. You would never meet somebody who is so different to his public persona. He clearly enjoyed working with the kids and couldn't do enough to help, he worked on bikes, push started kids and explained everything really well. All this in some pretty horrible weather, shame to ruin the image but he is one of the nicest guys you could ever meet. Bloody ruthless on the track but one of the riders I would always be happy to pay to see ride.
  7. I really don't like Darcy Ward but he is one of, if not the, most naturally talented and skilled riders I have ever seen. Ole Olsen was my pet hate as a kid after he nearly took my arm off slamming his car door when I tried to get his autograph. I was a kid so the fact he had just had a terrible World final was no excuse in my eyes, nowadays I think he deserved a bit of slack :-)
  8. I can't agree with that at all, riders are well aware of the risks but think it's something that happens to other people. The day you start to worry about getting hurt is the day you should give it away. The old saying still holds true: Riders aren't scared of racing they are scared of not racing well.
  9. I would have thought a 'modest success in financial terms' within a sport that is completely failing in financial terms in every other area is a very good achievement. Suggests that they are doing something very right in an exceptionally difficult market.
  10. I went to a few Wembley World Finals, fantastic events, great atmosphere and generally poor racing is the way I remember them. Bad luck with your programmed gates was enough to prevent you being World Champion, not now! In my opinion there is no way in the world that Speedway was more cut throat in the 60's and 70's than it is now. Riders these days ride over their limits far more often and are harder on each other than they ever were in the 'good old days' as far as I am concerned. Lots of things wrong with modern Speedway but the commitment and ability of riders is none of them.
  11. The problem is that even if the Star gave a complete breakdown of income and expenditure people would argue about every detail and say they only printed what they were told!
  12. The 2014 fixture list is now available at http://www.dirttrackriders.co.uk A little bit of luck with the weather and it should be a great year, nice variety of tracks including a very fast half mile, last year saw record entries and there is a vintage class added this year (bikes not riders I think!). Can't wait for the season to start. Generally spectators are admitted free or at a minimal price. It's different to Speedway so if you don't expect that's what it will be like you can normally expect some good racing with 12 riders going off 3 rows. Something very different with the Dirt Quake event at Kings Lynn, lots of fun with all sorts going on as well as whole races full of bikes you never would have expected to see on a Speedway track.
  13. Personally I read the Star for results and articles about Speedway. Generally the important things are reported with a positive slant which is fine by me. I have no interest in News of the World type articles involving Speedway, there's enough negativity and guesses reported as fact on here to last anybody a lifetime!
  14. Can't believe you would suggest that MP's might want a fee! Obviously expenses would have to be covered, something in the region of a years mortgage payments and a nice holiday should cover that.
  15. I would think Mauger was the biggest draw in my past with the likes of Penhall, Olsen and Briggo running him close. Recently I would feel much the same about watching Adams, Crump, Gollob, Holder, Ward, Harris and recently Woffinden. They won't generate the same anticipation because the crowds are so much smaller but they are more exciting to watch than the first list in my opinion. These days riders seem to be on the very edge so much more often than in the past.
  16. It also shows that on a very trick track where he was the specialist the top riders could more than give him a run for his money. If the then highly unfair one off World Championships had been held at Costa Mesa he'd have been a favourite, anywhere else and he wouldn't have been in the hunt for a podium in my opinion. Had he dedicated himself to riding in Europe it might have been a different story as he was clearly talented.
  17. Makes you wonder how they attract so many riders that they need to run 100 races, guess the guys actually doing the riding don't se it your way!
  18. I really like big, fast tracks however I have seen some brilliant racing at Eastbourne and some very poor racing at Peterborough but have also seen the situations reversed. I believe the best thing about British Speedway is the variety of track shapes and surfaces those 'quirky' tracks tend to be the places where second strings and reserves get to beat heat leaders. My opinion is that rider safety is the most important thing and it should never be left to a ref who has never ridden a bike to decide whether a meeting is run. However some riders are notoriously fussy and wouldn't ride anything except perfection given the choice so with the way the weather is in this country there has to be times when tracks are difficult. I also think ragdoll64 has a valid point about perfect racetracks not always providing the best meetings and explained why very well.
  19. It's a hell of an achievement to get so many races run, I have been to many amateur meetings and am impressed when they run half that amount. Must be a cracking team running the meetings.
  20. You are also getting some money from, and exposing the sport to, a significant amount of people who would never normally go to Speedway live.
  21. Tai was the best rider in the Gp's over a whole season and therefore the best rider in 2013. Second best in my opinion was Sayfutdinov and Ward probably not top 3.
  22. Could it be that the other revenue streams were separated from the Speedway? I have no idea but if all that is on offer to any potential Promoter is the Speedway with none of the sites other activities it seems possible.
  23. If the BSPA can't sponsor them then why can't the club that holds their registration and will collect the loan fee? Considering riders are self employed it is difficult to see the difference between them and the club that might sign them and drop them a week after the application is successful anyway.
  24. Could riders be sponsored by the BSPA or the club that owns them to avoid the situation of not knowing where they are riding in time. Could be the only positive of the asset system!
  25. My biggest hope for this year is that the promoters get behind the spirit of the draft system, give it time to work and don't try to find loopholes. Then that the PL see it as something they should introduce for next year.
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