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Everything posted by jeffster
Czech Golden Helmet 2012
jeffster replied to zlata prilba's topic in International World of Speedway
The date for the Velka Pardubicka Steeplechase long ago changed to Sunday 7th October, the week before the Golden Helmet. The dates for both events were released at the same time -
Not sure to be honest, but at the current time, if Prague were to be removed from the calendar, or the Prague club were no longer be interested in holding a GP at Marketa, that would mean the Czech Republic leaving the GP Calendar, as Pardubice are not currently interested in staging a Grand Prix, viz this posting by Petr Moravec on the discussion forum of their website www.zlataprilba.cz : Havlis Wrote : Že ten Olsson a Olsen a BSI stále tvrdošijně cpou GP do Prahy na jednokolejku, na které nejde předjíždět místo aby navrhli GP do Svítkova, kde je předjíždění zaručeno už jenom šířkou dráhy pro šest jezdců. Stále hledají jak seriál GP zatraktivnit a přitom v Praze to je atraktivvní akorát cenou vstupenek a tím , že padesát metrů od stadionu pražáci nevědí, že se tam nějaká GP vůbec jede a taky nevědí co to plochá dráha vůbec je. To je vizitka města, které bude tento závod pořádat už pošestnácté! Petr Moravec reaguje: 11.10.2011 (08:39)X Petr Moravec Replied : Možná se Vám to bude zdát divné, ale AMK ZP Pardubice vzhledem k ekonomické náročnosti pořadatelů Grand prix nemá zájem o pořádání tohoto podniku. Už jenom proto, že když jsme v minulosti o tom začali jednat, oni navíc okamžitě tyto požadavky stupňovali střídavě vůči Praze i nám. Proto jdeme jinom cestou se zaměřením na Zlatou přilbu, mistrovství světa juniorů a pokud někdy v budoucnu bude mít pořadatelská země právo mít v jím pořádaném závodě svůj celek (kvůli Velké Británii se totot pravidlo připravuje) možná projevíme zájem o SWC. Ke kritice Prahy řeknu jediné, buďme rádi, že tamní pořadatelé to ekonomicky zvládají (věřte, že je to pořádná "pálka") a SGP se u nás koná. Which roughly translated by Google is : Havlis Wrote : That the Olsen and Olsson and BSI are still stubbornly stuffing GP to Prague for monorail, which can not overtake the place to suggest to the GP Svitkov where overtaking is guaranteed if only for a track width of six riders. Still looking for the GP series as attractive while in Prague, it is just atraktivvní price of tickets and the fact that fifty meters from the stadium Prague people are unaware that there is a GP at all goes well and do not know what it is at all Speedway. This card is a city that will host this race already pošestnácté! Petr Moravec answering: October 11, 2011 (8:39) X Petr Moravec Replied : Maybe you it will seem strange, but AMK ZP Pardubice, due to the economic performance of the Grand Prix organizers are not interested in organizing this venture. Just because we in the past about it began to act, they also immediately turn these demands escalated to Prague and to us. So we go a different way, focusing on the Golden Helmet, Junior World Championships, and if sometime in the future will be the organizing country the right to have it hosted the race in its entirety (for the UK, is this rule of course) might express interest in SWC. The criticism of Prague only say, let's be glad that the local organizers economically handle (believe it's proper "bat") and SGP at our place. Petr Moravec is an official of AMK ZP Pardubice by the way
Swedish Elite League Play-offs And Play-outs
jeffster replied to racers and royals's topic in International World of Speedway
Possibly. but with having precious little knowledge of speedway before May this year, I am not surprised he didnt know..... I wonder how many sports journalists from Scandanavia would know that Páirc Uí Chaoimh is a GAA venue in Cork ? What I also find funny is that week after week on twitter you can see people having a pop at the coverage and/or commentary provided by PremierSports on a Tuesday...The same suspects do it every week, but they must be tuning in every week to have a dig ? Yes, PremierSports undoubtedly do not have the resources of Sky, but I am grateful to be able to watch ElitSerien on a Tuesday -
Swedish Elite League Play-offs And Play-outs
jeffster replied to racers and royals's topic in International World of Speedway
You could suggest that, Alan - www.premiersports.tv or @premiersportstv on Twitter Personally, I think this year is a learning process and things should improve from 2012. Dave McIntyre (@davemcintyreNT) doesnt actually work for PremierSports, as he is a full time sports journalist on "NewsTalk", an Irish version of Talksport radio in the UK. Dave actually specialises in Gaelic sports, Hurling & Gaelic Football, and had virtually no knowledge of speedway prior to being asked by PremierSports to cover speedway for them. I think Dave has improved quite a lot since the Swedish season started in May. When Dave's NewsTalk commitments preclude him from covering the speedway on a Tuesday (GAA Clubs hold their press conferences on a Tuesday evening) Declan Quigley takes over, and I must admit, I find him hard to listen to (I have made PremierSports aware of this) As the guys are sat in a Dublin TV studio, with no contact with the track where the meeting is being shown live from, I think they do a good and improving job. The fact that the studio is in Dublin obviously doesnt help with getting in someone to provide colour commentary, for example. I can't believe that there are many speedway "experts" living in the Irish Republic, and therefore, they would have to fly someone over from England, which may be prohibitive for them. Personally, to be able to watch Swedish Speedway live on a Tuesday night at home in England on TV without the hassle of finding an internet stream watched on a PC is great, and makes the £7.99 a month subscription cost well worth it, especially as I watch the NRL Rugby League too. However, if one lives overseas, then obviously an internet stream is possibly the only viable option, Alan. -
Swedish Elite League Play-offs And Play-outs
jeffster replied to racers and royals's topic in International World of Speedway
Oh yes you can, Alan ! Taken from Twitter : @PremierSportsTV Premier Sports 4 nights of speedway over next 2 weeks with relegation battle between Dackarna and Västervik next week and then... (Taken from ) Premier Sports 4 nights of speedway over next 2 weeks with relegation battle between Dackarna and Västervik next week and then the finals between Piraterna and Indianerna the following. Should be good. Sadly the 1st match has to be delayed until 10pm because of live football but other 3 are live. -
Indianerna V. Piraterna WILL be shown live, as Rangers V. Malmo will be shown after the speedway : Tuesday 26 July Swedish Speedway Round 12: Piraterna vs Indianerna (BILETMA Arena) 18:13 Tuesday 26 July Champions League 3rd Qualifying Round: Rangers vs Malmo (1st Leg) 19:45 Taken from : http://www.premiersports.tv/schedule.html
Indianerna V. Piraterna WILL be shown live, as Rangers V. Malmo will be shown after the speedway : Tuesday 26 July Swedish Speedway Round 12: Piraterna vs Indianerna (BILETMA Arena) 18:13 Tuesday 26 July Champions League 3rd Qualifying Round: Rangers vs Malmo (1st Leg) 19:45 Taken from : http://www.premiersports.tv/schedule.html
Nothing. As I said, people make their own decision on whether or not to buy the app. However, for a previous poster to accuse the developer of "greed" is unfair I feel. To me personally, £2.99 a year isnt going to break the bank, and the developer isnt going to become extremely wealthy off the back of it. If he can make a few quid in recompense for his time and effort, good luck to him I say.
At the end of the day, you pay your money ( or not ) and make your choice. However, personally, I wouldn't say that "someone has decided to get greedy" - Is £2.99 a season / year really that much ? That's roughly the same cost as a single pint of beer for a whole year's worth of use. I have used the app on my iPod Touch, and would gladly pay just under three quid a year to use it, and would be happy to also buy an Android version, which I understand is in the works, from Craig's recent tweets on the subject.
Ah, Aussie Troll ! Same goes for you, BFD ! If you can be bothered to look at your posts, you will see that a fair few of yours recently comment on one of my posts, but thats OK, eh, Cobber ? Setting up a branch of the Dorset Ministry of Propaganda in Darwin next year ? You are very well qualified to do so, after all ! You being a Shovlar apologist really surprises me to be honest, as on our meetings at Swindon you seemed a thoroughly decent chap, but nothing surprises me in speedway any more !
Problem is, Steve is so damn myopically biased when it comes to Poole, and is also very quick to have a dig at other teams all the time, that Poole fans in general are "guilty by association". Thats not fair I know, but for some reason, Steve has never been able to work out what a dis - service he does Poole speedway and its fans with his normally modus operandi of extremely biased postings...Anyone would be forgiven for thinking that he and Matt had a civil partnership! Steve comes across as idolising Matt.
"By the sound of it Coventry jumped the gun twice" So, YET AGAIN, no CONCRETE PROOF, eh Steve? Still, not the first time, and it certainly wont be the last, that you post as yet unproven allegiations against teams other than your beloved Pirates ! You couldn't make it up....Except it seems, you can ! How are Matt and you communicating these days? Phone, Fax, Email, Telepathy?
LOL Some back tracking from certain quarters will now ensue. Along with the not so humble pie, red whine and sour cream, we can expect the DMP leader in chief to tell us how this is a sad, sad day for speedway, threats to boycott Brandon (Like Sandhu will worry) and all manner of bovine excretia from the "Sherborne One" Hopefully, the BSPA wll learn from this debacle, and be open, honest and transparent in future..I have my doubts though...
Why is Mickey Mouse the logo / mascot of Falubaz ? Whats the reasoning behind it ?
Only 3 Teams In 2011 Czech Extraliga
jeffster replied to jeffster's topic in International World of Speedway
Just use Google translate, like the rest of us All decisions to be ratified December 11th at Czech annual AGM in Pardubice -
Sadly, I believe you to be 100% correct, Stars and Devils are indeed mere pawns in this dirty little game that is being played out within the Kremlin, er BSPA corridors of power
From : http://www.speedwayfakta.cz/aktuality/navrat-prvni-ligy-extraliga-ve-trech/ Návrat první ligy, extraliga ve třech? Jaroslav Líbal, 26.11.2010, 11:32zdroj: vlastní informace ceska-republika.pngSpolu se sněhovou nadílkou za okny a blížícím se koncem roku dostává jasnější obrysy také podoba českých plochodrážních soutěží pro nadcházející sezonu 2011. A právě v příštím roce by mělo transformací přeboru ČR družstev dojít ke vzkříšení někdejší 1. ligy. O účast v ní projevilo zájem již 5 týmů, zatímco v nejvyšší soutěži – extralize družstev – může dojít na souboj pouze ve třech. Z informací, které máme k dispozici, zatím vyplývá, že zájem o účast v extralize doposud oficiálně projevila pouze družstva Pardubic, Prahy a Mšena. Další účastník letošní extraligy – PK Plzeň – figuruje k dnešnímu dni jen mezi prvoligovými týmy, a o jakou soutěž má zájem AK Slaný, doposud není známo. Pokud by se již nic nezměnilo, je systém extraligy připraven tak, aby bylo možné soutěž uskutečnit pouze s třemi účastníky. Finálová kola šampionátu jednotlivců uvidí diváci ve Mšeně, v Praze a v Divišově, semifinále uspořádají pardubičtí pořadatelé. Mistrovství ČR dvojic budou hostit Březolupy. Předběžný přehled soutěží pro rok 2011: Extraliga: Pardubice, Praha, Mšeno 1. liga: Mšeno, Plzeň, Březolupy, Svitavy (Pardubice), Praha Finále MČR jednotlivců: Divišov, Mšeno, Praha Semifinále MČR jednotlivců: Pardubice MČR Dvojic: Březolupy MČR na dlouhé dráze: Mariánské Lázně MČR na ledové ploché dráze: Božetice, Růžená, Hamr na Jezeře Přebor ČR jednotlivců: Liberec, Pardubice, Mšeno, Praha MČR juniorských družstev: Pardubice, Mšeno, Plzeň, Slaný, Praha MČR juniorů do 21 let: Praha, Svitavy, Liberec, Mšeno, Divišov, Plzeň, Slaný, Pardubice MČR juniorů do 19 let: Pardubice
Any ideas then? Does seem odd that Plymouth, with 5 years membership of the NL, have been refused entry to the PL, while Leicester, whose stadium and track construction is not yet fully complete at present , have been granted entry to the PL! All very odd ...
Yes, there was a secret ballot... Me thinks that Plymouth were, wrongly in my opinion, refused entry to PL on travel grounds...Especially as centrally located Leicester were allowed in...
What Riders Are Going To Get A Team Berth?
jeffster replied to Steve Shovlar's topic in SGB Premiership Speedway League
What a sick twisted individual you are, Steve ! I would have thought that even you would have had the sense to know that you above people shouldnt be starting a thread like this ! Talk about basking in the misery of others ! -
Paul Pickering ? Very doubtful ... Probably be Mark "Buzz" Burrows Eric Monaghan or Nigel Crabtree ? No, but those two more likely than Pickers... Will be Buzz I would have thought...
I Sverige, Stappen ? No idea mate I England ? Robinarna i Swindon, I hope
2011 Danish And Czech Republic Speedway
jeffster replied to IW08's topic in International World of Speedway
The Czech League conference is in Pardubice on Saturday 11th December. I wouldnt expect much rider movement though, if any at all. AFAIK, the only club that needs to replace riders in their squad are Prague, as Lubos Tomicek's contract has come to an end, and Leigh Adams has of course retired. Having said that, Leigh (a member of the Pardubice squad for several years before switching to Prague this year) didnt turn a wheel for Prague in the season just passed, with Davey Watt riding in their early meetings, and then Nicki Pedersen being brought in for the business end of the season. Whether Lubos joins Slany, his favourite track in the Czech Republic, remains to be seen