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racers and royals

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Everything posted by racers and royals

  1. Have a good trip-hope us "stream "viewers enjoy both matches as well.
  2. The line-ups are notoriously slow in being named for these qualifiers-maybe keep an eye on here http://www.speedwayracing.at/ 6 named on my link now Also from Sportowefakty Polski Związek Motorowy podał listę zawodników, którzy powalczą w Indywidualnych Mistrzostwach Europy i eliminacjach do Indywidualnych Mistrzostw Świata. Powołania PZM do IMŚ: 2 maja: 1. Runda Kwalifikacyjna eliminacji do IMŚ w Gorican - Przemysław Pawlicki (numer startowy 3.) i Piotr Pawlicki (numer startowy 15.) 2 maja: 2. Runda Kwalifikacyjna eliminacji do IMŚ w Sankt Johann - Mirosław Jabłoński (numer startowy 2.) i Karol Baran (numer startowy 13.) 3 maja: 3. Runda Kwalifikacyjna eliminacji do IMŚ w Lonigo - Kacper Gomólski (numer startowy 6.) 25 maja: 4. Runda Kwalifikacyjna eliminacji do IMŚ w Abensbergu - Grzegorz Walasek (numer startowy 4.) 8 now
  3. Are you back to Poland this weekend for a double header- Gorzow and ??
  4. Hope no-one goes to this match on the date on the thread-surely it`s the 25th ?
  5. Don`t think they have named the 3 permanent wildcards for the series yet-although G Laguta is one ? -cannot be GP riders.
  6. As the test match in Antigua against England abandoned in 2009 after 10 balls will testify.
  7. Torun tickets for the 1st round on June 20th available from http://www.eventim.pl/speedway-european-championships-i-runda-tickets.html?affiliate=PLE&doc=artistPages%2Ftickets&fun=artist&action=tickets&erid=1314799
  8. Line-ups for the meeting on Saturday-start time 5pm uk time-should be a stream from 4.30 pm uk time Vetlanda 1 Woffinden 2 Sayfutdinov 3 Hampel 4 Kolodziej 5 T H Jonasson Holsted 1 Pedersen 2 Vaculik 3 Jensen 4 Klindt 5 Balinski Kings Lynn 1 Protaswiecz 2 Bjerre 3 Schlein 4 Porsing 5 Lambert Gorzow 1 Kasprzak 2 NKI 3 Zagar 4 Zmarlik 5 Sundstrom
  9. Google translation of Sportowefakty article today. One of Gniezno law firms have already sent the first request for payment to the Polish Association Motorowemu on the organization LOTTO Warsaw Speedway Grand Prix of Poland. Law Office Klejborowski / Bernaciak of Gniezno is the first that sent the request for payment PZM on the organization LOTTO Warsaw Speedway Grand Prix of Poland at the National Stadium. Polish Motor Union maintains that he is not guilty of scandal organizational and company blames Ole Olsen, who was responsible for preparing the track. However, the Dane denies the allegations, claiming that the criticism is unjustified. Why the operation of the Gniezno glass office? - To date, we have signed up to a few dozen fans and still call the successive interested. Interestingly, the people are so upset that they do not heed the ability to recover costs and relatively low amounts. They feel deeply offended by the attitude of the organizer of this event. Shortly after the event, we have a legal analysis of the case and in our opinion, there are grounds for an investigation by the organizer, ie. PZMot damages including reimbursement of tickets and justified cases, the reimbursement of travel costs. After PZMot the moment of buying a ticket every fan has concluded an individual contract, which definitely is not fulfilled - Klejborowski attorney said. In the media there was already prepared information about collective lawsuit against the organizers of the Grand Prix at the National Stadium. As it turns out, Gniezno firm has chosen a different path proceedings against PZM. - We would like to point out that in contrast to the emerging media suggestions, yet we do not anticipate filing a class action lawsuit, but we intend to act on behalf of each client individually. It will streamline and speed up the whole process. Thanks to our office yesterday sent the first request for payment. PZMot fans sell tickets, which outlined, that is the organizer of this event, and should take responsibility and pay back the money. Because fans bought tickets to the event, including - as everyone knows - 23 races. After all, if the fans knew that the watch only 12 races (in addition to the falls and without tape home - which in a sense have an impact on the outcome of sporting competition), it is probably most of them never would decide to buy a ticket. Important matter is that the cause of the interrupt event was force majeure, which would allow the organizer to break free from potential liability. It's hard to blame the organizer, when it rains, so the track is not suitable for use (as in sport speedway is not anything special, after all). In this particular case, as indicated by the organizer and evidence, the cause of the interrupt event was human error, which consists in the wrong orientation track surface - Klejborowski added. Gnieźnieńska office emphasizes that the main aspect of the case is not that poor preparation for Saturday race track. - It is immaterial that, according to the position of PZMot, it does not track paving PZMot prepared or provided a tape home. According to the law because it corresponds directly for the operation of all persons and entities with which organizes the event. We are convinced that the organizer at least for the sake of their image and for the sake of the fans slag adequately atone for it spoiled holiday. In the absence of an adequate response, we will be forced to refer matters on behalf of clients before the court, to enforce the claims asserted. Importantly, customers who have applied to our office are willing to devote their time to pursue their claims before the court as well - patron Klejborowski ended.
  10. Russia won`t be affected as the "star" riders don`t take part in the SWC
  11. Germany wildcard. Brits replace the USA who cannot provide a team on that date. Woffy and Cook named with the reserve to follow.
  12. Looks as if the 1st TV match is Lejonen v Rosspiggarna.
  13. Hi Lion-I also had a nightmare trying to buy tickets for this GP-I was registered previously with them and whatever I did I couldn`t get past the entering details page-eventually I did a new registration under the wife`s name and email and it worked perfectly -tickets were bought in about 2 minutes flat.
  14. The 2014 Fim speedway grand prix rules state a meeting can be called after 12 heats-so no change to that rule in 2015.
  15. 28 started and we just have lost 2 after the 1st GP Leaderboard Wiseguy £1500 Brummie Boy £1100 Refereerick £1100 Maverick88 £900 JoeBeevers £650 CJ69 £600 TNT £600 Steven 101 £580 Robbie B £550 Waihekeaces1 £550 A Orlov £500 racers and royals £500 Hilly £480 Phillipsr £460 Davidadam £420 Anzum £420 June 01 £380 Skippy £275 Arson Fire £240 Shergar £225 Speedy 17 £200 Speedwaysliders £200 Panthers89 £100 Fromafar £100 J-D £90 Icescot £90 We Loose-thanks for taking part. Mickthemuppet -£100 Savalascloutingu21champ - £300 Anyone who has a Query on their new amount please PM me. The Next GP is Tampere on Saturday 16th May-I will put the spreads up at the end of April.
  16. Translation of the PZM statement Polish Grand Prix at the National Stadium ended in embarrassment. The competition was terminated after twelve races, due to poor preparation of the track. Polish Motor Union apologizes to fans, but also notes that he was not responsible for this situation. Below is the complete text of the statement. "On behalf of the Board of the Polish Association of Motor sorry fans gathered at the National Stadium during the FIM Speedway Grand Prix of Poland, as well as all fans of speedway in Poland. The events that took place on April 18, did not penetrate the fault of the organizer, who was Polish Automobile Association nor PL.2012 +, which is the operator of the National Stadium. Individual Speedway World Championship (Speedway Grand Prix) operate under the auspices of the International Motorcycling Federation (FIM), which is a member of the Polish Automobile Association (PZM). National Federation shall be regulated due FIM. The right to host the FIM Speedway Grand Prix 2021 sold promoter cycle - English company Benfield Sports International Ltd. Organization Speedway Grand Prix of Poland resulted from an agreement for the years 2015 - 2017 concluded by the Board of the Polish Association of promoter Benfield Motor Sports International Ltd. In this agreement BSI agreed to purchase the material needed to build a temporary track at the National Stadium, as well as to its delivery to warehouses in Warsaw, of which he was then transferred to the National Stadium. According to the agreement, Benfield Sports International Ltd. indicated Danish company Speed ​​Sport - led by Ole Olsen's only in recent years the company building the track time in the world - as a performer of the track at the National Stadium for the purpose of the competition there Speedway Grand Prix in the years 2015 - 2017 . The agreement required the company Speed ​​Sport obligation to build the track, ensure efficient appliances whole track equipment in accordance with applicable regulations of the FIM, including the starting gate and the dismantling of the track and its facilities after the race. According to the agreement signed with the BSI PZM role as an organizer of the construction of the track was not to hold a competition, and all other issues relating to the carrying out, including the provision of the corresponding object. To this end, ASN has entered into a separate agreement to rent the National Stadium with its operator - the company Pl.2012 +. The National Stadium was opened for Speed ​​Sport to carry out the work on the construction of the track on 12 April. Work on the actual laying of the track surface began on 14 April. On 17 April 2015 the track has been received for training by the FIM Jury - the supreme authority of the FIM sports competitions during the GP. During the official, optional training most players did not take part in it on the grounds of safety and also submitted comments to the state of the track. After training there was a statutory meeting of the FIM Jury which transmitted the attention of players Ole Olsen requiring it to improve the condition of the track. April 18 at 9:00 am began test drive participants in the competition, which took part in the vast majority of players. On the basis of their track Jury FIM committed to recognizing it as a competition in accordance with the rules and safe. During the course of the event prepared by the state of the track Speed ​​Sport gradually deteriorated. The surface became rough and disrupted the smooth ride of players. In addition, since the beginning of the competition there were problems with the operation of the starting gate. After meeting with the players after the twelfth race of the FIM Jury decided the contest. According to the rules of the FIM - there were three full series of races and professions were considered completed, and sports scores have been approved and announced. With reference to the above Polish Automobile Association is considering taking legal action through the courts in relation to the BSI and Speed ​​Sports, which will inform the public. We would again like to apologize to the fans for the situation. On behalf of the Board of the PZM President Andrzej Witkowski
  17. Now back-these are the revised spreads for the 12 heat meeting yesterday. Hancock 7 - 8 Woffinden 7 - 8 Kasprzak 7 - 8 Pedersen 6 - 7 Hampel 6 - 7 Iversen 6 - 7 holder 6- 7 Zagar 4 - 5 MJJ 4 - 5 Jonsson 4 - 5 Janowski 4 -5 Doyle 4 - 5 Batchelor 3 - 4 THJ 3 - 4 Gollob 3 - 4 Harris 2 - 3 I will work out the profit and loss asap.
  18. Back home a few thoughts-there should be 4 statements this week from 1 FIM 2 BSI 3 PZM 4 the riders I have seen many worse tracks than Yesterday in my nearly 50 years of watching speedway-several at past GP`s. The starting gate problems were a pathetic shambles, and I fully agree with the posters who have said that if the tapes had been working the meeting would have reached it`s full 23 races.
  19. What a let down- letting the fireworks off as we walked out really took the pi$$.although i didnt specifally say it this season the rule for curtailed meetings where the points count- the spreads are adjusted- in this case 3/5th of the orginal spread will become the adjusted spread.zmarliks 3 points do not count for Doyles tape ! Exculsion wheras pawlickis 1 point is added to jonssons score because he withdrew injured.
  20. Is this any better W sezonie 2015 zaplanowaliśmy cztery takie imprezy. • 19 kwietnia w Krośnie • 03 czerwca w Pile • 31 lipca w Gdańsku • 10 października w Lublinie Dla uatrakcyjnienia cyklu każdorazowo rywal biało-czerwonych zostanie zbudowany z zawodników zagranicznych dobranych według innych kryteriów. W Krośnie będzie to Team Słowiański, którego największymi gwiazdami bądą z pewnością tak znakomici zawodnicy jak Rosjanie Emil Sajfutdinov i Artem Łaguta oraz Słowak Martin Vaculik. W Pile naprzeciw naszym Orłom stanie drużyna-niespodzianka wyselekcjonowana przez jedną z największych gwiazd w dziejach sportu żużlowego. W Gdańsku zespół gości utworzą obcokrajowcy, którzy w przeszłości bronili barw Wybrzeża, natomiast w Lublinie dojdzie do rewanżowego meczu pomiędzy naszą reprezentacją, a ekipą Mistrzów. Pierwsze takie spotkanie odbyło się na tamtejszym torze jesienią 2013 roku i okazało się przysłowiowym strzałem w dziesiątkę! Mecz głosami Czytelników „Tygodnika Żużlowego” otrzymał zaszczytny tytuł Imprezy Roku!
  21. One last reminder before I fly to Warsaw- If you don`t bet in round 1 then you can`t enter at a later stage.
  22. Not just a one of-taken from their website In the 2015 season we have planned four such events. • • April 19 in Krosno • • June 3 in Pila •• July 31 in Gdansk •• 10 October in Lublin To make your cycle, each contestant white and red will be built with foreign players selected according to other criteria. W Krośnie . In Krosno will be Team Slavic, which must host the greatest stars certainly not as outstanding players like Emil Sajfutdinov Russians and Artem Laguta and Slovak Martin Vaculik. The Eagles Pile able to meet our surprise team selected by one of the biggest stars in the history of speedway. . In Gdansk, guests will form a team of foreigners who in the past defended the colors Coast, while in Lublin comes to revenge match between our representation, and a team of Champions. The first such meeting was held at the local track in the autumn of 2013, and proved to be the proverbial hit the spot! Readers voices match "Speedway Weekly" has received the prestigious title of Events of the Year!
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