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racers and royals

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Everything posted by racers and royals

  1. We must wait for the official scores-However Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes yes the cream has stayed at the top
  2. And Minimal is minimal whereas when the camera angle changed so did the language
  3. This is better http://pivotv.pl/?ch=sport2 the cross is grey and on the cartoon road.
  4. We apologise if Bjerre swore during the interview !!!
  5. might as well have started from heat 2-same result as last night.
  6. How do you get rid of the poxy cartoon on the picture ?? All that moaning about yesterday-and you are still there able to watch it
  7. Watching Polish stream here http://www.drhtv.com.pl/drhtv3.html
  8. Forgot to post this yesterday-Danish Webmasters race-card for today http://www.holsted-speedway.dk/media/2015/Heatskemaer/SWC-FIN-2015.pdf
  9. I am a bit surprised that British Eurosport/Quest have not yet decided to show the final at 2.30pm-"delayed live" on Quest - something I and I suspect others would be happy with . I could certainly keep away from any score info for 90 mins from 1pm. If they don`t then the only other option -I`m not prepared to wait until 7pm !! will be to watch on a Polish stream at 1pm -here are some places to look for links http://soccer-live.pl/transmisje.php?id=motorsport http://www.meczyki.pl/ http://livelooker.com/en/tv,7,speedway.html If anyone does not normally watch streams-some advice One suggestion would be to Google Sopcast and download latest version-then follow link on Soccer-live. Otherwise click on the other links-DO NOT download anything if prompted-you should be able to click on the small crosses to eventually clear and be able to go to full screen-Stream quality is excellent these days.
  10. Same as the whole Easter Polish Programme was cancelled because of the weather !!!!
  11. I presume you are based in the UK-what if you were flying home next sunday(21st) to go all the way to Rzeszow v Zielona Gora to find out that on Wednesday last that they have moved it to Wednesday 22nd July ??
  12. plenty over the last 5 years- you must know that The Extraleague are always prepared to postpone matches see this example from this season http://speedwayekstraliga.pl/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/Komunikat-PGE-Ekstraligi-nr-15_2015.pdf -also see post 185. Poland have just moved 2 matches this week from Sundays to Wednesday/Friday-they just think they can do what they like
  13. Hope you are coming back Monday-somehow sadly I am probably wrong !
  14. Bsi announced world cup dates in November 2014-Polish Extraleague dates announced exactly 1 month later-you are not doing very well tonight.
  15. How could it be on today-it pi$$ed down-I see you have ignored my post 148-probably because it`s 100% true. Didn`t it rain in leszno one year !!!
  16. That's such a load of cr*p-polish league postpone matches all the time when Saturday championship qualifiers etc get rained off- even if the 6 or 7 is not available the match is postponed.
  17. Probably be on Quest at 2.30 pm -delayed live-which would be ok, just about keep away from any score news.
  18. Poland wiped out tomorrow-which might just please the teams with the suspended Russian riders.
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