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racers and royals

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Everything posted by racers and royals

  1. This is the 2nd of these matches that Gollob has pulled out at the last moment-bit naughty naming him to get the crowd in and then not riding
  2. yes C more start time 6pm uk time-I cannot find a stream at the moment.
  3. try this http://livefree-001-site1.mywindowshosting.com/web/tvpsport.htm The warnings are always coming up- if you don`t download anything at all you will be ok-just click on the small crosses
  4. watching on http://livefree-001-site1.mywindowshosting.com/web/tvpsport.htm (starts soon)
  5. He`s in Hungary for tomorrow http://www.sportowefakty.pl/zuzel/wydarzenie/35206
  6. Yes but nothing ever happens in Holland-that`s why DGT is always on his travels
  7. Philip Rising told us the up front payment started when the big money extra race finished- not sure if I dreamt the amount but I think 10K was mentioned.
  8. If you get wind of a C more stream we will be able to watch both,
  9. Prices Adult (18 and older) 120 SEK Youth up to 18 years 50 SEK (ID must be able to prove age) Children up to 15 years, free admission Parking 20 SEK exchange rate nearly 13 sek to the £
  10. I was just going to say that the cameraman was doing a good job -when he showed some bloke having a jimmy riddle
  11. there were a lot of nice shapes at Malilla on Saturday-and I`m not talking about Daria
  12. Are we waiting for the hot dog queue to go down before we start again
  13. I will be with you tonight -and it`s looking odds-on I will be with you on Saturday for the Polish battle as well.
  14. 30 min video of the junior team comp(mdmp) round in Zielona Gora http://www.sportowefakty.pl/zuzel/537024/wszystkie-biegi-mdmp-w-zielonej-gorze-wideo
  15. Video of Malilla GP ( polish) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6D91tt-QmNk
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