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racers and royals

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Everything posted by racers and royals

  1. Ole Olsen video-talking about the Warsaw track http://speedwaytv.sportowefakty.pl/22351/olsen-tor-bedzie-dobry-wyciagnelismy-wnioski
  2. Looks as if Russia have had a change of mind- with Artem Laguta in the Czech round.
  3. line-up for the Zarnovica qualifier on May 15th Lista startowa: 1. Przemysław Pawlicki (Polska) 2. Denis Gizatullin (Rosja) 3. Paolo Scagnetti (Włochy) 4. Tomas H. Jonasson (Szwecja) 5. Andriej Kobrin (Ukraina) 6. Patrik Buri (Słowacja) 7. Krzysztof Buczkowski (Polska) 8. Martin Malek (Czechy) 9. Matic Ivacic (Słowenia) 10. Renat Gafurow (Rosja) 11. Alessandro Milanese (Włochy) 12. Fredrik Lindgren (Szwecja) 13. Michal Tomka (Słowacja) 14. Andriej Karpow (Ukraina) 15. Anders Thomsen (Dania) 16. Mikkel Bech (Dania) line-up for Liberec(Czech rep) on Saturday 14th May 1. Piotr Protasiewicz 2. Artem Laguta 3. Milan Manev 4. Jurica Pavlič 5. Joonas Kylmäkorpi 6. Tomasz Jedrzejak 7. Matěj Kůs 8. Viktor Kulakov 9. Maksim Bogdanov 10. Tobias Busch 11. Kenneth Bjerre 12. Václav Milík 13. Andrej Kudrjašov 14. Jevgenijs Kostigovs 15. Kai Huckenbeck 16. Nicolai Klindt 17. Martin Málek 18. Michal Škurla
  4. video http://sportowefakty.wp.pl/zuzel/600352/zobacz-fatalny-upadek-juniorow-w-meczu-polonia-pila-lokomotiv-daugavpils-wideo really nasty crash
  5. TV matches announced for round 6 on May 22nd- UK times 4 pm Torun v Wroclaw 6.30pm Zielona Gora v Gorzow - tame local derby !!!!!!
  6. 2- 30 min programmes tonight showing yesterday`s non TV matches-uk times N SPORT 9pm Leszno v Rybnik 9.30pm Tarnow v Wroclaw http://www.telewizjada.net/live.php?cid=38
  7. We also have from previously posted -Robert Lambert and Max Clegg for GB and Nike Lunna for Finland and Jake Turner for New Zealand.
  8. The only thing I can tell you is the field will be made up from the following. 2 GB 2 DANES 2 POLES 3 SWEDES 2 AUSSIES 1 FRANCE 1 GERMAN 1 NEW ZEALAND 1 CZECH REP 1 FINLAND
  9. Meeting is live on TVP 1 channel programme starts at 12.55 pm uk time -1st showing on TVP SPORT is 10 pm Sunday evening. I am not sure if the TVP regional stations are covering it live. http://soccer-live.pl/transmisje.php?id=motorsport http://www.telewizjada.net/ http://www.meczyki.pl/ http://livelooker.com/en/tv,7,speedway.html http://yoy.tv/channels/272 One further thought - Ole Olsen and crew will have to work extremely hard overnight to get the track in reasonable shape for the meeting, with practice on Friday, then the GP it will be the equivalent of 3 meetings in 3 days.
  10. Most of us watch on top quality streams- definitely NO coverage with English commentary- watch one of the Extraleague video`s posted here http://www.speedway-forum.co.uk/forums/index.php?showtopic=81405 Friday`s would be good and you will see that the coverage from N SPORT is excellent and no English commentary is required.
  11. Hi had a good study of the line-ups and form and will go 50-40 home win
  12. Ours was March 26th have you watched Thursday`s pairs video yet ??
  13. Why not ? I think he`s pretty close to being ready- he just thought the cut-throat nature of a GP might not be the best for his initial meeting back.
  14. That is the unfortunate thing about the guaranteed top 3 from the challenge getting to the GP.When you have such a competitive line up like this year- 3 are going to go if a current GP line-up rider isn`t among the top 3 in the challenge. Certainly Emil and Vaculik would grace any series. We shall just have to wait and see what happens in Vetlanda. May I be the 1st to say(hopefully not the last) that you (and Dave) were missed in Slovenia.
  15. line-ups Polska: 1. Maciej Janowski 2. Piotr Pawlicki 3. Patryk Dudek 4. Pawel Przepelski 5. Bartosz Zmarzlik 6. Maksym Drabik Reszta Świata: 1. Grigorij Łaguta (Rosja) 2. Antonio Lindbaeck (Szwecja) 3. Jason Doyle (Australia) 4. Martin Vaculik (Słowacja) 5. Niels Kristian Iversen (Dania) 6. Peter Kildemand (Dania)
  16. Have you been out of the country ? I posted that hours before the Zielona Gora match on Friday(post 605)- I then had to remind Brandonbee when he posted the same info hours later- must have been the time difference between the USA and us..
  17. team news Czestochowa v Krakow http://sportowefakty.wp.pl/zuzel/wydarzenie/62324 team news Grudziadz v Zielona Gora http://sportowefakty.wp.pl/zuzel/wydarzenie/60637 team news Gorzow v Torun http://sportowefakty.wp.pl/zuzel/wydarzenie/60639
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