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racers and royals

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Everything posted by racers and royals

  1. Difficult to say who will win or finish last- 6 current GP riders in it.
  2. Challenge final Glasgow Saturday 20th August line-up - not in draw order Thomsen Huckenbeck Fricke Nilsson J Holder Wozniak Lebedevs Tungate Vaculik Lambert Bewley Jensen Kubera Berntzon Bellego Milik
  3. https://www.facebook.com/watch/live/?extid=CL-UNK-UNK-UNK-AN_GK0T-GK1C&ref=watch_permalink&v=555976079272056
  4. Not sure if Sloviakian link will work but top man Kergel is showing http://kergel.ucoz.lv/ Edit live now- speedway on at 2.15/20pm UK time
  5. Possibility of live updates from Vetlanda today https://ta.svemo.se/Public/Pages/Competition/IndividualDrivingSchedule/CompetitionLiveResult.aspx?Branch=Speedway&Columns=CompetitionInfo,Branch,Name,Organizer,FromDateShort,LiveResult&DateFilter=TODAY&pagesize=10&IsArrangeable=true&CompetitionId=14079 1st 5 qualify for the final from each of the 3 qualifying rounds- 1 WC from Hungary in the final.
  6. We need 1 minimum automatic qualifier out of the 3 competing today to get in top 4. If not a Brit will be chosen to ride in Glasgow and only 3 will qualify from Zarnovica.
  7. Confirmed that it`s the Zarnovica round that will only get 3 qualifiers through IF either Lambert or Bewley fail to get in top 4 OR Harris fails to get in top 4 in Nagyhalasz.
  8. We move on to tomorrow`s matches Sunday June 12th Bydgoszcz v Zielona Gora start time 1pm UK time Canal + Sport 5 Sunday June 12th Lodz v Landshut start time 1pm UK time Canal + online Links http://kergel.ucoz.lv/ will be showing both matches at the same time http://www.maniak.tv/mk7 https://daddylive.eu/cast/stream-75.php http://assia23.com/live/mix-sport7/?lang=pl
  9. That does make more sense than what we originally thought. Now we just need confirmation, although with the meeting next Saturday sooner rather than later would be nice !!
  10. Ostrow v Gorzow Friday June 10th https://vk.com/video-81427162_456239298?fbclid=IwAR1wHeFluo-aSxii7XCsfGDCyewc9U1hKf4EAYtynrbzLYyv-i_AlGwGaZA
  11. We move on to Sunday Sunday June 12th Czestochowa v Torun start time 3.20pm UK time Canal + Sport 5( 1st match Torun 48 Czestochowa 42) Sunday June 12th Wroclaw v Lublin start time 6.15pm UK time Canal + Sport 5( 1st match Lublin 50 Wroclaw 40) Racecards Czestochowa v Torun pages 30 and 31 https://acrobat.adobe.com/link/review?uri=urn:aaid:scds:US:0585280b-a3ad-4ddc-a8d0-2089de9fa586#pageNum=31 Wroclaw v Lublin pages pages 24 and 25 https://acrobat.adobe.com/link/review?uri=urn:aaid:scds:US:a63637bd-3504-4394-a7d5-e1f608928a88#pageNum=25 Links http://kergel.ucoz.lv/ http://www.maniak.tv/mk7 https://daddylive.eu/cast/stream-75.php http://assia23.com/live/mix-sport7/?lang=pl
  12. Leszno v Grudziadz Friday June 10th https://vk.com/video/@speedwayrussian?z=video-53550004_456241187%2Fclub53550004%2Fpl_-53550004_-2
  13. 16 for 3 days- picks himself off the floor and then produces a stunning ride- Paluch is a special talent.
  14. https://vk.com/video-53550004_456241188?fbclid=IwAR3ajrtyjKLCzUZprsD3RigNdv_n8KluhXQWvDl0mBg6Jdpr9Lw8CLF5JK4 https://vk.com/wall-53550004_44195?fbclid=IwAR1lK3y3F5wlFCzVr0hBRmUCZvdNibqbKJIaqzFssHE6ARYasJdTpR1gT-U
  15. Teams confirmed in Ostrow Ostrow v Gorzow Ostrow 9 Berntzon 10 Gapinski 11 Walasek 12 Matias Nielsen 13 C Holder 14 Krawczyk 15 Szostak 16 Sorensen Gorzow 1 Wozniak 2 Thomsen 3 Vaculik 4 P Hansen 5 Zmarzlik 6 Bartkowiak 7 Paluch 8 Jasinski
  16. https://vk.com/video-81427162_456239297?fbclid=IwAR3n35pf2eGR12bpvN3BSAtuPDgpTBmKPZGySiMUEf-s04lz1C9jGMko8T4 https://vk.com/video-53550004_456241187?fbclid=IwAR1csKrO-EMaSf-RL8fH8wTPIdd6H64Zq0B5RiQhpje-Zcrexl420TNQsfw
  17. Exactly- highest 2nd isn`t 100% ideal because of the different strengths sometimes of the semi`s but it`s better than this new rule !!!
  18. So if Denmark or Latvia win on the 18th they will both get to the final or if Sweden or Norway do then Denmark only will- which seems ridiculous as Denmark are in the final even if they finish last.( for finishing 2nd to Poland last year).
  19. I should have realised i could look up the rules " The winning team of each Semi Final will qualify through to the Final, together with two teams nominated by the TRC (the FMNR of the Final team being one of them, + one team according to the previous years ranking)."
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