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racers and royals

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Everything posted by racers and royals

  1. You have only to look at Lublin tonight to see the sport is at a different level there
  2. Teams confirmed in Grudziadz Grudziadz v Czestochowa Grudziadz 9 Prem Pawlicki 10 Kasprzak 11 Jakobsen 12 RR(ZZ) 13 Orgacki 14 Rafalski 15 Pludra 16 Krakowiak Czestochowa 1 Madsen 2 Smektala 3 Lindgren 4 Jeppesen 5 Woryna 6 Miskowiak 7 Swidnicki 8 Kupiec
  3. https://vk.com/wall-53550004_45053?fbclid=IwAR1nxk0cXDlG-aYmcH5S1osTKzE0sY2gyqPlPJrqcVDOlW7uV3_1-faIOTM https://www.facebook.com/watch/live/?extid=CL-UNK-UNK-UNK-AN_GK0T-GK1C&ref=watch_permalink&v=576694417204860
  4. Teams confirmed in Lublin Friday’s line-ups Lublin v Ostrow Lublin 9 Hampel 10 RR(ZZ) 11 Drabik 12 Bowes 13 Tudziez 14 Lampart 15 Cierniak 16 Kubera Ostrow 1 Gapinski 2 Berntzon 3 Walasek 4 Grzelak 5 C Holder 6 Krawczyk 7 Szostak 8 Sorensen
  5. Isn`t it funny how many riders have said over the last few years that the Polish rules are unfair and they are not going to sign for teams and ride there- answers on a postcard please !! HE WHO PAYS THE PIPER CALLS THE TUNE
  6. Monday’s match line-ups Gniezno v Rybnik Gniezno 9 Lindback 10 Koza 11 12 Szlauderbach 13 O Fajfer 14 Studzinski 15 Czapla 16 Rybnik 1 Pieszczek 2 Zengota 3 Klindt 4 Wojdylo 5 Lyager 6 Trzesniewski 7 Tkocz 8 Chlebowski
  7. Result of today`s 46th and final qualifying group match Group A in Poznan Zielona Gora 4 Gorzow 3 Poznan 2 Daugavplis 1 Final Cumulative totals Zielona Gora 27 Gorzow 26 Daugavpils 15 Poznan 9
  8. A GP rider is not allowed to be one of the 5 picks. They can i think be a round wildcard. Dudek, Bewley, Michelsen, Madsen and Piotr Pawlicki are already in it.
  9. I should imagine the Poles noted that a couple of weeks ago NKI rode Monday England Tuesday Sweden Wednesday Denmark Thursday England and thought hello that`s Poland and 3 other NOT 2 - we are not having that !! and took action.
  10. Current table 1 Vojens P 8 points 17 2 Holsted P 7 points 15 3 Esbjerg P 8 points 12 4 Slangerup P 8 points 8 5 Region Varde P 8 points 8 6 Grindsted P 8 points 8 7 Fjelsted P 7 points 4 8 Brovst P 8 points 2 Catch up match dates 6th July Fjelsted v Holsted 13th July Fjelsted v Esbjerg 31st August Holsted v Vojens 31st August Grindsted v Region Varde 31st August Slangerup v Brovst
  11. We move on to round 10 on Wednesday June 29th- all start times 5.30pm UK time Esbjerg v Vojens- Premier Sport 1 Slangerup v Region Varde Holsted v Brovst start time Grindsted v Fjelsted
  12. Current table 1 Smederna P 6 points 13 2 Vastervik P 6 points 11 3 Lejonen P 6 points 10 4 Piraterna P 7 points 6 5 Indianerna P 6 points 5 6 Rospiggarna P 7 points 4 7 Dackarna P 7 points 2 8 Masarna P 7 points 2
  13. Tonight`s matches Friday June 17th Lublin v Ostrow start time 5pm UK time eleven Sport 1( 1st match Ostrow 35 Lublin 55) Friday June 17th Grudziadz v Czestochowa start time 7.30pm UK time Eleven Sport 1( 1st match Czestochowa 65 Grudziadz 25) Racecards Lublin v Ostrow page 11 https://acrobat.adobe.com/link/review?uri=urn:aaid:scds:US:23fa8a73-7981-4929-b2cc-4e920b73be0d#pageNum=11 Grudziadz v Czestochowa page 20 https://acrobat.adobe.com/link/review?uri=urn:aaid:scds:US:7bd67dc3-b319-4091-b1ad-4eb3b224a33c#pageNum=20 links http://kergel.ucoz.lv/ http://www.drhtv.com.pl/drhtv-1.html https://daddylive.eu/stream/stream-71.php http://www.maniak.tv/mk1 http://assia23.com/live/mix-sport11/?lang=pl
  14. You must have watched a different Woffinden match to me- May 25th- hardly the other day and he scored 12 from 7 - hardly a walk in the park Edit the other match against Jensen was May 4th and Woffinden scored 13 from 7 - again hardly a walk in the park.
  15. We move on to 3 matches next week Tuesday June 21st Smederna v Dackarna- Premier Sport 1 Lejonen v Masarna Rospiggarna v Vastervik
  16. Polish Silver Helmet Ostrow Wednesday June 15th https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dsGu0-baBBU
  17. Tai`s meeting has been arranged for ages probably long before the Swedish fixtures had to be amended following the demise of Vetlanda. Most of the RR on Sweden`s Thursday matches are when thr rider is not riding that night.
  18. German Speedway Masters 1st round Olching Thursday June 16th https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rj3GMmijoPI
  19. Confirmed teams from around 5.30pm UK time live updates from 6pm https://ta.svemo.se/Public/Pages/Competition/DrivingSchedule/CompetitionLiveResult.aspx?Branch=Speedway&Columns=CompetitionInfo,Branch,Name,Organizer,FromDateShort,LiveResult&DateFilter=TODAY&pagesize=10&IsArrangeable=true&CompetitionId=13481
  20. http://kergel.ucoz.lv/ https://www.facebook.com/watch/live/?extid=CL-UNK-UNK-UNK-AN_GK0T-GK1C&ref=watch_permalink&v=1058216714783470 http://assia23.com/live/mix-sport8/?lang=PL https://daddylive.eu/stream/stream-563.php
  21. Kolodziej injured- presumably Ellis will get the chance to ride. Edit Ellis replaces Kolodziej at 5
  22. Sunday’s match line-up Tarnow v Rzeszow Tarnow 9 Aarnio 10 Bober 11 K Hansen 12 Rolnicki 13 Ljung 14 15 Swiercz Rzeszow 1 Krcmar 2 Wolbert 3 Miesiac 4 Legowik 5 D Lampart 6 7 Majcher
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