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racers and royals

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Everything posted by racers and royals

  1. Links for tomorrow- start time 6pm UK time http://kergel.ucoz.lv/ http://www.maniak.tv/mk7 https://daddylive.eu/cast/stream-75.php http://assia23.com/live/mix-sport12/?lang=pl Racecard https://www.facebook.com/photo?fbid=437581495042768&set=a.436429908491260
  2. Milik almost certainly won`t be able to ride after his unfortunate crash in Sweden last night. Nothing yet from Krosno what they are going to do.
  3. Next weeks matches- all 4pm UK time Monday July 11th Wroclaw v Gorzow Tuesday July 12th Lublin v Torun Ostrow v Leszno Wroclaw v Czestochowa Gorzow v Grudziadz
  4. Live updates from Nagyhalasz tomorrow- start time 2.15pm UK time https://sportowefakty.wp.pl/zuzel/relacja/133807/polfinal-mep-w-nagyhalasz
  5. We move on to next week Tuesday July 12th Dackarna v Rospiggarna- Premier Sport 2 Masarna v Smederna Indianerna v Lejonen Thursday July 14th Lejonen v Vastervik- Premier sport 1
  6. We move on to tomorrow`s match Landshut v Krosno Friday July 8th start time 6.30pm UK time Canal + Sport 5 Links http://kergel.ucoz.lv/ http://www.maniak.tv/mk7 https://daddylive.eu/cast/stream-75.php http://assia23.com/live/mix-sport13/?lang=pl
  7. We move on to tomorrow Friday 8th July Gorzow v Grudziadz start time 7.30pm UK time Eleven Sport 1 racecard pages 16 and 17 https://acrobat.adobe.com/link/review?uri=urn%3Aaaid%3Ascds%3AUS%3Aa02a8ca1-a70a-4f3b-bf09-7da2d9e22781#pageNum=17 Links http://kergel.ucoz.lv/ http://www.drhtv.com.pl/drhtv-2.html https://daddylive.eu/stream/stream-71.php http://www.maniak.tv/mk1
  8. Ostrow and Leszno qualify from Zielona Gora Finalists Lublin(Seeded) Czestochowa, Wroclaw, Grudziadz, Bydgoszcz, Ostrow and Leszno Zielona Gora result Wyniki: Arged Malesa Ostrów Wielkopolski 20 Jakub Krawczyk 11+1 (3,0,3, 2*, 3) Kacper Grzelak (2*,1,1,3,2*) Fogo Unia Leszno 19 Damian Ratajczak 11+1 (2,2*,1,3,3,) Hubert Jabłoński (1*,3,0,2*,2*) KS Toruń 19 Krzysztof Lewandowski 7+2 ( 3,2*,2*,t,0) Denis Zieliński 12+1 (2*,3,3,3,1) Orlen Celfast Wilki Krosno 16 Krzysztof Sadurski 11 (3,3,d,2,3) Kacper Szopa 5+1 (0,2*,2,1,0) Falubaz Zielona Góra 9 Kacper Rychliński 1+1 (0,d,0,0,1*) Fabian Ragus 8 (1,1,3,1,2) Metalika Recycling Kolejarz Rawicz 7 Kacper Kłosok 5 (1,1,2,1) Franciszek Majewski 1 (0,0,1) Błażej Wypior 1+1 (0,1*,0)
  9. Czestochowa result Punktacja: Polska – 28 pkt:1. Szymon Ludwiczak 9+3 (2*,2*,-,2*,3,-) 2. Kevin Małkiewicz 9 (3,3,3,-,-,d) 3. Dawid Grzeszczyk 10+2 (2*,3,2*,3) Dania – 22 pkt: 1. Mikkel Andersen 15+1 (1,3,3,2*,3,3) 2. Villad Christiansen 6+1 (0,d,-,3,2*,1) 3. Andreas Olsen 1 (1) Wielka Brytania: 21 pkt: 1. Luke Harrison 12+1 (3,2,1,1,3,2*) 2. Ashton Vale 0 (0,-,0,-,-,-) 3. William Cairns 9+1 (1,3,2*,3) Czechy – 15 pkt: 1. Adam Bednar 9 (3,w,3,d,1,2) 2. Vojtech Sachl 6 (1,3,w,1,0,1) Szwecja – 14 pkt: 1. Anton Jansson 13 (2,1,3,2,3,2) 2. Alfons Wiltander 1 (0,0,u,0,1,-) 3. Dante Johansson 0 (t) Niemcy – 14 pkt: 1. Patrick Hyjek 12 (3,2,2,2,1,2) 2. Kacper Cymermann – brak zawodnika 3. Levin Kording 2 (0,1*,1,0,0,0) Łotwa/Finlandia – 12 pkt: 1. Damirs Filimonovs 6 (2,2,1,1,0,0) 2. Otto Raak 6+1 (1*,1,2,0,1,1)
  10. Czestochowa and Wroclaw the 1st 2 teams through to the final. Grudziadz and Bydgoszcz join them
  11. Składy reprezentacji: Wielka Brytania: 1. Leon Flint 2. Sam Hagon 15. Szwecja: 3. Gustav Grahn 4. Casper Hanriksson 16. Philip Hellstroem-Baengs Łotwa: 5. Francis Gust 6. Nikita Kaulin 17. Maris Strelcow Dania: 7. Jesper Knudsen 8. William Drejer 18. Nicolai Heiselberg Czechy: 9. Bruno Belan 10. Matous Kamenik 19. Polska: 11. Oskar Paluch 12. Wiktor Przyjemski 20. Franciszek Karczewski Niemcy: 13. Norick Bloedorn 14. Erik Bachhuber 21.
  12. Confirmed teams from around 5.30pm UK time and live updates from 6pm https://ta.svemo.se/Public/Pages/Competition/DrivingSchedule/CompetitionLiveResult.aspx?Branch=Speedway&Columns=CompetitionInfo,Branch,Name,Organizer,FromDateShort,LiveResult&DateFilter=TODAY&pagesize=10&IsArrangeable=true&CompetitionId=13505
  13. Sunday’s matches Line-ups Rybnik v Gdansk Rybnik 9 Lyager 10 Klindt 11 Wojdylo 12 Pieszczek 13 Zengota 14 Tkocz 15 Trzesniewski 16 Gdansk 1 Jamrog 2 Trofymov 3 Jensen 4 Gala 5 Lahti 6 Marciniec 7 Zupinski 8 Krosno v Gniezno Krosno 9 Szczepaniak 10 Lebedevs 11 Karczmarz 12 Milik 13 Musielak 14 Karczewski 15 Sadurski 16 Gniezno 1 MJJ 2 Koza 3 Hellstrom-Bangs 4 O Fajfer 5 Lindback 6 Czapla 7 Studzinski 8
  14. Sunday’s match line-ups Poznan v Daugavpils Poznan 9 K Fajfer 10 Holta 11 Gomolski 12 Harris 13 Seifert- Salk 14 Gusts 15 Daugavpils 1 Kostigovs 2 Bach 3 Ellis 4 Kolodinskis 5 Morris 6 Juhl Pedersen 7
  15. Today’s results from the semi- final 1st matches Group 1 in Zielona Gora Czestochowa 4 Torun 3 Ostrow 2 Zielona Gora 1 Group 2 in Lodz Grudziadz 4 Lublin 3 Leszno 2 Lodz 1
  16. Table 1 Leszno P 10 points 18 2 Ostrow P 9 points 17 3 Grudziadz P 10 points 14 4 Torun P 10 points 12 5 Wroclaw P 8 points 9 6 Gorzow P 8 points 8 7 Lublin P 10 points 3 8 Czestochowa P 9 points 2
  17. Wroclaw have announced that all their home matches are now going to be in Wroclaw and not Opole.
  18. https://www.svemo.se/Sporter/Resultat/Speedway/Serier/BAUHAUSLigan2022/Snittlista/
  19. 3 finals Czestochowa Thursday 7th July Pardubice Tuesday 12th July Randers Denmark 6th August Czestochowa line-up 1 2 15 Patrick HYJEK Kacper CYMERMANN Levin CORDING DMSB Germany 3 4 16 Damirs FILIMONOVS Otto RAAK LaMSF/SML LATVIA/ FINLAND 5 6 17 Adam BEDNÁŘ Vojtéch Šachl ACCR CZECHIA 7 8 18 Anton JANSSON Alfons WILTANDER Dante JOHANSSON Sweden 9 10 19 Szymon LUDWICZAK Kevin MAŁKIEWICZ Dawid GRZESZCZYK PZM POLAND 11 12 20 Mikkel ANDERSEN Villad Luka Nagel CHRISTIANSEN Andreas OLSEN DMU DENMARK 13 14 21 Luke HARRISON Ashton VALE William CAIRNS ACU GREAT BRITAIN Pardubice line-up 1 2 15 Anton JANSSON Alfons WILTANDER Dante JOHANSSON SVEMO SWEDEN 3 4 16 Mikkel ANDERSEN Villad Luka Nagel CHRISTIANSEN Andreas OLSEN DMU DENMARK 5 6 17 Oliwier MAŁKIEWICZ Szymon LUDWICZAK PZM POLAND 7 8 18 Adam BEDNÁŘ Vojtéch Šachl Jan HLACINA ACCR CZECHIA 9 10 19 Luke HARRISON Max JAMES William CAIRNS ACU GREAT BRITAIN 11 12 20 Damirs FILIMONOVS Otto RAAK LaMSF/SML LATVIA/ FINLAND 13 14 21 Patrick HYJEK Kacper CYMERMANN Levin CORDING DMSB GERMANY
  20. Gniezno round line-up Maszewski GKM Grudziądz1. Wiktor Rafalski2. Kacper PludraSpecHouse PSŻ Poznań3. Olivier Buszkiewicz4. Kacper TeskaAbramczyk Polonia Bydgoszcz5. Wiktor Przyjemski6. Przemysław Konieczny17. Bartosz GłogowskiKS Stal Gorzów7. Oskar Paluch8. Oskar HuryszUltrapur Start Gniezno9. Marcel Studziński10. Mikołaj CzaplaZdunek Wybrzeże Gdańsk11. Mateusz Łopuski12. Marcel Krzykowski20. Miłosz WysockiBudmax-Stal Polonia Piła13. Marcin Ogrodnik14. Kacper Makowski
  21. Saturday’s match line-ups Rzeszow v Tarnow Rzeszow 9 Miesiac 10 Krcmar 11 12 D Lampart 13 Wolbert 14 Majcher 15 Salonen Tarnow 1 Bober 2 Aarnio 3 K Hansen 4 Rolincki 5 Ljung 6 7 Drejer
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