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racers and royals

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Everything posted by racers and royals

  1. Pila v Poznan Pila 9 Mroczka 10 Skupien 11 Jedrzejewski 12 Orwat 13 Ivacic 14 15 Ogrodnik Poznan 1 Holta 2 K Fajfer 3 Chmiel 4 Loktayev 5 Seifert-Salk 6 Buszkiewicz 7
  2. Saturday`s match line-ups Lodz v Gniezno Lodz 9 Kurtz 10 Becker 11 Kosciuch 12 Nowak 13 NKI 14 Dul 15 Bartoch 16 Gniezno 1 MJJ 2 Koza 3 Szlauderbach 4 Fajfer 5 Lindback 6 Studzinski 7 Czapla 8
  3. NON TV matches on Sunday July 17th are Rzeszow v Rawicz start time 12pm UK time Tarnow v Daugavpils start time 4pm UK time
  4. We move on to the weekend- Round 13 Saturday 16th July Lodz v Gniezno start time 3.30pm UK time Canal + Sport 5 Sunday 17th July Zielona Gora v Krosno start time 1pm UK time Canal + Sport 5 Gdansk v Bydgoszcz start time 1pm UK time Canal + online Landshut v Rybnik start time 2pm UK time NOT ON TV
  5. Cumulative with 1 round to go 1 Poland 52 2 Denmark 48 3 Sweden 34 4 Czech Rep 33 5 GB 32 6 Germany 28 7 Latvia/Finland 25
  6. Pardubice result I. Dania - 26 pkt. 3. Mikkel Andersen - 18 (3,3,3,3,3,3) 4. Sebastian Mayland - 8+2 (1,1,1,2*,2*,1) 16. Andreas Olsen - NS II. Polska - 24 pkt. 5. Kevin Małkiewicz - 2 (2,0,-,-,-,-) 6. Szymon Ludwiczak - 12+4 (1*,2,2*,2*,3,2*) 17. Dawid Grzeszczyk - 10 (3,1,3,3) . Sweden - 20 1. Anton Jansson - 14 (2,3,0,3,3,3) 2. Alfons Wiltander - 6+1 (0,1,1,1,2*,1) 15. Dante Johansson - NS IV. Czechy - 18 pkt. 7. Adam Bednar - 9 (3,2,2,2,ns,ns) 8. Vojtech Sachl - 6+1 (0,1*,0,-,2,3) 18. Jan Hlacina - 3 (3) V. Niemcy - 14 pkt. 13. Patrick Hyjek - 13 (2,3,3,1,2,2) 14. brak zawodnika 21. Levin Cording - 1 (0,1,0,0,0,0) VI. Łotwa / Finlandia - 13 pkt. Damir Filimonow - 9 (3,2,U,1,1,2) Otto Raak - 4 (1,0,2,0,0,1) . Wielka Brytania - 11 pkt. 9. Luke Harrison - 10 (2,3,2,1,1,1) 10. Max James - 1+1 (0,-,1*,0,-,-
  7. Thursday`s matches line-up Lejonen v Vastervik Lejonen 1 Dudek 2 Hampel 3 Zmarzlik 4 Thornblom 5 Berntzon 6 Henriksson 7 Berge Vastervik 1 Bjerre 2 Lidsey 3 Chugunov 4 Przedpelski 5 Lindgren 6 Karlsson 7 Ljung
  8. Current table 1 Leszno P 11 points 21 2 Ostrow P 10 points 17 3 Wroclaw P 10 points 15 3 Grudziadz P 11 points 14 4 Torun P 11 points 13 6 Gorzow P 10 points 11 7 Lublin P 11 points 5 8 Czestochowa P 10 points 2
  9. Live updates from challenge final tomorrow in Marmande https://live.baansportfansite.nl/event/540/fim-long-track-world-championship-challenge-marmande.html start time 8pm UK time
  10. Friday`s line-ups Czestochowa v Ostrow Czestochowa 9 Madsen 10 Smektala 11 Woryna 12 Jeppesen 13 Lindgren 14 Swidnicki 15 Miskowiak 16 Ostrow 1 Berntzon 2 Poczta 3 Gapinski 4 Walasek 5 C Holder 6 Krawczyk 7 Grzelak 8 Grudziadz v Lublin Grudziadz 9 Prem Pawlicki 10 Kasprzak 11 Jakobsen 12 RR(ZZ) 13 Wardulinski 14 Lobodzinski 15 Pludra 16(Krakowiak) Lublin 1 Michelsen 2 Drabik 3 Hampel 4 Bowes 5 RR(ZZ) 6 Lampart 7 Cierniak 8(Kubera)
  11. We move on to round 12 Friday 15th July Czestochowa v Ostrow start time 5pm UK time eleven Sport 1 Friday 15th July Grudziadz v Lublin start time 7.30pm UK time Eleven Sport 1 Sunday 17th July Torun v Gorzow start time 3.30pm UK time Canal + Sport 5 Sunday 17th July Leszno v Wroclaw start time 6.15pm UK time Canal + Sport 5
  12. Fjelsted v Esbjerg tomorrow- NOT ON TV Fjelsted Frederik Jakobsen – B Peter Kildemand – A Kasper Andersen – C Wojdylo – B Stian Vithen Nielsen – D Esbjerg Zengota NKI Jeppesen Waennerstrom Vissing
  13. Edited to include last night Wroclaw v Ostrow July 25th Czestochowa v Gorzow August 1st
  14. Confirmed teams from around 5.30pm UK time and live updates from 6pm Dackarna v Rospiggarna https://ta.svemo.se/Public/Pages/Competition/DrivingSchedule/CompetitionLiveResult.aspx?Branch=Speedway&Columns=CompetitionInfo,Branch,Name,Organizer,FromDateShort,LiveResult&DateFilter=TODAY&pagesize=10&IsArrangeable=true&CompetitionId=13503 Masarna v Smederna https://ta.svemo.se/Public/Pages/Competition/DrivingSchedule/CompetitionLiveResult.aspx?Branch=Speedway&Columns=CompetitionInfo,Branch,Name,Organizer,FromDateShort,LiveResult&DateFilter=TODAY&pagesize=10&IsArrangeable=true&CompetitionId=13501 Indianerna v Lejonen https://ta.svemo.se/Public/Pages/Competition/DrivingSchedule/CompetitionLiveResult.aspx?Branch=Speedway&Columns=CompetitionInfo,Branch,Name,Organizer,FromDateShort,LiveResult&DateFilter=TODAY&pagesize=10&IsArrangeable=true&CompetitionId=13502
  15. European pairs championships SF 1 Nagyhalasz Saturday July 9th https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eI9-WHRy3vo
  16. Yes (to the 1st part)Edit just noticed i had already posted it on the OP Re-staging of SF1 is 28th July morning Re-staging of SF2 is 29th morning Re-staging of SON 2 is 30th July- presumably morning/afternoon Re-staging of SON final is 31st July Rule book https://www.fim-moto.com/fileadmin/user_upload/Documents/2021/FIM_Speedway_of_Nations_rulebook_2022.pdf?t=1657605625
  17. Krosno v Gniezno Sunday July 10th https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O85pbU52zfs Rybnik v Gdansk Sunday July 10th https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OkTx-9zHKkw
  18. Allsvenskan league Smålänningarna - Indianerna B (2022.07.07) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KNoCjcM8VoA
  19. Landshut v Krosno Friday July 8th https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=muXTI_LBpaw
  20. Daugavpils v Opole fan video Friday July 8th https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8u49gI5d3J4
  21. Poznan v Daugavpils Sunday July 10th https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=guJIk79g6aI
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