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racers and royals

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Everything posted by racers and royals

  1. teams confirmed in Ostrow Ostrow v Torun Ostrow 9 Gapinski 10 Berntzon 11 Sorensen 12 Walasek 13 C Holder 14 Grzelak 15 Krawczyk 16 Poczta Torun 1 J Holder 2 Przedpelski 3 Dudek 4 RR(ZZ) 5 Lambert 6 Lewandowski 7 Zielinski 8 Affelt
  2. This is how someone with a brain should post responsibly. Po-Bandzie report unofficially that Anders Thomsen, Martin Vaculik and Szymon Woźniak are almost certainly remaining at Gorzów.
  3. There we have it - a perfect example of a troll. Why didn`t you put on your original post " Rumoured"- i will tell you why - because you must have been brought up in a village and you are in fact the village *****.
  4. Rybnik just need the win tomorrow to guarantee their avoidance of relegation and send Gniezno to Div 2
  5. Tomorrow`s matches Saturday 23rd July Rybnik v Lodz start time 3.30pm UK time Canal + Sport 5 Saturday 23rd July Krosno v Gdansk start time 3.30pm UK time Canal + online Links http://kergel.ucoz.lv/ - Kergel might show both matches at same time on 2 screens. http://www.maniak.tv/mk7 https://daddylive.eu/cast/stream-75.php http://assia23.com/live/mix-sport7/?lang=pl
  6. Tomorrow`s match Saturday 23rd July Opole v Rzeszow start time 1pm UK time Canal + Sport 5 Links http://kergel.ucoz.lv/ http://www.maniak.tv/mk7 https://daddylive.eu/cast/stream-75.php http://assia23.com/live/mix-sport7/?lang=pl
  7. I expect nothing more from a troll like yourself- i suppose the school holiday`s have started and you have time on your hands.
  8. Meeting in Macon tomorrow starts at 8pm UK time. Not sure yet if there will be live updates.
  9. Tomorrow`s matches Friday 22nd July Ostrow v Torun start time 5pm UK time Eleven Sport 1 Friday 22nd July Wroclaw v Grudziadz start time 7.30pm UK time Eleven Sport 1 Racecards Ostrow v Torun pages 26 and 27 https://acrobat.adobe.com/link/review?uri=urn:aaid:scds:US:7a6af874-9709-4eaf-ae5e-6a701d273a04#pageNum=27 Wroclaw v Grudziadz https://acrobat.adobe.com/link/review?uri=urn:aaid:scds:US:62385847-e01a-42c2-88f4-767470a0101c#pageNum=25 Links http://kergel.ucoz.lv/ http://www.drhtv.com.pl/drhtv-2.html https://daddylive.eu/stream/stream-71.php http://www.maniak.tv/mk1 http://assia23.com/live/mix-sport7/?lang=pl
  10. Todays video`s 250 CC consolation final https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TP_BxN-XSqM&list=PLpS3lTLH_X0l2h1a8e8OfwCRy6eIwNLwv&index=9 250 CC final https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u82y3pO8GSM&list=PLpS3lTLH_X0l2h1a8e8OfwCRy6eIwNLwv&index=10 500 CC consolation final https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r0Q8Yacai-E&list=PLpS3lTLH_X0l2h1a8e8OfwCRy6eIwNLwv&index=11 500 CC final https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T42Qm2KL3Zs&list=PLpS3lTLH_X0l2h1a8e8OfwCRy6eIwNLwv&index=12
  11. Sunday’s matches line-ups Poznan v Tarnow Poznan 9 K Fajfer 10 Holta 11 Gomolski 12 Loktayev 13 Seifert-Salk 14 Gusts 15 Tarnow 1 Bober 2 K Hansen 3 Aarnio 4 Rolnicki 5 Ljung 6 Swiercz 7 Drejer Rawicz v Pila Rawicz 9 Kaczmarek 10 Brennan 11 Balinski 12 Douglas 13 Drozdz 14 15 Goret Pila 1 Ivacic 2 Orwat 3 Skupien 4 Jedrzejewski 5 Mroczka 6 Ogrodnik 7
  12. Sunday’s matches line-ups Gniezno v Zielona Gora Gniezno 9 MJJ 10 Szlauderbach 11 Koza 12 O Fajfer 13 Lindback 14 Studzinski 15 Czapla 16 Zielona Gora 1 Buczkowski 2 Kvech 3 Tungate 4 Protasiewicz 5 Fricke 6 Borowiak 7 Ragus 8 Bydgoszcz v Landshut Bydgoszcz 9 Bjerre 10 Jeleniewski 11 Zagar 12 Mihailovs 13 Miedzinski 14 Przyjemski 15 Konieczny 16 Landshut 1 Huckenbeck 2 Niedermeier 3 Riss 4 M Hansen 5 Berge 6 Blodorn 7 Bachhuber 8
  13. Sunday’s matches line-ups Gorzow v Leszno Gorzow 9 Wozniak 10 Thomsen 11 Vaculik 12 P Hansen 13 Zmarzlik 14 Stojanowski 15 Paluch 16 Leszno 1 Doyle 2 Kolodziej 3 Bellego 4 Lidsey 5 Piotr Pawlicki 6 Ratajczak 7 Mencel 8 Czestochowa 9 Madsen 10 Smektala 11 Woryna 12 Jeppesen 13 Lindgren 14 Swidnicki 15 Miskowiak 16 Lublin 1 Michelsen 2 Drabik 3 Hampel 4 Vuolas 5 RR(ZZ) 6 Lampart 7 Cierniak 8(Kubera)
  14. So that’s both Semi’s on Discovery + / player only- Eurosport the home of Speedway unless it’s team GB !!!!
  15. This was posted on this thread in May What happens if I lose my phone prior to the event? Please visit the WRU Ticket Office which is located between gates 3 & 4 of Principality Stadium on Westgate Street. What happens if my phone battery dies before the event? Please visit the WRU Ticket Office which is located between gates 3 & 4 of Principality Stadium on Westgate Street. It seems that this is a Principality Stadium thing rather than a Speedway GP organisers thing. Welsh Rugby Union | Wales & Regions | Digital Ticketing (wru.wales)
  16. Ticket sales from tomorrow https://kstorun.kupbilety.pl/
  17. Confirmed line up today KROSNO - 20.07.2022 1 Kacper Szopa Wilki Krosno SA 2 Kamil Marciniec GKŻ Wybrzeże Gdańsk 3 Krzysztof Sadurski Wilki Krosno SA 4 Marcel Krzykowski GKŻ Wybrzeże Gdańsk 5 Mateusz Gzyl Unia Tarnów ŻSSA 6 Bartłomiej Kowalski WTS SA Wrocław 7 Piotr Świercz Unia Tarnów ŻSSA 8 Michał Curzytek WTS SA Wrocław 9 Nikodem Bartoch KŻ Orzeł Łódź 10 Jakub Stojanowski Gorzow 11 Franciszek Karczewski Włókniarz Częstochowa SA 12 Jakub Martyniak 13 Bartosz Curzytek RKS Kolejarz Rawicz 14 Przemysław Konieczny ŻKS Polonia Bydgoszcz SA 15 Kacper Kłosok RKS Kolejarz Rawicz 16 Kamil Keol R1 Kacper Klimek R2 Oskar Stepien Qualify 3 places + 1 reserve
  18. 250 CC qualifying 1 video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qYa8zRhOXd0 250 CC qualifying 2 video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nSA_OfOrLiw&list=PLpS3lTLH_X0l2h1a8e8OfwCRy6eIwNLwv&index=5 500 CC qualifying 1 video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M48Duq28VQE&list=PLpS3lTLH_X0l2h1a8e8OfwCRy6eIwNLwv&index=6 500 CC qualifying 2 video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sIVh7DhlqiA&list=PLpS3lTLH_X0l2h1a8e8OfwCRy6eIwNLwv&index=7
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