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racers and royals

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Everything posted by racers and royals

  1. Confirmed teams from around 5.30pm UK time and live updates from 6pm https://ta.svemo.se/Public/Pages/Competition/DrivingSchedule/CompetitionLiveResult.aspx?Branch=Speedway&Columns=CompetitionInfo,Branch,Name,Organizer,FromDateShort,LiveResult&DateFilter=TODAY&pagesize=10&IsArrangeable=true&CompetitionId=13487
  2. Sunday’s match line-ups Poznan v Rawicz NON TV Poznan 9 K Fajfer 10 Holta 11 Gomolski 12 Loktayev 13 Breum 14 Gusts 15 Rawicz 1 Kaczmarek 2 Douglas 3 Drozdz 4 Pickering 5 Masters 6 Goret 7
  3. Sunday’s matches line-ups Torun v Gorzow Torun 9 Przedpelski 10 Dudek 11 J Holder 12 RR(ZZ) 13 Lambert 14 Zielinski 15 Lewandowski 16 Gorzow 1 Wozniak 2 Thomsen 3 Zmarzlik 4 Vaculik 5 P Hansen 6 Bartkowiak 7 Paluch 8 Wroclaw v Czestochowa Wroclaw 9 Chugunov 10 Panicz 11 Woffinden 12 RR(ZZ) 13 Janowski 14 M Curzytek 15 Kowalski 16 Bewley Czestochowa 1 Madsen 2 Smektala 3 Woryna 4 Jeppesen 5 Lindgren 6 Miskowiak 7 Swidnicki 8
  4. Sunday’s match line-ups Krosno v Landshut Krosno 9 Musielak 10 Rew 11 Szczepaniak 12 Milik 13 Lebedevs 14 Karczewski 15 Sadurski 16 Landshut 1 Huckenbeck- RR(ZZ) 2 Busch 3 Grobauer 4 M Hansen 5 Berge 6 Blodorn 7 Niedermeier 8
  5. Masarna have RR at 2- all can take a ride. Matias Nielsen at 3 and seem to have switched Bock to 6 and Hellstrom-Bangs to 7
  6. Masarna have all sorts of problems- Buczkowski, Tungate and Koza will not be in Sweden tonight. They have said Tim Sorensen replace Koza and will inform later on what they are doing about the other 2 spots.
  7. You need to read what i wrote about 3 posts above - the regular season final table only comes into play if there is a tie on match points and race points.
  8. Some have argued that top 2 should have been seeded to semi`s and 3 to 6 in the QF`s - as the Swedes do but that way means top 2 teams get 2 less matches which presumably the Poles didn`t want.
  9. Live updates today- all from 5.30pm Esbjerg v Slangerup https://rs.dmusport.dk/loeb/5777 Holsted v Region Varde https://rs.dmusport.dk/loeb/5776 Grindsted v Vojens https://rs.dmusport.dk/loeb/5778
  10. It has but worth repeating- 2 new mini leagues will be created with the 3 winners in one and the 3 losers in the other - these will be on match points and then race points. best loser (4) goes through to meet no 1 in the winners table and 2 v 3 in the winners table completes the semi`s.(over 2 legs)
  11. http://kergel.ucoz.lv/ https://livetvon.click/embed/stream-563.php http://assia24.com/live/mix-sport9/?lang=PL
  12. Saturday`s match line-ups Opole v Daugavpils Opole 9 Polis 10 Thornblom 11 RR(ZZ) 12 Cyfer 13 Thorssell 14 15 Hjerrild Daugavpils 1 Palovaara 2 Puodzuks 3 ellis 4 Kolodinskis 5 Morris 6 Juhl Pedersen 7
  13. Think Doyle has more important "fish to fry" in Poland on Friday.
  14. Seat belt on- we have play-off lift off !!!! Friday August 19th Leszno v Lublin start time 7.30pm UK time Eleven Sport 1 racecard pages 6 and 7 https://acrobat.adobe.com/link/review?uri=urn:aaid:scds:US:40bd602d-a2b3-4603-9a53-971c25aa1950#pageNum=7 links http://kergel.ucoz.lv/ http://www.maniaki.tv/st1 http://www.drhtv.com.pl/drhtv-1.html https://livetvon.click/embed/stream-71.php
  15. Cracking match in prospect on Friday Friday August 19th Zielona Gora v Lodz play-off 2nd leg start time 4pm UK time Canal + Sport 5 Lodz with the 10 point advantage from the 1st leg- all to ride for !! Links http://kergel.ucoz.lv/ http://www.maniaki.tv/st7 https://livetvon.click/embed/stream-75.php http://assia24.com/live/mix-sport/?lang=pl
  16. updated Vojens team for today Matej Zagar Mads Hansen Benjamin Bosso Nicolai Klindt Jesper Knudsen
  17. So with only tomorrow and next week`s matches left in the regular season we know Smederna and Lejonen are straight through to the semi`s and it`s looking likely that the 4 teams contesting the QF`s will be Vastervik, Indianerna, Rospiggarna and Piraterna, Dackarna must hope Piraterna lose in Avesta on Thursday as they meet them in Malilla next Tuesday.
  18. Current table 1 Smederna P 14 points 33 2 Lejonen P 13 points 25 3 Vastervik P 14 points 25 4 Indianerna P 13 points 15 5 Rospiggarna P 13 points 11 6 Piraterna P 12 points 9 7 Dackarna P 13 points 8 8 Masarna P 12 points 2
  19. Thursday`s match line-ups Masarna v Piraterna Masarna 1 Lindback 2 Buczkowski 3 Tungate 4 Koza 5 Prem Pawlicki 6 Hellstrom-Bangs 7 Bock Piraterna 1 Milik 2 Jamrog 3 Walasek 4 O Fajfer 5 Piotr Pawlicki 6 Broberg 7 Ejnermark
  20. Maszewski GKM Grudziądz1. Łobodziński Kacper2. Pludra KacperMotor Lublin3.Cierniak Mateusz4.Lampart WiktorAbramczyk Polonia Bydgoszcz5. Konieczny Przemysław6. Głogowski BartoszWłókniarz Częstochowa7. Miśkowiak Jakub8. Świdnicki MateuszFOGO Unia Leszno9. Ratajczak Damian10. Jabłoński HubertArged Malesa Ostrów Wlkp.11. Krawczyk Jakub12. Szostak SebastianWTS Sparta Wrocław13. Kowalski Bartłomiej14. Curzytek Michał
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