You would be better off keeping an eye on this forum as we( 1 !!) will post details before they get around to doing it.Example the details of Warsaw ticket sales were posted here before they posted( which was probably after they had started selling).
It`s going to be a week certainly maybe longer i would say.
This is an old page but it will give you an idea of stadium layout and what prices were for what areas
I have asked a contact in Poland and sorry but i don`t have a definitive answer - it could be just after midnight Polish time(3pm today Pacific time ?) or maybe 6am Polish time(9pm ?)
don`t know yet but it will be on that page- you won`t not see it.
It might be 12.01 Polish time on Tuesday so keep an eye out Monday evening. I trust you have registered an account already ?
Not yet but Stewmac will be doing one shortly( it will be on Facebook but i will link it as soon as he does it)
Michelsen has left Lublin and joins Czestochowa