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racers and royals

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Everything posted by racers and royals

  1. This is the season long junior competition, which last season we could watch on Motowizja/Sabmar TV- viewing for 2023 uncertain at present but 1st 2 meetings this week Round 1 Wednesday April 5th Rybnik Round 2 Thursday April 6th Opole start time 11.30am UK time
  2. 2023.04.02/Speedway International Slovakia Individual Championship-Zarnovica https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fbZBx53KpIg
  3. V Memoriał Henryka Żyto Gdańsk 02 04 2023 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=algaDl7FCAQ
  4. Polish league pairs MPPK Rzeszow Sunday April 2nd https://vk.com/video/@shestakovspeedway?z=video-81427162_456239470%2Fclub81427162%2Fpl_-81427162_-2
  5. Result of Round 3 Morizes 4 Marmande 3 La Reole 2 Miramont 1 Cumulative after 3 rounds Morizes 11 Marmande 10 La Reole 5 Miramont 4
  6. https://vk.com/video-81427162_456239470?fbclid=IwAR2co77Uy3sCZgzgYY4roG8kUxZsqEXHhcW6RuyQH6FcvTOWEm3m-9pCuNU
  7. Final A on Saturday 15th April live on TVP Sport programme starts at 12.50pm UK time 1st race 1.15pm UK time teams France, Latvia, Poland and Sweden.
  8. Doesn`t need to - showing a bit of loyalty to people forking out for season tickets is no bad thing. Tickets will be available- it will just be a mad rush for the final !
  9. Live on Canal + Sport 5 programme starts 3pm UK time 1st race 3.30pm UK time http://kergel.ucoz.lv/index/live_stream_2/0-12?fbclid=IwAR2eL0VtZngKO7mWxtVxD6VmjVlUNOdM89lON8Sy-AcWVpETDr4TLLAnh68 https://daddylivehd.sx/stream/stream-75.php http://www.maniaki.tv/st7 Hopefully a VK link near start time
  10. Extraleague riders championship IMME Torun Saturday 1st April https://vk.com/video/@speedwayrussian?z=video-53550004_456241253%2Fclub53550004%2Fpl_-53550004_-2
  11. https://vk.com/video-81427162_456239469?fbclid=IwAR18OjkXdiHeJZaVH760Ujf7rE5tB6sfI9bRvrQBWk0sycVnA5eYvdi7RbA
  12. Live on Canal + Sport 5 programme starts 3pm UK time 1st race 3.30pm UK time http://kergel.ucoz.lv/index/live_stream_2/0-12?fbclid=IwAR2eL0VtZngKO7mWxtVxD6VmjVlUNOdM89lON8Sy-AcWVpETDr4TLLAnh68 https://daddylivehd.sx/stream/stream-75.php http://www.maniaki.tv/st7 Hopefully a VK link near start time
  13. No change fou us in the UK - Fanseat gives all Sweden , Denmark and French league matches for €9.99 a month. Happy days !!!
  14. Torun v Czestochowa Sparing Wednesday 29th Match https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MSHf_921lWU
  15. One change in the line-up for Sunday for Gorzow Anders Thomsen replaces the un-available Martin Vaculik.
  16. All matches in rounds 1 and 2 start at 4pm UK time Round 1 - April 18: GKM Grudziadz - KS Torun Agromix Polcopper Unia Leszno - WTS Sparta Wrocław Motor Lublin - Stal Gorzow Włókniarz Czestochowa - Cellfast Wilki Krosno Round 2 - April 25: Arged Malesa Ostrow - GKM Grudziadz Stal Gorzow - Włókniarz Czestochowa WTS Sparta Wroclaw - Motor Lublin KS Toruń - Agromix Polcopper Unia Leszno
  17. Meeting live on Motowizja programme starts 12.40pm UK time 1st race 1pm UK time. Format of meeting and line-ups TBC
  18. Leszno v Gorzow Sparing Tuesday 28th March https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VumBnInNUYg
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