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racers and royals

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Everything posted by racers and royals

  1. That`s re-assuring as I`m about to watch Tottenham v Cardiff on a perfect NBC stream !!
  2. Indeed maybe Mr Rising could get Paul Bellamy to have a try and let us know how he got on !
  3. Got my 2 tickets-nothing changes however-halfway through booking the English disappears and you have to start guessing what info they require
  4. And Clarke Osbourne has come out with more c**ap in today`s Star about they are still interested in building a stadium in Reading.
  5. Trouble is being the week after Easter -a lot of Polish people will have gone home and are coming back-Flights are a ridiculous price(mind you missed the cheaper price waiting for them to go down only to go the other way.
  6. It better be on !!!! pre-paid hotel, flights and hire car.
  7. Reggy Randell was quite a well known tuner some years ago-If I remember rightly Ray Morton used to use him.
  8. Don`t know if this has been mentioned previously but Mayor Gillias is also the new chairman of the Speedway control bureau.
  9. And I wouldn`t trust anything Clarke Osborne says as well. http://www.speedwaygp.com/news/article/3158/poole-set-for-new-home
  10. Google translation of Sportowefakty -2nd prices look as if that`s with an additional pay-pal use premium. March 19 on the track at the King 's Lynn will be First International Speedway Pre-season Cup . Stars will rival local team SPAR Falubaz Zielona Gora . Are already known ticket prices for this match. Telephone sales will be held in Polish by phone: 078 0427 2215 (from 10:00 to 21:00 ) 7 days a week . Ticket prices in this case are as follows: Admission free - children under 11 years £ 25.00 - for adults of 15 years - Seats £ 16.00 - for adults from 15 years old - standing room £ 13.00 - for adults over 65 years old and students (full time) - presentation of the document £ 5.00 - juniors - children between the ages of 12 to 15 years The sale website, which will be held at the speedway - uk.com ticket prices are as follows: Admission free - children under 11 years £ 28.00 - for adults of 15 years - Seats £ 19.00 - for adults from 15 years old - standing room £ 16.00 - for adults over 65 years old and students (full time) - presentation of the document £ 8.00 - juniors - children between the ages of 12 to 15 years Ticket sales will also be held at the stadium Norfolk Arena on March 19 , and the day before the official training , where fans will be able to purchase the software and get autographs of players
  11. Video of Crumpy and Ward at North Brisbane(is that Holder in his new kevlars at the beginning?) http://www.sportowefakty.pl/zuzel/419595/jason-crump-wrocil-na-tor-byly-mistrz-swiata-trenowal-z-darcym-wardem-wideo
  12. The promoters have been skating on thin ice for the last few years-this could be the final straw.
  13. For anyone thinking of going I have had a look at another translation and it says that general tickets go on sale on Sunday 16th March.
  14. I have read absolutely nothing in the Polish press this close season to indicate any changes in the Elite league heat makeup-so I think you can safely use the 2013 format.
  15. Don`t quite know where Monday would fit in-MotoGP definitely has a programme on Tuesday`s-could it be that http://sport.bt.com/motogp/introducing-motogp-on-bt-sport-S11363875491995
  16. Could one of our Polish friends translate this ticket info as it doesn`t make sense on the auto translator Grand Prix Polski w Gorzowie odbędzie się 30 sierpnia. Klub kończy właśnie sprzedaż zamkniętą biletów, która przeznaczona była dla posiadaczy karnetów na mecze Stali. W niedzielę rozpoczynamy przedsprzedaż. Przedsprzedaż biletów na Grand Prix Polski w Gorzowie potrwa od 23 lutego do 15 marca. Bilety na trybunę niską kosztować będą 80 złotych (pierwszy łuk), 115 złotych (prosta) i 60 złotych (drugi łuk). W przypadku trybuny wysokiej, za bilet na pierwszy łuk zapłacimy 110 złotych, za bilet na prostą 135 złotych, a za bilet na drugi łuk 80 złotych. Sprzedaż otwarta wystartuje 16 marca i wtedy ceny wejściówek podskoczą do góry. Za bilety na trybunę niską zapłacimy 90 złotych (pierwszy łuk), 130 złotych (prosta) i 65 złotych (drugi łuk). Za bilety na trybunę wysoką trzeba będzie zapłacić odpowiednio 120 złotych (pierwszy łuk), 150 złotych (prosta) i 90 złotych (drugi łuk). Bilety na Grand Prix w przedsprzedaży będą do nabycia w sklepie klubowym w Galerii Askana, a także na stronie www.stal.kupbilety.pl. Kibice posiadający karnet po zakończeniu sprzedaży zamkniętej mogą nabyć wejściówki po promocyjnych cenach jedynie w tej samej strefie stadionu do 18 kwietnia. Dzieci do lat siedmiu wejdą na zawody za darmo (bez rezerwacji miejsca).
  17. Don`t see why they can`t do what used to happen at leszno collecting and at Bydgoszcz previously-never a problem.Also collected ordered tickets on the day at Malilla,Gorican without any problem.
  18. One piece of info out of Poland today-Kupbilet.pl are going to handle the sale of the tickets.
  19. Thanks for sharing that-we are still no nearer finding out who has purchased the uk rights(if anyone) If it`s British Eurosport why didn`t they announce it at the same time as European Eurosport.(presumably they have announced they have taken the rights off (Orange sport.pl)
  20. Just one point-reserves must be Polish under 21`s therefore riders like Bech and Mikkelson are squad members for the top 5
  21. Here http://www.speedwayeuro.com/news/n/170/bsi-are-not-interested-in-riders----health-.html Apparently it appeared first on Emil`s website.
  22. We sure will-flight/hotel booked only thing I can`t buy is a ticket to see it !!!!!
  23. Statement from One sport taken from the SEC website Action makes reaction. We wouldn't stay behind - read our dissaproval for FIM decisions! Ladies and Gentlemen, As a result of decisions taken by the FIM Board of Directors in Geneva 7th February 2014 , we express our disapproval and absolute lack of agreement on such a huge violation of the rights of players, fans and direct action to the detriment of motorsport, not only in Europe but also through the world. This decision in all aspects contradicts the ideals and spirit of the sport, widely hitting the speedway championships and events, including the Speedway European Championships . We are confident that this decision will meet with many consequences, because it is in contrary to European law, which clearly signaled already in November 2013 - both from the point of view of the players and performed by their profession, and our contract with the FIM-Europe and widely understood monopolistic practices in the European market. At the same time, we are confident that the Speedway European Championships in 2014 shall be held in accordance with the assumptions of a valid and binding contract us for the organization of the cycle. We will do everything in our power to artificial constraints and limits in no way affected the level of sporting competition. At the moment, our lawyers analyze the situation , to take direct legal action to block the bizarre decision and obtain appropriate redress for us and potentially disadvantaged players, in the absence of reaction and its changes from the FIM. At the same time we would like to assure fans that still work on our projects: Speedway Best Pairs Cup and Speedway European Championships will take place in accordance with the assumptions. Our events are anyway affected by external factors. We look forward to the first event , which will start 28 March. Round in Torun will be broadcasted to the millions of viewers around the world. Thank you for your support. We promise that we will do everything in our power to finally win of the sport. Chairman of One Sport LLC Karol Lejman Vice-president Jan Konikiewicz
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