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racers and royals

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Everything posted by racers and royals

  1. Out of the goodness of my heart -no you don`t. for round 2 you had £100 £25(per point) Zagar more than 8 scored 6=2x£25 loss=£50 £25(per point) Hampel less than 12 scored 14=2x£25loss=£50 total loss £100 therefore sadly Zilch left apart from the memories
  2. Just back from Bydgoszcz-cracking weekend,thought I did rather well on the majority of the spreads-but some big shrewd bets ruined my weekend !! Here are the standings after round 2 CJ69 £1875 J-D £1550 Hilly £1200 Speedy17 £1150 Refereerick £1080 Maverick88 £850 PhillipSR £740 Waitheaces £700 A Orlov £610 Speedway Sliders £475 Psycho3a £440 Arson fire £230 We lose Ommer UM speedway blog £0 FTM NO BET TNT NO BET I will put the spreads up for Finland round 3 next weekend.
  3. Just got back from Bydgoszcz and one point I would like to make is there appeared to be a complete lack of advertising in Bydgoszcz for the GP-there was a big custom car/motor bike event in the town square yesterday and there was plenty of interest in that-however I didn`t see one advert for the GP around the town.
  4. Just a reminder for the punters listed below- NO BET - NO COMPETITION ANY LONGER FTM Speedway Sliders Maverick Refereerick TNT Psycho 3a OmmerUM speedway blog
  5. Just caught up with the Czestochowa v Zielona match and it confirmed what I thought-Czestochowa is a great racetrack when prepared right(which it is most of the time)
  6. For the Poles Leicester Adrian Cyfer and Adrian Gala Straslund Casper Gomolski and Piotr Pawlicki Terenzano Simon Wozniak and Krysten Pieszczek.
  7. No way any "dodgy " change will get past this rule 16.3.5 The BSPA MC monitors all proposed moves and has the sole responsibility to approve all (re-)Declared Team Line-Ups having been satisfied they are in the best interests of the sport
  8. 20 mins of Rawicz v Pila on Monday here http://speedway.tv/3999/kolejarz-rawag-intermarche-rawicz-kz-victoria-pila-21042014 If you could get a Polish ip address(quite easy to do I believe) you could watch the Lodz match here http://sport.tvp.pl/14887873/zuzel-nice-polska-liga-orzel-lodz-gkz-grudziadz-mecz
  9. No action after Bydgoszcz so the round 3 matches are on Sunday May 4th.-all uk times 1st up at 12.45pm for 1 pm start is Grudziadz v Bydgoszcz from div1 Followed by the Extraleague action 3 pm for 3,30 pm start Tarnow v Gorzow followed by 5.45pm for 6pm start Zielona Gora v Torun other rnd 3 matches are 3.30 pm Wroclaw v Leszno and 6 pm Gdansk v Czestochowa. For anyone who missed yesterday`s matches Torun v Wroclaw is here http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gj_h4xBt9J0&list=PLLP7YA_mSetHtKi0S5qMBzU2Gcoy2FsoQ Czestochowa v Zielona Gora http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i4smx7e1Sp0&list=PLLP7YA_mSetHtKi0S5qMBzU2Gcoy2FsoQ Saturday`s Match Gorzow v Leszno here http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d5sb6l_xS1M&list=PLLP7YA_mSetHtKi0S5qMBzU2Gcoy2FsoQ Yesterday`s Magazine programme here http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gKkgsOzOxeQ&list=PLLP7YA_mSetHtKi0S5qMBzU2Gcoy2FsoQ
  10. Could be his son -he is 16 and making his debut in div 1 today on loan from Czestochowa. Off to work now-hope the extraleague matches are worth watching.
  11. At least with with tape touching we saw the "heat girl " again-talking of heat I think I`m " on heat " now
  12. Just a reminder that the action gets underway at 12.45pm for 1pm start uk times div1 match Lodz v Grudziadz followed by the 2 extraleague matches 3 pm for 3.30 pm start uk times Czestochowa v Zielona Gora followed by 5.45pm for 6 pm start uk time Torun v Wroclaw Sopcast 96704 is scheduled to show all 3 http://soccer-live.pl/transmisje.php?id=motorsport http://www.meczyki.pl/
  13. Yes-Dave Gambrill Kandysoft spreadsheets-he is the main man
  14. Thanks also thanks for the recent info about Kanal sport coverage of Danish League.
  15. Cracking heat 15 line-ups here for the Div 1 match at 1pm uk time tomorrow here http://www.sportowefakty.pl/zuzel/wydarzenie/25254 In addition to the live 3 matches tomorrow also streamed at 9pm uk time(90 mins ) is the weekly magazine programme
  16. When I watched that race live I thought the tapes didn`t go up evenly and the replay proved it
  17. TV matches have been announced for the 3rd rnd on Sunday May 4th 3.30 pm uk time Tarnow v Gorzow followed by 6pm uk time Zielona Gora v Torun Other rnd 3 matches are 3.30pm Wroclaw v Leszno ,6pm Gdansk v Czestochowa
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