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racers and royals

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Everything posted by racers and royals

  1. Next Danish action Wednesday 25th June 5.30 pm uk time Slangerup v Grindsted
  2. Porsing heavy crash in Denmark tonight. Taken off the track by ambulance
  3. MJJ next in line in the GP`s - could well be riding in Copenhagen.
  4. It`s easy when they only have 5 riders-they wan`t to try and get 7
  5. Nobby and Noddy I`m going to watch the races from when they get to the 1st bend
  6. All the Danish tracks look the same-I`m beginning to think there is only 1
  7. Lets hope so for your sake-me I couldn`t care less I will be on the way to Poznan airport. Originally Rybnik were staging Poland v ROW but that was bought forward to the start of the season.
  8. Yes I do and the answer is-at the moment absolutely s*d all.
  9. Christian Hefenbrock named as wildcard for Gustrow opening round on July 6th.
  10. Just a reminder -tonight 6 pm uk time http://kanalsport.dk/ (if the advert comes up just click on link again)
  11. Sportowefakty.pl are reporting Davey Watt has fractured vertebrae T3 and T4 in a nasty crash in the German open in Olching
  12. Latest on Paschal Taggart`s bid http://www.racingpost.com/news/greyhounds/taggart-now-going-public-with-wimbledon-plans/1676194/top/
  13. You are on last years thread-look here http://www.speedway-forum.co.uk/forums/index.php?showtopic=76817
  14. 15+2 http://speedway-league.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/07/2014-06-18-FSK-GSK.pdf
  15. There was a Danish league match last season-Leon Madsen tried to go round him and exactly what you say happened-Nicki excluded-Leon had a big off.
  16. Why did they say then they "were over the moon " with the viewing figures for the GP`s (Philip Rising I`m sure relayed that info ) and the next minute kick the speedway into touch for recorded Tennis and show jumping. I certainly don`t understand why British Eurosport-the only part of Eurosport with the GP contract was unable to schedule it live-what was so different with this GP to all the others on Saturday nights at 6pm ??
  17. You are another that has been " brainwashed ".Lets have a look at Eurosport`s record this season-Swedish League, contract certainly here and Poland-all live apart from one week not shown until the following night at about 11pm and then the week all matches were rained off-they weren`t scheduled to show it until Sunday-that`s really looking after the Speedway fans !!!!! "they went out of their way to provide live coverage of the GP"-really they stuck 2 fingers up to the UK speedway fans by programming it on Sunday morning.BSI are hardly going to criticise them publicly and Quest bought a full page ad in the speedway Star-so no criticism from that source either. Sorry but I don`t buy this love-in with Eurosport-Their track record upto now hardly inspires me for the future.
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