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racers and royals

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Everything posted by racers and royals

  1. Anyone who missed Tuesday`s match Rospiggarna v Piraterna can watch it here (Polish) 1st 10 heats only http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=af73kQXZL_U&list=UUWMqEj3-1TXYlaGQppBGtbg
  2. This is an upto date photo-http://lv-lv.facebook.com/BikerniekuTrase/photos/pcb.565373580233211/565373273566575/?type=1&theatre Can anyone see the floodlights ??
  3. Another successful tip from yours truly-do it all again Sunday-well nearly.
  4. Don`t think we will get any English interviews tonight-shame they don`t think of there foreign viewers At least at the top of the show we heard how the Polish riders themselves pronounce their own names.
  5. Good news for a certain Smederna fan-G Laguta back on a bike http://www.sportowefakty.pl/zuzel/460298/grigorij-laguta-wznowil-trening-na-torze
  6. We know there was conflict between the FIM and FIM-EUROPE hopefully this has paved the way for agreement-however take out the three Aussies and Hancock(using this year as an example) and you could still get 11 GP riders in the series-unlikely I agree in 2015 as the top 5 only includes Pedersen-which personally I would not like to see so many in the Euro`s.
  7. Confirmed-no TV match tomorrow. next action Wednesday 20th August start time 5.30 pm uk time Fjelsted v Munkebo
  8. Can you show me a team sport however where points have been removed-the instance you have quoted are "individual " athletes
  9. KK for me Format for tonight is top two after 20 heats go to final position 3-6 to semi - top 2 to final Grand final winner takes all updates and race line-ups http://www.sportowefakty.pl/zuzel/wydarzenie/25349
  10. Never been on it before but tried this http://www.brummiespeedway.net/brummies/index.php?wwwRedirect and got on ok
  11. I can see some clashes with longtrack commitments with Richard Hall-Plymouth away 22nd August for one-after the facility for David Howe wonder how that one will go ?
  12. Can`t agree- how can you say that for the meetings subsequent to the test he would have failed a drugs test for those meetings. He`s failed a test and will be no doubt punished for it.
  13. Might be a doubt whether Friday`s match is being shown on Kanal sport-not on schedule, fingers crossed.
  14. Grindsted are saying Pedersen is riding against them.
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