If Darcy is banned maybe Poole might be giving Martin Vaculik a ring-his Swedish meetings have finished-so might fancy a few meetings over here in addition to his Polish commitments
We (GB) have already been told that the QF`s and semi`s are to be shown "delayed live" ie full programme same evening-the finals are live
see http://www.speedway-forum.co.uk/forums/index.php?showtopic=77494
Hopefully the Poles etc will have access to a stream for the QF`s
C more will have cameras at both matches next week-1 match is on there main sport channel(which is the one we will see in the UK) and the other match on c more extreme.As far as I can remember we don`t get to see any races from the other meeting.
As you saw 7 races yesterday-is it something off the next meeting admission ??
Eurosport have responded-and it`s good news
Thanks for taking the time to get in touch.
We will be showing the quarter-finals and semi-finals delayed but in full on the same day. The finals will be live.
Our schedules will be updated tomorrow.