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British Speedway Forum

ray c

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Everything posted by ray c

  1. I dont think basso world beater by any means still at least danyon done the business for us tonite
  2. Riding edinburgh in the cup final beat glasgow tonite
  3. Yes and with ipswich on a early finish as well did not help either
  4. At least Barker would give it's all if needed .concerned with Steve worrall performance last night not at the races at all I am not edging my bets here but i think Leicester must be favourite;s to get to the final just my opinion of course
  5. .And people say speedway dead in this country not on those two meetings .
  6. I did abi say last night gps live on eurosport from next april or did i hear that wrong
  7. I would love to know the reasoning riding dan thompson at three becaue i am baffled by it .he scored zero what a waste
  8. We have not got a meeting next week if we win against leicester there my be two meetings the following week .with bjarne meeting on the 3 of november
  9. Without rory or a guest cant see it being covered to win the tie
  10. No more,weaker than leicester we never gated our riders were not at the races tonight morris ef when leading harris stalled at the,start dont matter who you race you still got to beat them onward and upward
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