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  1. I recorded this direct last night whilst watching it and happy to do anyone a copy that wishes to watch it! Just send me a pm
  2. SuzieQ

    Andy Galvin

    This is the first I have seen of all this, and whilst I cannot comment on the rights or wrongs of what Andy has done, it is not my place to do so! What really p's me off the press release which ends with stating his address, why do the press find it so damn necessary to do this? can they not just say Galvin of Whitstable, Kent without naming the road too? It bugs me every time I read these things in the local paper and they state where the accused lives, even before the trial they do it! OK, end of mini rant now! Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!
  3. James! I offered to pay you for the actual prints! you cheeky monkey! x
  4. Damn! I like my house too! Oops and I don't have nuts! still guess that is a plus for me huh? probably find most of these places are not in business anymore! heck I have copied most of my old Speedway Video's to DVD, don't have a Video Player hooked up to the Plasma in the lounge now a days don't ya know!
  5. Snyps! to save me going through 20 pages here! Who is your choice of Brit? Nicholls has already said he wouldn't take up the offer even if it was given to him (doubtful anyway) Harris doesn't deserve another chance, he needs to get back in by earning it through qualifications! Kennett, can have good meetings and I would dearly love to support him wherever possible, but not sure he is ready for the big stage yet! Woffinden, seems to be the best choice here, he can certainly mix it with the best, has put in some good scores on larger tracks aswell as the small ones. Richardson, well needless to say he wouldn't get my vote if he was the only person on the form! proved time and time again previously he ain't GP material who else is there?
  6. Jeez, that took forever to get through those pages! 1. on all counts I felt Gollob was in the wrong, he leant into Nicki coming into first bend gave Nicki no chance to turn the bike! He left the gap for Nicki to aim for, then tried to cover his mistake and was too late there! However, the worst thing was parking his bike on the track and stropping off! No doubt the Polish Authorities will let this pass as he is still their "GOD" but something needs to be done, I still do not feel his so called apology after the meeting was actually aimed at him leaving the bike on the track the way he did! 2. Tony Steele made all the correct decisions tonight and even when he held the tapes for longer than was expected it was due to riders moving at the start, he would have made it clear beforehand exactly what he would do so they knew what to expect! 3. The GP Season is over for another year - let us just Congratulate Jason on his win and move on!
  7. This is the first chance I have had to post since Friday evening! Whilst I thoroughly enjoyed the evening, even though as many have said there was not a great deal of passing, the racing itself was fast and you could tell that all the riders were trying their hardest to get into the points! My biggest complaint has to be the presentation at the start of the meeting, this was diabolical from the riders walking round in a mish-mash from pits to 2nd bend, then standing there for 10 minutes before then walking out across the centre concrete to "god-knows" what music! What happened to a parade truck taking them round, flags from their representative countries etc? This was the Grand Prix Challenge and something we had paid £25 admission plus £5 programme for and I just feel that Coventry put no real preparation into this whatsoever!
  8. Hey Shaz, if by some cruel streak he is in the British GP next year, know just what we are putting on our T-shirts for that!
  9. Thanks and sorry I didn't get chance to log back in here till today! Sorry you got told off too! Don't see the problem with putting the picture up personally, there was no swearing on there and I think it was quite a factual statement!
  10. Damn! have to wait till I get home tonight to view this as our office system will not allow me access to that Polish Website (something about gambling!) was so looking forward to see this one too!
  11. You just have to stand with people that you can chat to and ignore that insane ramblings from the centre concrete/tarmac stuff Muppet! That is what I intend to do! I am going to support the riders that I want to support and not the ones that are rammed down my throat to support!
  12. Oh great! that will start my mother off again! trouble is she is the one that switched to Virgin from Sky! Ho Hum!!!!
  13. Hey! Monday night I was at Boro and I was shouting for Edward! plus the Aussies! If Scott had been riding I would have been shouting for Edward and Scott! plus the Aussies! You know I back my friends! and stick behind them no matter what! (YOU know that!)
  14. and it is BOYCEY!!!!!!! What a load of crap! Jason is a racer and no matter what he would have been told beforehand, would have gone straight out of his mind once he saw the chance to take the win! that is what "speedway riders" do!
  15. Scott would be in Poland for racing today so no doubt Sky asked him to go along and sit in the studio (thing) ! If Team GB were not prepared to pay his flight out for the race off then why should he pay his own way out there to show his support? Damn sure I wouldn't in his position!
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