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About Middlo

  • Birthday 01/07/1957

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  1. Never ever spoken to me perhaps if he had the b*lls to i might not feel so bitter(yes i would!)just shows what kind of a person he is.
  2. Understatement....Club went bust and took all my testimonial money along with many other riders wages and various companies who could ill afford it .Yet a certain gentleman?? was still running around in a Rolls Royce living in a large house living the high life.I gave ten years racing to the club fans turned up at my meeting to show their appreciation.I got nothing! Perhaps you can see why i am a liitle bitter.
  3. Entrepeneaur???? not a word i would use for him.If he is so good at being an entrepeneaur ask him to use his entrepeneaurial skills to get my testimonial money which dissapeared while he was promoter at Poole.Then i would be impressed!!
  4. When i start paying the wages i can say who we have until then sorry cant do a thing about it, sure we speak about selections but at the end of the day he pays them and he pays me.Do you tell your boss who to hire and what to pay them? I think not,unless you are the boss of course.My employees certainly do not have any say in who works for me .
  5. apology cant read left school early to ride speedway!!
  6. I am the manager its what it says in the word manage.Matt employs the riders I just look after them at the meetings.I would love a team of Brits but I am afraid there are not enough in the Elite League to go around all the teams. Why do you doubt my patriotism?? I will be very interested in your reasoning behind that statement.
  7. I'm sorry am i missing something what has Matt Ford got to do with Team GB? Juniors are not my department suggest you phone the stadium and ask them. We are talking about getting behind Team GB riders management etc not your personal vendetta against Poole speedway. You do get easily distracted.
  8. I'm sorry am i missing something what has Matt Ford got to do with Team GB? Juniors are not my department suggest you phone the stadium and ask them. Dont worry you wont have to use your real name.
  9. Oh sorry I didnt realise I was not allowed an opinion!! Oh and the knockers on the forum dont try and tell riders,management what to do.Please!!! Just because i stick up for the riders through thick and thin and always will I am sorry if that does not agree with some people.Its called patriotism...look it up. Some people on this forum should hang their heads in shame the amount of cr*p they spout about riders,managers, promoters etc is truly laughable.
  10. Ok peeps gotta sleep got a paper round in the morning!.Look forward to Thursday for some more friendly banter. Take care and whatever you think about Team GB support them.
  11. Not a prob,just like to get my point across freedom of speech and all that.Does surprise me somewhat tho,all the negative vibes from people, thought this was for people who actually liked speedway correct me if i am wrong.
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