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bluejam last won the day on December 10 2022

bluejam had the most liked content!

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    26 years unmarried!!
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    You wouldn't approve!!

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    None of your business
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    The fact that Jellyfish have survived for 500 million years without a brain, must give hope to a lot of people
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    Yulara Dingoes

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  1. Spot on😉 Why does Abby always have the look on her face that someone has exposed themselves on a train journey🤨
  2. And you call myself an idiotYou inbred uneducated Cock!!!!
  3. Was that the night you overturned the Monarchs? You may well have a visitor to S6 2DE on Thursday evening that hasn't been near Penistone Rd for 8 yearsLet me know where you locate yourself via PM
  4. I did on Brum forum but not on here as most know who is going elsewhere Maybe you don't go on that site
  5. Anyone know who the fella is with the 60 inch waist is standing next to Mark Lemon for most of the evening?I hope he hasn't got to run to catch the last bus home
  6. Actually Mr Clemens I've been watching this meeting from a computer screen on holiday in SW Scotland and couldn't agree with you moreI have a wonderful view from my holiday cottage towards the Island of Arran and found it more appealing than watching this meeting online
  7. I stand to be corrected on this Bruno,but the cost of staging a GP in Bydgoszcz(was told by a friend who lives in the City back in 2010 when i last attended a GP there)was over £400k to stage a GP at Polonia Stadium.
  8. I know as I was there along with 2100 othersThe National Anthem was sung before a 2 minute silence on the refs whistle.
  9. Not when you see a rider lose his life their it isn't!!Apologies for being negative.
  10. I guess the champers will be a little flat thenGlug,Glug, Glug
  11. Covid passports aren't obligatory like they were when I went Principality for a rugby event,so should be ok gaining accessIt isn't sold out either unlike it was when I last attended.
  12. TBH,team building for 2023 can be saved for later.All I ask for is Birmingham Brummies 2023 is going to be well and heading in the right direction and not to be on life support like they have been in 2022
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