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Cue Ball

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Cue Ball last won the day on September 3 2018

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  1. One of my concerns with the team is which Picko turns up - the one from the last month of the season who was absolutely on fire, or the one from the first few months of the season who seemed to be struggling
  2. Oops!!! Sorry bout that… read it somewhere else and got carried away, forgot that they have their fingers in every pie 😳
  3. https://oxfordspeedway.club/2024/11/ashton-boughen-moves-on/
  4. Just looking BV is/was £24 for the back straight and either £26 or £29 for the grandstand, so whilst you don’t get a seat at Sheffield, not the first to charge £25 by the looks of it
  5. So extra £2 for me and extra £4 for each of my kids 🥺 In other news, Ashton Boughen is no longer lining up for Oxford…?
  6. There may have been discussions with Harris, but surely he wouldn’t have ‘signed’ without all the t’s and c’s being in place
  7. I would guess the same person who has paid them for the past couple of years
  8. I would be surprised if we end up with only one Holder. Thought the 2 came as a package
  9. Fair play to Belle Vue, they’ve beaten the best 2 teams in the league to do it.
  10. Rumour I heard at the end of last season was that it was either both Holders or neither. With the way they both ride Sheffield you would be surprised if they wanted to swap home tracks. Tai has expressed his desire to be back. I think I would fear for Pickering being moved on so as to keep some semblance of balance to the team - with those 4 it would be a very long tail unless you hit upon 1 or 2 who improve massively
  11. I’m still struggling with the whole concept that Sheffield is inherently dangerous as keeps getting repeatedly said. There have been a small handful of crashes (probably better described as falls than crashes) all season and Cook was the first one I have seen for a long time leave the track in an ambulance. Yes Emil got injured, but it’s a high speed motorsport and accidents happen. Just seem to be a small number of people on here that have heard about (probably not even seen) one crash and have become fixated with it! Along with banging on about needing track staff to move dirt from the fence as if they don’t and haven’t always existed. Just getting a bit boring now!
  12. Hope Cook is ok. Not watched it back on tv yet, but why was the track to blame for the crash? No other incidents all night, track looked smooth and fast to me. Looked like an unfortunate racing incident that happen from time to time at any track.
  13. Hats off to BV, the faster team on the night
  14. Think Harris will get a couple more and Lindsey a couple less. It’s going to be a tight one whichever way you look at it!
  15. Sounds like the kid asked for Jack’s signed team sheet and got given Jack’s signed team sheet. Not sure what the problem is 🤔🤓
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