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hans fan

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Everything posted by hans fan

  1. is there registration owned by a club or the bspa ???
  2. 1 thing for sure with the right press releases, it could drum up some decent business for both parties
  3. why would panthers be in a difficult position, the so called rider would have to take legal action against the bspa,IF peterborough have followed the rules set by the bspa
  4. the thing is none of us know what actually is written when a rider signs a contract,people keeping banging on a restraint of trade and stuff, but we simply don't what they've signed
  5. yep , in horse racing k fallon had a verbal agreement to ride a certain horse in the derby , he then decided he wanted to ride something else, the owners off the horse who he had the verbal agreemen with took him to court and the judged ruled in there favour he wasn't allowed to ride the other horse
  6. have you seen what terms are agreed between a rider and club when they sign as a asset
  7. somebodys got to pay for the tea biscuits
  8. makes me laugh when people keep harping on about restrictment of earning so what happens if a rider wants to ride in this country gets in contact with a club and the so called club says they'd employ him but the pts limit don't allow it,can the so called rider then take the bspa to court for restrictment of earning ???
  9. it seems you have very strong views on this matter,do you do interviews ask promoters questions in the speedway star
  10. iversen wants regular race nights and seems to have settled in well at lynn ,made huge strides,if you was him would you want to return ???batch falls out with everbody, would fall out with his own shadow if it was possible i'm quite surprised how he lasted as long as he did at pboro if hans was offered the right money would he return ??? swidders if you believe the rumours he'll not return why a certain somebodys at the club
  11. it's not rocket science,they can't fit them in our fixture list is crap always will be
  12. lets stick to facts, well press releases puk has never been offered a contract for 2013, niether has batch, hans has,sundstroms signed, we're guessing bjerre has
  13. that was the rumours i heard you could well be right,personaly i think there trying to cash in before the elite goes bang , if theres no sky deal in 2014 nobody will be able to afford to employ any off the top names so they'd be worthless
  14. so who's the undercover panthers officials who post on here
  15. no but i said alledged you can't see past your nose
  16. he's probaly has been offered a contract but wanted more money,hence they offered andersen a contract the bottom line is we don't know,nobody knows
  17. difference is they weren't (alledgedly) tapped up
  18. have you thought they might be selling there assets because the rules never allow to use them all at once,tell me a club what can survive on attendance figures bar poole in the elite, they've made no secret they never earned big money last season who's to say bjerres not been offered a contract ???
  19. whys bjerre 5th choice as no1 ??? who says panthers haven't offered him a contract stick to the facts
  20. thats the trouble you post without checking the facts
  21. the answers are out there,if you can see further than the end of your nose
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