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hans fan

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Everything posted by hans fan

  1. a decent reserve has the potential to score more points than a no1 (mind u it depends who the reserve is ) ,
  2. pocket games ... they'll only be 1 winner , and it aint the 1 with deep pockets and short arms so that rules horton out
  3. he sent them back and they got sorted , then he started flying again , but as i say we don't know what goes on , is shanes likely to miss grasstrack ??? hence why i think he'll be a witch
  4. Thats why he has a 7 average you can't have everything , earlier in the season he went thro a sticky patch thro no fault of his own , sent all his engines to be serviced and all 3 came back a bag of cack
  5. he was pants come end of season , but as usual we don't know the full ins and outs , he could have been carrying injuries (panthers wouldn't have been able to cover him with r&r that'll been worse ) could have had engine issues , we all get on the back of riders but it's not always possible that riders are able to turn up 100% fit with rocketship engines
  6. a wild guess holder lambert ulrich starke hansen heeps or 5 pt rider 2pt rider
  7. think panthers will be coming .02 under the limit this time
  8. he's had to get the big check book out to buy the club of the frosts ,
  9. thats what happens when you have a bloke at no1 who takes nearly a quarter of the points limit up or theres grondal who is red hot round rye house so might be able to get round foxhall with practice
  10. i'm guessing king schlein covatti newman lanham shanes hume
  11. did ged say at the forum , panthers had been in touch with a couple of plymouth riders before panthers 2016 line up was confirmed , and that he wouldn't be able to pay nowhere near what plymouth had offered riders
  12. if u give baby bjerre a racetrack instead of a gaters paradise he'll score big points , he's a alot better rider than his average , a very exciting rider to watch
  13. i do have to laugh at some of he guff posed by some , this is not the top league as we know it that team looks near on unbeatable to me ,
  14. lets hope panthers have a challenge match against lynn H a A before the real meetings start ,
  15. why keep posting teams without Ulrich , your wasting your time
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