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hans fan

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Everything posted by hans fan

  1. because panthers don't want a facility , if they wanted a facility holder would get a ban , how the happy clapper panthers fan club can agree with Rathbones decisions regarding this is beyond belief
  2. comical isn't it , Ged quoted after the 4s I get sick of all the doom and gloom and negativity that's surrounds british speedway . We need to start focusing on the positives of having a fantastic product and putting on the sort of show we did today . so what is there to be positive about today ??? , Rathbone is short changing the paying public it's simply not on , its taking the p155
  3. is that confirmed yet ??? , it wouldn't be a shock to me if he didn't ride Saturday could have 24 hour food poisoning after eating some iffy haggis Friday
  4. probably the same as a lot riders in poland f all panthers shouldn't be getting anything apart from a big fine and a severe reprimand from bspa
  5. so do I , that's me finished with panthers , Rathbone and the BSPA are robbing the paying public , hopefully the BSPA will have a big say and a big fine ,simply not on in any circumstances
  6. if holder rides for torun I hope he gets a 28 day ban ,taking the piss theses aussies if they didn't come to Britain they'd be no polish gig for them
  7. captain fantastic does the buiss in heat 14 again
  8. trouble is when you have riders like hall on speed dial you'll never get anywhere , panthers should have gone down guest route for lambert used shanes (when available) and carr , not impressed with the hiding of ostergaard (who shouldn't be anywhere near team next season) at no4 most of the season either , the only blessing this season is watching holder on a regular basis
  9. dunno watching holder at the showground takes some beating at the minute , he's near on unbeatable .I was never a fan of barker until he rode for panthers , he was fantastic on and off track , such a shame he followed the lolly
  10. thought it was 1 of the worse meetings of season racing wise , but we have been spoilt watching holder at showground
  11. don't be surprised if sedgmen gets a decent score today he's very quick around showground
  12. I wonder if all the witches p155 takers will turn up if they do it will be a bumper crowd
  13. you don't know whether its lies , never assume anything , riders availability change from day to day , carr could had previously had no intention of riding for panthers but changed his mind Monday night (nobody knows apart from ged and carr) , it all boils down to hall was crap and got sacked
  14. if he had done his job and scored points he wouldn't have been sacked , if I failed miserably at my job on a continual basis i'd be sacked that's the rule of the land
  15. said at the time as soon a lambert got injured we should have signed nobody and gone the guest route of shanes and carr
  16. cant see how Sheffield can fit him in they only have 2 pts to fit a rider in for JPB , shanes has a 2.11 average for premiership so no way can he come in championship on a 2
  17. double I would guess but still not as good as previous weeks
  18. be interesting to know what SCB thinks of the rules
  19. the most worrying thing was the size of the crowd worse I've seen for years (crowds have been very good up till tonight ) , hopefully a better crowd will turn up sunday but as you said Glasgow will spank us he is worth the admission money alone , got to be 1 of the most smoothest most natural riders of the showground I've seen in 11 years
  20. I agree . the moment lambert got injured panthers should have been straight on the phone to shanes or carr to guest at every opportunity , going back to signing hall is not the answer ,the same as signing oystercard year after year is not the answer , as for starke he pointed out it was clutch problems in his 1st 2 rides
  21. at the end of the day he's not hiding in the number 4 position and to be fair the sheffields no1 is a match for anybody round the showground when he's on it
  22. with the team we have we're capable of going to owlerton and win , when people were raving about oystercards last couple of performances he beat nobody of note , Today he was shown what he is , a very average rider at his home track , A big well done to Sheffield and also Dean Wyers and the track staff who produced a excellent race track
  23. most of sheffields riders ride the fence bar kurtz , if kurtz gates he's near on unbeatable round showground
  24. thats starkes 1st bad meeting of the season for panthers
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