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hans fan

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hans fan last won the day on January 25 2013

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  1. It’s been cack apart from the odd meeting since buster got his hands on it
  2. Your sheikh ain’t done no better signed riders you can’t afford
  3. The sports always been a joke…The biggest joke is the 5h1tshow panthers are running you just couldn’t make up what’s happening they all should hold there heads in shame
  4. Why he’s not the answer..his form round showground is up and down like a whores knickers
  5. He’s probably heard enough cack and excuses from certain individuals like a lot of others
  6. Esp when it comes from certain individuals who are not whiter than white
  7. The same attitude as them all put up or shut up. I see his comments to you on Facebook .If he’s pumped thousands of pounds into this 5h1tshow he’s not that clever
  8. Hardly a ground breaking signing .Panthers is put up with the 5h1te on offer. Just hit buster where it hurts his pocket .
  9. Thought MT was making sure they all had good equipment
  10. If a restaurant serves up substandard food you don’t eat there again if a branded clothing retail store sells clothes what fall to bits you don’t buy again but you seem to think that the paying speedway supporter should put up with the 5h1te team put together this season.last season was bad enough with the over the hill team and pea poor racing.The track this season is even worse The answer is serve up a decent show and people will pay …serve up filth and they won’t part with money in theses financial times
  11. Wait till he gets back to showground he’ll probably get a Audi next home match
  12. Surprised he got his name right …usually when he commentates he gets the wrong riders
  13. Astute businessman don’t pay over the odds for businesses what are worth nothing in 6 months… panthers will be bleeding money now the cack hits the fan
  14. Heard less guff from Horton than this lot and that takes some doing
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