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Triple D

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Everything posted by Triple D

  1. I was at the meeting with Jamie Tomasz. Gate positions for the semis were definately decided by points rather than a ballot system. That was what we were lead to believe although no one really knew what was going on and the people in charge were not to helpfull in passing on information. Although i am sure it was in the program about the gate positions just our polish wasnt 2 good so we didnt understand it when we originally read it.
  2. Triple D gate positions for semifinals and the final are balloted and are not determined based on rider's points in qualifying heats. Matej Zagar scored 15 points in qualifying heats in GP qualifier in Krsko on May 8th, but had to start from gate 3 in the semifinal. They were based on points scoring in the semis and on a ballot in the final. Highest scorers on the inside gates and lowest on the outside.
  3. Legault is the reserve not Jamie. The system was that whoever had scored more points during the meeting between the two guys who finished fourth in the semis went through as reserve. Real pain the new system as Jamie had some bad luck during the heats with engine trouble and clutch failure causing him to flip at the start in his fourth ride. With a good engine and clutch problems fixed he beat the eventual winner in his last ride and i believe he was the first non pole to beat a pole. Unfortunaly cause of his bad luck during the heats he had the outside gate in the semi due to his low score and was forced wide on the first turn. After that it was game over. Such a harsh way to go out as he, rory and the two poles looked the best riders on display but hopefully he will bounce back with a big score at hull on wednesday night.
  4. Not trying to have a bad elite league good premier league attitude. But surely having 18 teams in one league and 8 in the other shows that one must be a more viable option for promoters than the other. I agree that the teams need to be more evenly spread but they shouldnt do that by ruining the premier league format as it stands as it is proven to work. Surely its the elite league that needs restructuring to make it more viable for teams to move up into it. If you leave the elite as is and try getting teams to move up into it by changing the premier league then i can see teams going to the wall because they cant afford it. As far as i see it there arent many spare elite heat leaders about at present so to sign any elite riders of a decent heat leader status promoters are going to have to dangle big carrots in front of them as the riders will have a choice of clubs to sign for. Maybe they need to reduce the points limit in the Elite for one season so it turns it into a buyers market as such and drives the top riders wages down. I know it now seems as though i am contradicting myself after my comments about reducing the PL points limit but i believe there are more lower order riders to go around in the elite just not enough top riders. So lower order riders still wont be able to command much more money.
  5. Mr Hewlett wants a 45 limit. Heard that from a very reliable source. Pretty sure it was stated in the Somerset section in the Star this week or last. From what i remember it said he was in favour of a 45 point limit and a wage structure to try a keep clubs on an even playing field and to try and protect teams finances. Personally i think that reducing the points limit wont really reduce costs for the Premier as it will make 7 point riders more valuable as they are the ones more likely to raise averages by a good margin. Thus meaning they will demand more money from Promoters as they will have more places available to them. Also riders like Ben Barker are going to be able to demand more money as every promoter is going to be fighting over the good 3 pointers as they are thin on the groung at the moment.
  6. Apparently only three PL teams want a 40 limit. Those being IOW, Newport and Exeter. Trouble is all the Elite promoters want a 40 limit in the PL to force riders into the EL which in effect would cut costs for the EL aswell as they would have extra riders to choose from meaning riders couldnt make such high demands as there would be others willing to take the team spot. Its also hoped that this will encourage PL teams to move up. Would appear that there is a good chance that the Elite promoters will get their own way which really annoys me as why should the PL be messed about with to make the EL stronger. Seems to me all decisions made at the annual conference every year is about making life better for the EL and trying to degrade the PL. If the 40 point limit is introduced next season i can see the first part of the PL season being a farce with teams getting riders to keep averages down so that when the new green sheets come in and they can make team changes to 45 points they will end up loads stronger.
  7. Martin Dugard and Craig Boyce who both had some memorable punch ups on Sky. Also remember Andrew Silver for being a hard case.
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