If KK was a colour in this league it would be pallid like off white or something that makes you think wish washy.
Bomber would be red white and blue and last of the proms and full of vigour
nurse the screens please.
The gist is that Mick has backers to stump up the £2million to purchase Brandon as a motor sports stadium.
But obviously as housing land it's worth many times that and there is no way Sandhu would accept that price although if it gets turned down for housing there might be a slim chance ,but the developers will just keep trying until they get permission.
It also mentions the mysterious new site for a stadium that may be revealed before Christmas .
But howarth rode in the top 5 so his average counts, so he can now ride at reserve ,but if you were a heat leader in the top 5 your average might be skewwiffy so there are only 3 allowed per team and a second string can have a higher average than a heat leader now ,what's difficult to follow?
I agree we should have been more proactive replacing Robson and we went for the safe option who by then was out of form.
Not so damning with replacing joonas as most riders did not want to come over for the scrag end of the season that or Mick was offering peanuts.
Back to 2016 team if rumours are correct then are looking like,
Joonas or Danny
Barker reserve
3.00 draft ,hopefully roller.
He says no final decisions are made but it is clear who we will build the team around ( assuming bomber) and that he is still looking to bring in a number one.