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Everything posted by naffer

  1. I think it is understandable to react to this news with a dose of cynicism due to the other tracks that have withered away. Planning consent is obviously a complicated matter and the "local need "requirement does seem potty when we have been evicted from Brandon at the end of the season. But these rules are in place to protect all of us from inappropriate developments . I am remaining positive ,as before I thought we were just going to fade away,I am sure a lot of preparotry work with the planning application has been done reading Jeremy heavers statement. Lets hope for a positive outcome but remember the realists maxim," Talk is cheap stadiums cost money" Up the bees
  2. It's like trying to undo the Gordian knot this planning thing then if you have to be homeless from one venue before you can build a new stadium. Does explain the need for a cut off point at least. Up the bees
  3. Great footage ,looks great doesn't it ,a home worthy of the Aces and their fantastic heritage.
  4. Something positive at last ,fingers crossed it can progress in a timely fashion. I cannot believe a new site could be operational by 2017 but hope it can be. I Am unsure what powers cov city council or rugby borough council can assert in this matter but surely now is the time to get involved and delay the housing at Brandon until we can move to a new stadium in a seamless manner. Up the bees
  5. Let's hope for the best. We can possibly take some solace from the fact that the Ex Garden centre opposite the stadium has had a housing development refused, but when are the various parties involved going to blink on this one. We have been kept waiting for news on a possible site for ages, fingers crossed this is the news wozzer updated us on. I am still amazed that the People behind the housing at Brandon haven't submitted an application to Rugby BC . I do have a horrible feeling we are going to fade away ,but cling on to the hope that somehow we don't, however ludicrous that is. Up the Bees.
  6. But that does not make much business sense from Sandhu if planning consent rumbles on for several years of potential lost rent. He strikes me as a guy who wants the stadium rent on Friday and money from the land sell off on the following Monday. Once outline planning is permitted there is plenty of time to evict motor sports for vacant posession. Still wait and see I suppose , positive news on a new site would be most welcome Up the bees.
  7. What I don't understand is this Why the haste to shut down Brandon after this season when there is no planning application placed with rugby BC?
  8. The BSPA like this one, underwater soot juggling, makes a change from rule unknotting.
  9. Pictures and story on the bees website now for little boy blue.
  10. That's an impossible timeframe unless we are on a priority pass for planning permission with no neighbours for 5 miles. And Nick knowles as construction manager.
  11. Peter Karlsson or Fingers North not a lot else, from past seasons Patrick Hougard or Simon Gustafson but the only real gem would have been Michelsen as far as I can see. But I assume North will be at Swindon or staying in Oz and if he stays in the Southern Hemisphere Michelsen might well be in Wiltshire.
  12. And they have had to reinforce the pit wall for (raging bull)Josh Bates
  13. TheThing is with Newman,he rides the best in the play offs and outscores his opposition bloody little pain in the ass.
  14. If you get Michelsen on his Swedish form you will have a very competitive side. Are there any other Aussies that can fit in?
  15. It is Workington and I believe Poole have priority if he joins an Elite league side.
  16. Matt was going he wanted a 4 man team while everyone else had to have 3 .
  17. Thorsell did go well last time at Brandon he might be worth a shout he would probably relish a year away from the chuckle brothers.
  18. You will probably sign PK again ,happy days at the kennel.
  19. Michelsen would be a good option ,I have a feeling we will be well under the team limit as hinted at in the local paper a couple of times. Not sure who it could be ,but we can rule out Zengi and Bjerre as long as its not saucepan.
  20. Quite right one day your the Pigeon next day you are the statue .
  21. What a track Somerton Park was ,I remember seeing the Bees ride there in the early 70's there were more bumps and holes in that track than anything I have ever seen .The bees had Booey and (guest for Garry Middleton )the late Kevin Holden. Newport had Phil Crump who was magnificent and I think Neil street Jim tebby and Roy trigg. We lost 50 odd to 20 odd happy days Ole just around the corner to rescue us .
  22. The injury has not yet fully healed and he will not be fit to ride this year. There was an article about him in the SS a couple of weeks ago ,the bone he broke is apparently one of the hardest to heal .
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