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Everything posted by naffer

  1. Don't go all factual on us muffinmeister kneejerk reactions, plain stupidity ,innuendos and wild arsed guessing are the order of the day on here.
  2. Not to mention ex riders or assets, auty stead Nicholls and Howarth.
  3. I think that is correct, but good to see PK riding in our league ,I love his Swedish/Black Country twang.
  4. Hancock, shamek pawlicki,smolinski.
  5. Looking around the Brandon massive I don't think that will prove too much of a clash, if there was a hip replacement conference on though that might drag a few away.
  6. Bloody track is,ridge and furrow ,to coin an agricultural term .
  7. Still pending which seems rather strange as house building in Warwickshire is going faster than fast Freddie.
  8. TBF Chancer Horton keeps making vague noises about there being a chance of staying at Brandon for a bit longer hoping for the best.
  9. We need Holmes and Watson to investigate the bees , A study in yellow and black ,the missing heat leader. Time to get my deerstalker .
  10. Memo to my solicitor. "Please insert this condition to my will, Can you arrange for the 2016 coventry speedway management to lower my coffin, So they can let me down one more time"
  11. He is leaving that to Davey ,who has had to walk the plank
  12. To be fair it's not like mick to be vague he is normally a shoot from the hip bloke .
  13. But where are the other options? Zengota and Kenneth bjerre maybe. I am assuming people like Michelsen Mjj and sundstrom are not interested in the uk ,loopy lugholes and the GP riders won't do it so I do believe it is a limited pool of riders that are available to bolster us ,but get the right rider in at 3 and we would suddenly look much more competitive.
  14. With the reserves I thought it would be one reserve and one fast track after two years of being cushioned with the easier heats and back to the original heat format, equally I originally thought that after implementing the heat leader list to spread out riders with advantageous low averages we would then go back to the original race format so it wouldn't happen again. But no ,we plod on with more rules that most fans struggle to understand ,me included ,to strangle the sport into confusion and much head scratching. Keep it simple but no ,with speedway it's keep it stupid simple.
  15. Yes I remember that but I think the problem was a Wessex 4.00 looks like a 5.00 everywhere else in the shire.
  16. And here is me thinking somebody from the BSPA did it by sticking their fingers in their ears and going ting a ling a loo.
  17. Crikey me it's like a Victor Meldrew convention on here with Leonard Cohen providing the music. Up the bees
  18. I think he had the one season riding for Boston in the premier league or whatever it was called then and from then on he rode for the stars. What a prodigious talent he was, I remember him riding against Ole when he would be 16/17 and pushing him all the way in his first appearance at Brandon, superb rider.
  19. You would have to be thick or biased or both if you think that could work
  20. Sounds like we have a d€$k swinger in town.
  21. And listening to jeremy heavers interview ,with the things they are having to do to be eco friendly putting up temporary stands would not be meeting the green requirements .
  22. I think if people could see progress in the proposed Eco stadium, a year at Leicester could be entertained. If it drags on beyond that then I could see it being more difficult to maintain the support. 18 months from now to sort out the planning minefield and then 9 months to build a stadium an optimistic timetable but could be done if there is a will to achieve it. Dealing with three local authorities is not ideal though . Up the bees
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