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Everything posted by Wackie

  1. Im sorry but i think thats perthetic.... Dont even know why you started this topic...as its a waste off time+space... Im going to give him a good reception Maybe because a large number of people have voiced on this forum their displeasure at the way Pedersen deals with competitors who get in his way, they want to make their feelings known to him at Cardiff. It's no different to the way the riders & their teams reacted by giving Hancock a huge cheer and pats on the back following the re-run of ht 21 in Prague last weekend, and I wouldn't call any of them pathetic! No-one is asking you to personally jeer, boo, blow kisses or do anything else at Cardiff, you can cheer, clap, jump up and down or do cart wheels if you wish when he's announced to the crowd but I wouldn't expect you to be in the majority!
  2. Mark Loram Scott Nicholls Lee Richardson Joe Screen David Howe David Norris Danny Bird Chris Neath Gary Havelock Carl Stonehewer
  3. after watching the first two hours of the gp (i.e. no racing!) on tape I can see how ridiculous this comment was and it really is time to get to the opticians and start drinking soft drinks But the soft drinks were more expensive than the beer! I was on a budget so it made sense for me to drink the cheaper option (that's my excuse anyway)
  4. Had a fantastic weekend and even the rain couldn't spoil the party! Great city and only saw one stag do all weekend! Good to meet you too Splatty (even though I wasn't what you expected! ) Probably met a few others as well, but must admit after being at the stadium over 4 hours before the meeting actually started I wasn't the most coherent person that evening.
  5. Oh yeh.....forgot about that........and my autpgraph book....What else? An umbrella! Looking at forecast there could be some rain on Saturday Take your NP fleece as well, doesn't look as though it'll be warm either!
  6. I'll take my blanket, fold up chair and flask to help maintain my sensible image, should be fine as long as no-one try's talking to me.
  7. Thanks for that Rob, should make things easier me anyway! We fly out from Southampton on Thursday afternoon. Haven't sorted any currency yet (this trip's kind of crept up on us all of a sudden), I take it, it's quite easy to exchange sterling in Prague at reasonable exchange rates. Not taking anything which will make me recognisable, as I plan to get completely trollied, so the less people who know me the better! JY2003, I hope your Red & blonde streaks are in the vein of St George and not <spits> the Danish flag!
  8. Congratulations Matej! Hope he didn't celebrate too much last night, we need him today to help slay those tiggers.
  9. We head out next Thursday afternoon. Never been to Prague before so haven't got a clue where we will be or where we are going! Hoping to get "adopted" by some Polish fans though, they seem to know how to enjoy themselves.
  10. An 8pt EL average this season riding at second string would suggest he's not pants! Compares very nicely to the (soon to be deposed) World Champion who has only managed an 8.42 average so far this season.
  11. Phone the ticket hotline. They will be able to allocate you the different priced seats all in the same row.
  12. Much cheaper if you organise the trip yourself though. Have arrange a GP trip to Prague, 3 nights accomodation & flights for around £150 each
  13. I'd love to see Tony win the overall championship again, but think it will take a major cock up on the part of Pedersen and Crump if he is to do it. Failing that I suppose I'd like Pedersen to win it overall. Not a huge fan of his (but that has more to do with his fan club members getting up my nose :roll: ), but cannot stand Crump so it's the lesser of two evils. Like Britpeter, if Crump wins it the TV's going off straight away, but if he loses I'll keep the tape recording a little bit longer. Can imagine the dummy spitting scenes could be the most spectacular we have ever seen.
  14. Monday Monday (mamma's & pappa's?) always reminds me of speedway as it's been played at Reading for years. Perfect by Fairground Attraction is another one, played every time Per Jonsson won a heat at Smallmead (anyone around Smallmead during the early 90's must know that song off by heart... we heard it often enough )
  15. Hands up, I was dubious about the team choice for the SWC, but all the boys really did themselves and us proud. Their commitment could not be faulted and the team spirit was amazing. On a track which isn't suited to 5 rider races and was far from conducive to what we know as racing, we should be happy that the boys were there battling for a medal place until the last few races, and that they all came away from the meeting in one piece!
  16. Thought this was one of those "only joking" threads again! It's not as if Team GB are going to win the SWC, so why not give one of the younger lads some experience at this level :x Denmark fielded a very young team last year, and look how their youngsters are progressing!
  17. I remember him Grachan, although only at Smallmead & Blunsdon, thought he came from Swindon.
  18. Think were in L42, so when Tricky win's we'll come over and celebrate with you Sting
  19. Call me biased but Reading's 1990 BL and KO Cup winning team has got to be up there with the best:- 1. Per Jonsson - World Champ in 1990 but only 3rd in Racers averages in '90 :? One of, if not the best rider ever to don the whinged wheel. 2. Jan Andersson - Reading legend, instrumental in Per's success 3. Todd Wiltshire - signed in March as Racers #7, rode his was to the top of the Racers averages by May! Finished the season with 9+ ave. World #3 in '90 4. Armando Castagna - another Reading legend, brought in mid way through season to replace injured Tony Olsson. Partnered is old mate Donkey which became one of the best riding partnerships Reading has ever seen. 5. Jem Doncaster - Team Captain, Commonwealth Champion 1990 (I think!), had an understanding on track with Gino which was unbelievable to watch. 6. Dave Mullet - another Racers legend in the making (at the time) 7. Dave Steen - doubled up as stadium electrician, and allegedly, part time stripper too! Team Manager - Tim Sugar A team with out and out stars, but no prima donna's The team spirit in 1990 was unbelievable, and has never been matched by a Reading team since.
  20. Per Jonsson Not the best technical rider in the world, but certainly one of the most naturally gifted.
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