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Everything posted by Wackie

  1. How do you know that? Andy Smith got back into the GP's enough times through a qualifier!
  2. I'm well chuffed for Matej. (Does this mean he'll be a Racer again in 2006 under the wing of John Postlewhaite? ) I've had the pleasure of being able to watch Matej at Smallmead for two seasons. and know he's got the talent, ability and determination to do well. He'll give a good account of himself in the GP's next season. The same can be said for PUK. Both these riders are the GP stars of the future and have to be introduced into the series now to aid their progression as some of the current top stars draw nearer to the end of their careers. Not too sure about Pepe's inclusion - personally I'd have like to have another young rider introduced instead.
  3. Congratulations Poland on an awesome performance which completely blew away their opposition. No one tonight was going to stop them, but there was some good hard and fast racing from all teams which kept alive a meeting where the winners were a forgone conclusion. Fantastic to also see a very animated Tomas Gollob finally pick up a FIM gold medal. Over the past week he's turned the clock back 6 or 7 years and has become the Gollob of old again. If that form continutes the speedway world will be a much more exciting place. Obviously disappointing that the Brits didn't pick up a medal, but take away the joker points scored by the Danes and Swedes and they were on par with them. Richardson should have done enough to silence some doubters tonight. But I guess even being the only rider to beat Gollob won't be enough for some. Some question marks over the performance of Nicholls, Screen and Middlo! Between the 3 of them a silver or bronze medal opportunity was lost. Bomber and Steady in particular probably did more than anyone ever expected and have showed that there is a future for Team GB.
  4. Look back, I've not questioned anyone on why they are supoprting a specific country. I was asking if I would be considered a hypocrite supporting the Brits when my favorite rider would be in opposition to them. Don't see why there shouldn't be a debate on here about who people support either, it's a forum! Agree though, may the best team win (we all know that ain't going to be the Danes! ). Just hope the track is prepared for racing and not just to suit the Poles.
  5. Tony Rickardsson is probably my favourite rider. I'd like to see him do well on Satuday, but don't want Sweden to win. I'll be supporting team GB which includes a rider I'm not overly keen about, am I a hypocrite or patriotic?
  6. He was 16 when he first rode for Reading Hardly an experienced speedway rider or one with top spec equipment in those days. I'm not a huge fan of Lee, but I'll support him when he's wearing that union jack as I would any other Brit. You could see it meant a lot to him (as it did with all the boys) on Sunday to be representing his country, it's just a shame some people can't put their personal dislikes to side for a week and give the GB team the full support they deserve.
  7. May just be a personality thing, where he's always got a negative state of mind. You know like these people who never have a good word to say about someone they've got a bug bear with no matter how much the person tries to prove their worth!
  8. How many meetings has Richardson not started for Swindon this season?
  9. Poland & Denmark to go through with the Aussies missing out in the last heat after leading much of the meeting - that'll give them (and their plastic fans) something to really whinge about.
  10. ..... but are also quite happy to slag Britains top rider on the night off before and after the event! Seems to me a some sad old groupies who can't pick fault in Lee's performance last night have decided to start a character assasination instead! If Lee wasn't so proud to represent his country I wouldn't blame him from telling people to shove it up their jacksie.
  11. Bet Lee feels overwhelmed with the support he's getting from so called fans. Can't you lot knit yourself some mittens so you can't type further cr@p on this forum!
  12. Unbelievable, quite unbelievable. The amount of rubbish Lee has taken on this and other threads from so called TeamGB fans is bang out of order. At the end of the day, Floppy has just come back from a long layoff and isn't race fit for the SGP and Loram also isn't fit. Like it or not Loram isn't the world beater he once was - I think he's had his day at international level and it's time to let the young guns (yes that includes Richardson) show their worth. As for Richardson complaining about feeling ill when interviewed - Loram is one of the biggest culprits for this - always something wrong. Nicholls is similar always got something to moan about. I guess as these are the golden boys for some of the blinkered so called Team GB fans (saddos) on here it doesn't get picked up or is put down to part of their character. Lee rode his nuts off for his Country last night and what thanks does he get? None - just constant slating & bitching. Like him or not, he's young and he's going to be around for a few years to come - probably long after Loram & Floppy have retired, so get over it and SUPPORT ALL OF OUR BOYS or p!ss off and support the Aussies instead!
  13. It looks like it..... Czech GP not gonna be in May........ <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Woo hoo..... that's the best news I've heard all day Means I should be able to make it to Prague again next year - must remember to stay off the Pivo this time though, would be nice to remember who made the final.
  14. Surprised you can remember much about your last trip to Prague Rico Hoping the Prague GP isn't in May next year as I won't be able to make it if it is. Could always try a Polish GP instead, but it seems much easier travelling to and around Czecho than Poland.
  15. Shame on you Andy!! Confusing Per for Mavis, how could you!
  16. Reading through Ander's interview makes you realise how soft some of the riders of today are. Shame the breed Anders came from has died out from speedway today. Mighty Mitch vs Naughty Nicki!!! Bet I can guess who would come out the victor out of those two.
  17. Haven't subscribed yet, but after picking up Issue 4 at Smallmead last night don't think it will be too long before I do. What a fantastic magazine!! Certainly put's the other rag I buy weekly to shame. If I subscribe, do I get the 3 previous issues sent to me too?
  18. Speedway growing in popularity in Norway too. Sure I've read the viewing figures for the GP's are up in Norway from previous years. Wild cards chosen obviously a commercial decision.
  19. Thought it was reported that it was Matej's mechanic/father involved in the fracas with Crump & not Matej! Some people still only read in between the lines don't they! Why let fact's get in the way of a good gossip or slagging match eh!
  20. Because some people have nothing better to do.
  21. You must be a football fan Not at all, just having a laugh at another situation blown way out of proportion. Something maybe a few others should try!
  22. Only a yellow card!!!! Personally I'd have given him a medal!
  23. Would imagine Bowls is slightly more exciting that speedway at Brough Park this season!
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