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cowboy cookie returns?

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cowboy cookie returns? last won the day on May 11 2023

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  1. When Jason arrived at Ipswich in 2022 it got me & a few others who had become once or twice visitors to going to around half that seasons home fixtures. The last two seasons with Jason & Emil we have been pretty much ever presents accept missing meetings due to holidays. Those two have had a massive impact on Ipswich speedway & brought the feel good factor back.
  2. Because if Hawkins is here then it makes it almost a dead cert King will be back & in the interest of both parties King needs to be elsewhere next year.
  3. First job for Ipswich is to retain Guy Nicholls after that I’d retain Jason, Emil , Rew Thompson & possibly Ellis depending on numbers. Replace King & Hawkins
  4. It appears that the Doyle deal is done. I’m not convinced Emil will be back appears to be a choice between the UK & Sweden. I think that will come down to what works best for him & his family. The only thought I have is will he decide that there is unfinished business & commit to a 3rd season as a Witch. I really hope that we see the third instalment of the Jason & Emil show. I’d certainly have Rew & Thompson back & if the points allow also Ellis. Jenkins was also showing some good form before his injury so I guess he is a possibility . The rider that they need to nail down early is Brennan massive improvement to come next year & a real racer.
  5. At the moment it would appear it’s a choice between England & Sweden for Emil next year. Hopefully he decides to come back to England we all know if he does it’s 100% Ipswich. Part of me thinks that he’ll decide on Sweden however I also get the feeling he knows that there is unfinished business with Ipswich. If he does return then I think next year will be he last.
  6. I’m pretty certain that Dan would find some Tru Plant sponsorship coming his way if needed
  7. Phil Morris must be very pleased with all the social media traffic that has been generated because of the match fixing ref
  8. It was good to hear Ipswich have already started to build for next year. Hopefully we’ll come back stronger!
  9. Sorry but I have to disagree. Danny was protected at number 2 tonight & failed to beat an opponent. In heat 8 he just had to ride the line instead he went off line in to the rubbishe & fell. A 5-1 there and the pressure is off. Time & time again when you need a big ride from King it doesn’t happen. Jason & Emil have in the main masked this however plenty of Ipswich fans have been vocal about him going missing at vital times for at least the last 2 years a point proven again tonight.
  10. Kvech & Rew are both young & learning while riding in heat leader positions King is the experienced rider who was protected at number 2 and failed to beat an egg.
  11. The Leicester number 8 Turnball should get the rider of the night award
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