For those of you who tried but couldn't watch the webcast of Danny's funeral due to the volume of interest, it is still available to view for a short while. Go to user name is west5697 password 768472.
Lioness - with respect, as Tsunami has deleted the “offending” post maybe you could edit it out of yours - otherwise there is little point in the original disappearing!
Pretty sure that wouldn't work for me - I like to decide for myself what is a highlight or not, as it is basically the opinion of the person watching.
Have BT retained the SGP's? (sorry if this has been answered somewhere in the previous 32 pages).
I will not be happy if Harris “graces us” with his presence. Pearson & Tatum are always saying he’s a 100% trier - they obviously didn’t witness him when he was in the Brummies team before.......shocking doesn’t cover it.
I suspect Birmingham Brummies surprised quite a few with their performance - proud of Adam & Tero.
Congratulations to the Glasgow pairing on their success.
1) We need to move on!
2) Already in a position.
3) Would Mitch be prepared to travel from Scotland week in week out for no pay? Doubt it very much!
4) Sorry - don't rate him.
5) Aren't there health issues still?
Ultimately, the decision/choice is with the Masons.
How exactly is my comment any more pathetic than yours? I can assure you I'm no stick in the mud - I just appreciate that constant sniping is not proactive & gets you nowhere. You obviously dislike Lawrence, so who is your alternative?
Think we've all got the message you've got an "issue" with the team manager - can you give it a rest now? The people you are preaching at can't do a fecking thing about it, so what is the point? You need to be directing your bile towards David & Peter Mason - but I guess you know what answer you'd get from that direction!