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Everything posted by kitten2502

  1. Has anyone else purchased the SGP Challenge meeting on dvd? I bought 3 copies direct from ReRun - 1 for me and 2 to send out to my friends who are Martin Smolinski fans in Germany. I have to say how very disappointed I am at the quality of the filming and editing. I really don't think it's too much to ask to actually see 4 complete laps per race rather than the disjointed effort served up for a meeting of this magnitude. I attended the meeting and this dvd, in my opinion is a rather embarrassing reflection of the event. Maybe it's just my copy that is rubbish - I hope it is otherwise I'll regret sending those 2 copies out to Bavaria.
  2. Hoping there will be some on sale at Birmingham for that very same reason.
  3. Not a kidney infection - kidney damage (bruising) caused by the fall at Monmore on Monday. Also possible tear to his spleen - according to his website. Complete rest ordered so will miss the Longtrack GP3 in Marmande this weekend.
  4. I know that refreshments were served from the pits hut - although I didn't know they were free - they kept it pretty quiet, not deliberately I'm sure!
  5. Well the supporters club couldn't rustle up enough interest to make the trip viable - so is anyone travelling from Brum with spare car space to offer a lift there & back? Obviously fuel cost covered. Really want to go - so would appreciate any help
  6. Is there anyone travelling from Brum who has spare car space to give me a lift to (and hopefully back!) Thursdays meeting? Gutted that the suporters club couldn't rustle up enough interest to make it a viable trip. Really would appreciate it if a lift could be arranged
  7. Can someone please order some drier and slightly warmer weather for Thursday? I'm hoping to make the trip up from Brum - always enjoyed our PL visits to Owlerton, so hoping to see some good racing there again!
  8. Any Brummies fans out there wishing to travel to see the lads tackle a Premier League outfit? BSSC are looking to run a minibus up to Owlerton and need more bodies (preferably live ones!!) to make it happen. Sheffield is a big, fast track which should suit Smoli & Nico. So, for BSSC Members it'll cost a £10 for transport, non members only £12.50. Call Sue on the hotline 07897 556676 between 7pm - 10pm for more details/to book your seat. I REALLY want to go - so please don't let me down!!
  9. Who says he is going anywhere? Where do the rumours come from?
  10. Correct me if I'm wrong - aren't the sponsors sponsoring the team and not the CM? No one man is bigger than the club surely.
  11. Noticed the website is offline - but where are you getting the other info from? If the riders were unhappy why have 5 of last seasons 7 re-signed?
  12. Having spoken with Martin Smolinski who is working on this project with Egon Muller the main idea is to get kids involved with the sport - there is no maintenance work involved, no grease or grime. As a starting point it is just pure fun for them - that is what will get them hooked (hopefully - well that is their plan) by Martin's own admission the speed element still needs to be worked on, but it's coming along. Surely it's got to be worth a try!
  13. This is a genuine question - what do clubs actually invest when a rider becomes an asset?
  14. Any news on when & where? Nothing mentioned on the Hammers site as yet.
  15. That is GREAT news - thank you for letting us know. I looked to see if that was stated anywhere - I would've said it upfront if it was the case. As there was no mention I assumed not, hence me not bidding. I would honestly prefer to pay over and above the official price knowing where the money will end up.
  16. Thanks - but I'd rather get one officially and donate to the Richardson family fund............
  17. If there is a reprint, I would love one if it was availible via mail order.
  18. So very pleased that there was a massive turnout for this meeting - couldn't be there in person, but definitely there in spirit. Hoping there will be a dvd available in due course. Very proud of my speedway family tonight!
  19. I hope tonight's meeting is the fitting tribute it deserves to be - in honour of #RICO.
  20. According to the BSPA site: WESTERNAPOLIS, Plymouth 1 Todd Kurtz (Plymouth) 2 James Holder (Plymouth) 3 Jake Anderson (Plymouth) 4 Dan Greenwood (Dudley)
  21. I wish it was logistically possible for me to get to this meeting - I promise to be there in spirit - as will Lee I'd guess.
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